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202304759 <br />STAKING SHEET - UNDERGROUND <br />Company: OPTK Networks Exchange: Beatrice <br />CONSTRUCTION PROJECT NOTES <br />The State County. Coy person*' shall be notified a minimum of forty eight 1481 hours In advance of Inbar protect <br />constructor. <br />2 The unity company and the cortracton s are responsible to have at least one person on the rob at an braes, that Is <br />'see supervisor` certified <br />3 The contractor snarl adhere to the current perm! and contract specifications <br />4 The locations of ani aerial and underground uM4y faoleles may not be indicated on the project pans The contractor <br />Is required to contact the Nebraska and Colorado 811 one call notification Center Idol 8' 1 1forty-eght 1481 hours <br />prior to working In the city right of way No excavabon will be pern+med In the area of the underground utrees until <br />all facilities have been located and identified to the satisfaction of all partes The contractor seal be responsible for <br />prolecton of all underground and aerial Ubbe's and infrastructure <br />5 Whenever underground redlines are in close proxrmlty 10 the proposed pathway location or of the vertmeal <br />10.39041 of the underground facility is unknown. the contractor shall use special measures to determine the locations <br />of such underground toddies <br />a N the contractor rs oonduceng the excavation by digging from the surfacewhen in a dose proxlmty to the <br />underground food..., the Contractor still use hand drgg'ng hydro excavating. or dr ercavabrg to locate sue^ <br />facility <br />b. lf the contractor is concluding the excavation by tunneling or boring, eine contractor shall determine the vertical <br />location of the underground fadkty by potholing or any other method approved by the director of pubic works and <br />ublmes <br />8 •rojeet plans shall dimension new faal(bes being nstaaed <br />7 Jnless agreed b 1n writing n advance the dept, of instated faal4res in any and county row seal be at a m1n1113rn <br />as blows <br />a. Forty-eight 1481 inches n soil <br />b. Forty-eight 148) inches below a projected slope from the flow line of a ditch at a three Ill horizontal and one <br />vertical slope <br />c cony -tight 1481 inches under a roadway measured from the surface of said roadway to the top of the installation <br />d Sixty 1801 inches under 3 storm water or creek channel design bottom Or pip, and <br />e Mantas a minimum of twenty-four 1241 Inches of vertical and horizontal spacing from existing utilities <br />1 Be located as far horn the existing or proposed curb line as possible to avoid potential futur* conflicts <br />8 Al non -street surface materials that are disturbed by excavation and backfiring operations shall be replaced and <br />restored <br />9 City and county street surface materials disturbed shall be backfired, tamped and repaved by arty or county forces <br />or approved pa0ng contractor <br />10 N Sidewalk. WM*IJ chair ramps or any pp4401, of the pedestnan facaibes are removed or closed. a pedestnan detour <br />shall be established and maintained dung the time of the cl0SUre and the *Mire pedestrian facility shoe be restored <br />within seventy-two 1721 hours, unless the Contractor prances a hard surface alternate route approved by the city or <br />county <br />1 Al pedestrian detours and any reconstructor, of pedestrian facilities shall sheet current Americans with Drsabdey <br />Act (ADA, standards and specifications <br />'2 Al pedeslnan detours shall 9* par of an approved Traffic Control lean ITC. <br />.3 Al holes made in the streets for the purpose 08 performing VaCLU1 excavations to locate underground Utilities shall <br />be restored to their onpnal condition with the reinstated core flush wrath and In the original orientation as the exlstng <br />surface matching existing pavement surface appearance <br />14. When he contractor is not actively working. all equipment. 4ncr1g. debris. etc Shall not be placed within the <br />triangular area required for sight distance of vehicles *Ming or entering an adjacent property or ell rseceon <br />15 Al excavations shall be adequately fenced and covered When contractor Is not present or protect site left <br />unattended. <br />19 No lane closures slowed Or, arenal streets dung Ake and PM peak hours <br />17 An work zone traffic control. ndudng pedestrian control measures. shall ben oomobance wm1 the MUTCD and <br />ADA <br />18 The contractor shall mantan a set of "as bu')r plans on site with din .,5110mg These pians shall be presented <br />upon re0uest <br />10 Final "as-bu:t" plans shoe be filed wror city and•0r county within 30 days of the completion of the project. <br />20 The contractor shall follow construction standards pertaining to the lateral Corridor facility placement and minimum <br />depth requirements and clearance requirements of other fa.bes <br />2 A current State. County. or City perm=t snail be mantalned on each work see by the contractor The contractor <br />shall present Such permit upon request <br />22 Any Reid adjustments to installation of facdibes. which vary from the plans that have been submitted and approved <br />during the permit application process. shag comply end" the following. <br />a The contractor must stop work immediately and contact the facility owner of the proposed changes <br />b The facility minxes representative shag contact the city. county or state right-of-way construc00n inspector and <br />provide them with the details <br />c The ROW inspector will make a determination Cr how to proceed. This 0etennma10n may range from approval <br />over the phone or via *marl to delaying the project until plans can be updated and appropriate review can be <br />conducted. <br />23 Stake mounted waning signs and marker posts (911.4531lb be placed where appropriate <br />24 An conchal and fiber Is to be Installed at the bade of the roadway ROW unless otherwise noted <br />25 Leave 120' bops 180' tails at spk0! points I for mainline fiber in vaults <br />