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<br /> ° .',, .: � of Maabat'tan,City and State of Naw York,or at the o�e of any transfer ", ' , ' ,;�� '
<br /> ' _.� � 5' �;'_,.� a�ent designated by the CompaaY for suT h purpp�s,for one or more .��;'``,rti , {
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<br /> .�i����;;,�� reg{stereti Bonds aff Serles L of like teno a�Ad teruas and fos the same , i�' �, ' n
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<br /> -�;;��f1�����4r;�,:;�'� • ;, . . su�bject ta�the provisions of Uuiud States Fedaral income tau laws in �,.��'„ ,' , `i : �.,',';
<br /> ;�s �. ��� aad the eaceha�aSe shall aot be made if �r��l'+ ,;,,
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<br /> `�������;'r��° .�;r,��• �� haa advised the Com that as .�
<br /> �J � tO the Compaay �Y ) .,�
<br /> j��4���;{1,�;����''��1�'��i, the Comp�y nwy suffer adve�e coasequeac�under eucti laws.CoupoA � 4�;��;, ���;'�;�:`�i�`ji?•M�k,�:,.F;
<br /> �"r°�`°y:�t���;;:�:: '��� Hoads of S�riea L suarenderad ia exchaa e for Bonds of Serles L • r�+ `�� {,, � ;�����
<br /> , ;�..`�r,f Qn g re��stered :
<br /> i �' ,��•, ,i, ��.x,.,
<br /> ':��,�..Yh-:},€��'.�;�;��. atter t1� close of businass at aay sucb o�ice oa(i)aay Record Date�and �,,��;.�,��;;.� ,,,,.�,,,�,,.,� . --
<br /> �° 'f�j',ti�{�����'•.�'..� befon the close of business at sucb office on tho relevant Iaurest payment . � � ''� '
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<br /> j_,��- �•�t,' � ��:�� . - .�.,,, n ..
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<br /> 6 �, ���( ;�ti�l�,
<br /> ,.. ;�,►%'��i, , coupoa Boads of Series I.. • •'�', ,
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