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<br /> TOG�THER WITH atl the improvements aow or h�reafcer erecced on che properry,and uq easemenu,appuneaan�es,and "
<br /> fixtuces now or bereafter n purt of the proge�ty. A1l reptacemencs and addiiIons shall a13o be covered by this Securicy
<br /> Inscrument. All of the foreQoinQ is ceferred to iA tbis Securlty Insuument as the "Propercy." -
<br /> " BORROWER COVEIVANTS thut Barrower is lawfully seised of�he estate hereby conveyed and has the ri�ht to�raat and -
<br /> - .� � coavey the Peoperry and that the Properry is uaencumbered, ezcept for encumbrauces of record. Sorrower wanaau aad will `
<br /> . defend generally the title to the Properry again,t all claims and demauds.subjecc co any encumbraaces of record.
<br /> , THIS SECURITY INSTRI3MENT combiaes uniform coveaants ior nationa!use and non•uniforra covenanu w��h limiced
<br /> , variations by jurisdictian ro constltute a uriiform securiry instrumeat coveriag real properry.
<br /> " UNIFORM COVENANTS.9orrower aad Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> �. 1. Payment oP Prfndpal aad Interest: Prepayment and Late Chargeg. Borrower shall prompdy pay when due the -
<br /> �,,,�.-..� principal of aad iateres�on�he debt evidenced by the Note and any prepaymenc and late charges due under the Noce. ;
<br /> ° Z. Funds for Texe9 and lnsurziace.Subject to appiicable law or�o a written waiver by Lxader, Horrower shall pay to
<br /> Lcnder on the day montWy paymeats are due uader che Note, uatil the Note is paid in full,a swn("Fuads")far: (a)yeady ta�ces -
<br /> �, and assessmen�s which may attain priodry over tlus Securiry Instnunent as a lien on the Properry;(b)yearly lea.selrold paymencs -
<br /> � or ground ren�s on the Properry,if any;(c�yearly hazard or property insuraace premiva�s:(d)yearly flood iasurance ptetniums.
<br /> - �1 if any: (e)Yearly mortgage insurance premiums.if any: and ifl any sums payable by Boaower co I,eader. ia aaordance wich _
<br />- the provisions of paragraph 8,in lieu of the paymenc of mor[ga�e insurance premiums. These items are called"F.scrow Items."
<br /> -• •� Lender may. at any cime, collect and hold Funds in aa amoua�aoc to exceed the maximum amount a leader far a federally
<br />". related mort�age loan may reguire for Borrower's escrow accauut under the fedetal Real Estate Settlement 1Proadures Act of
<br /> ' 1974 as amended&om time to time. 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et seq. ('RESPA").ualess aao�her law that applies to the Fuads
<br /> - � '�4� '� secs a lesser amouac. If so, Lender may. at aay time, colleM and hold Fuads ia an amouac not to exceed the laser aznouni.
<br /> L.ender may escimate the amounc of Funds due aa the basis of current data aad reasonable es�imates of expenditures of fiuure
<br /> �'�•�='�:. Escrow I[ems or athenvise in accordance wlth applicable law.
<br /> ' The Fuuds shaU be held in aa iastinuion whose deposits are insured by a federal agency, insuumentaliry. or entiry
<br />_:h�:'�� (iacluding Lender,if LendCr is such an insdtucion)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. Leader shall agply the Fuads to pay the
<br />- •--;i �' Escrow Icems.Lender may not charge Borrower for holdtng and applywg tbe Fu�ids,atuwally analyzGag the escrow accouat,or
<br />- ' verlfying�he Escrow Items.unless Lender pays Boao�ver interesc on cho Funds aad applicable 1aw permits L.�nder to make such
<br /> �`"'�'~'' a chazge.However,L.ender may require Borrower to pay a one•ame charge for an independent real estate tax reponing seivice
<br />�=�-.�,.�
<br /> used by Leuder in connection with �his loan, unless applicable Iaw provides othervvise. Ualess an agreement is made or
<br />�"��'�_ �agglic?h�e aaw renuires inceresc co be paid.Lender shall not be required co pay Bonower aay interest or earnin�s oa the Fannds.
<br />-;;�'�; Borrower and Lender may agree in v�riting,however,thac inceresc shaq be paid oa the Funds. Lender shall give io Borrower,
<br /> "-�'�I� without charge. an anaual accounting of the Funds. showiag credics and debiu co the Funds and the pucpose for which each
<br />�'°�' debit to the F u n d s w a s m a d e.T h e F u a d s a r e p l e dg e d a s a d d i t i o n a l s e c u r i ry f o r a ll s u m s s e c u r e d b y t h i s S e c u r l c y I n ar u m e n t.
<br /> .-: ..
<br /> F�";���• If the Fwids held by Lender exceed the amounts pern�itted ro be held hy applicable law. I.eader shall account to Borrower
<br /> ���=�� � for the excess Funds in accordance wIth the requirements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by I.�nder at any
<br /> �;.,;�;;�:;, dme is not sufhcient to pay the Fscrow Items when due, Lender may so noiify Borrower in writing,and,in such case Borrower
<br /> =-�r���* , shall pay to Lender the amount aecessary to make up the deficiency. Bonower shall make up che deficiency in no more�haa
<br />=-""�`���%�.�:� - twelve a�onthly payments,at Lender's sole discredon.
<br /> �'��=�� Upon payment ia fWl of aU sums secured by this Security Insuument. Lender shall prompdy refuad w B�rrower any
<br />-""�`�'v�'�'°� ' �unds held by Lender. If,under paragraph 21. Lender shall acquire or sell the Properry, Lender,prior to the acquisition or sale
<br /> R��ru�' •
<br /> --------- of the Propeaty, shail apply any Funds heId by Lender at the cime of acquisirion or sale az a credit against the sums saured by
<br />�,�
<br />