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202305141 <br />employer and provide a copy to the Clerk of the Hall County District Court and to <br />the Defendant. <br />All child support payments shall become delinquent the day after they are <br />due and owing, and interest shall not accrue until thirty (30) clays after the payments <br />are delinquent and said interest shall be computed as simple interest, except that for <br />so long as child support payments are being withheld from the Plaintiff's income, the <br />Plaintiff shall not be regarded or reported as being delinquent or in arrears if (a) any <br />delinquency or arrearage is solely caused by a disparity between the schedule of the <br />Plaintiff's regular pay dates and the schedule date the child support is due; (b) the <br />total amount of child support to be withheld from the Plaintiff's paycheck and the <br />ordered amount of support are the same on an annual basis; and (c) the income <br />withholding is continuous and occurring. Delinquent child support shall accrue <br />interest at the rate of .41 percent per annum. <br />Pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat. § 42-364.13, the Plaintiff is advised that under <br />Nebraska law, any person ordered to pay a judgment for child, medical, as part of the <br />dissolution proceedings is required to furnish to the Clerk of the Hall County District <br />Court in which the proceeding was held, her street address, telephone number, social <br />security number, the name of her employer, whether or not such person has access to <br />employer -related health insurance coverage and, if so, the health insurance policy <br />information and any other information the court deems relevant until such judgment <br />is paid in full. The Plaintiff is also required to advise the Clerk of any changes in <br />such information between the time of entry of the Order and payment of the judgment <br />in full. Failure to comply with the provisions of this law shall be punishable by <br />contempt. <br />Plaintiff further is advised that in the event she fails to pay any child support, <br />or medical payment, as such failure is certified each month by the Clerk of the Hall <br />County District Court in which court-ordered support is delinquent in an amount <br />equal to the support due and payable for a one-month period of time, the Plaintiff <br />may be required to appear in court and show cause why such payment was not made. <br />In the event the Plaintiff fails to pay and appear as ordered, a warrant shall be issued <br />for her arrest. <br />B. REALM INSURANCE <br />Defendant shall continue to maintain health insurance for the minor <br />children as long as it remains available through his employer at a reasonable cost. <br />All unreimbursed healthcare costs shall be shared by the parties with the Plaintiff <br />2 <br />PagecRO ofp <br />
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