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2023051 41 <br />party to the other except as herein expressly set forth; that both parties have had <br />full access to the books and records of the other and both parties have full <br />knowledge as to the business affairs of each other and the nature, extent and value <br />of the property of the other and that the parties agree that this Agreement is fair <br />and reasonable and not unconscionable. <br />22. MUTUAL RELEASES: In consideration of the provisions of this <br />Agreement, the parties will release one another as follows: <br />(a) The Defendant will and does accept the benefits of this <br />Agreement in full and complete satisfaction of allowances, financial claims, <br />monetary demands, property claims and rights, and support money of every <br />character, kind, and nature whatsoever which she has or may acquire as the <br />Defendant or widow of the Plaintiff or otherwise or in the event of his death, as an <br />heir at law or surviving spouse of the Plaintiff or otherwise; and the Defendant <br />will and does relinquish and waive all future, present, or other interests in the <br />property of the Plaintiff, including but not limited to any and all interest that may <br />exist under a current Will, Estate Plan, Trust or other designation as beneficiary <br />that may exist in any life insurance policy, annuity, or account that would be <br />payable to the Defendant upon death of the Plaintiff, except as may be specifically <br />addressed under the provisions of this Agreement. <br />(b) The Plaintiff will and does accept the benefits of this <br />Agreement in full and complete satisfaction of all allowances, financial claims, <br />monetary demands, property claims and rights, and support money of every <br />character, kind and nature whatsoever which he has or may acquire as the Plaintiff <br />or widower of the Defendant or otherwise or in the event of her death, as an heir <br />at law or surviving spouse of the Defendant or otherwise; and the Plaintiff will <br />and does relinquish and waive all future, present, or other interests in any <br />property, including but not limited to any and all interest that may exist under a <br />current Will, Estate Plan, Trust or other designation as beneficiary that may exist <br />in any life insurance policy, annuity, or account that would be payable to the <br />Plaintiff upon death of the Defendant, except as may be specifically addressed <br />under the provisions of this Agreement. <br />(c) This Agreement will be and is a complete, final, and full <br />settlement of all matters in dispute between the Plaintiff and the Defendant; and, <br />the event of the death of either the Plaintiff or the Defendant within thirty (30) <br />days after the Court decrees a Dissolution of Marriage, and before such Decree <br />becomes final and operative, this Agreement will be and remain in full force and <br />9 <br />Page / P of 3(C) <br />
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