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<br /> B.USE OF PROPEATY;�OMPI.IANCE WITH LAW.Borrower shall not seek,agree to or make
<br /> - ,-'�"i a chaage in the use of the PropertY or its zoning claasiflcaUoa.unlesa I.ender has agrced in writing w the
<br /> � chsu�ge. Borrower shall camply with all laws. ordinances, regulatioas pnd requirements of any
<br /> govemaientai body applicable to the Property
<br /> �� C. SUBOItD1NATE I.IEN3. Excspt as permitted by federai law.Bflrrower shali aot allow any lien
<br />--- inferior w the Security Insaument to be perfected against the ProperiY wlthout L.ender's prior wrltten
<br />-'� -x � permisa�on.
<br /> �':�y` D. �tF.N1'L03S IN3URANCE. Borrower shall maintain insurance againat rent loss in addition to
<br />���°'�'r b Uniforna Covenant S.
<br /> --.: th�other hezerde for which insurauce is required Y `
<br /> '- � E. "BORROWER'S RIGHT TO R�INSTATE"DELE'i'�D.Uniform Covenant 18 is deleted.
<br />�J�•,,.,• F. BORROWF.t�'3 OCCIIPANCY. Unlesa I.ender and Bosower otheiwise ag�ree ia writing� the
<br /> first centence ln Uniform Covenant 6 concerning Borrower's ocxupancy of the Prope�tY is deleted• A11
<br /> _js--� ts set forth in Uaiforat Covenant 6 shall remain in effect.
<br /> remsinln8 covenants and ag�emen
<br />. :`•..k. G. p�GNMENT OF LEASL�S-Upon Lender's request,Borrower e1ia11 assign to Lender all leases
<br />-_�-- of the Pmperty and aU securlty deposits made in connection with leases of the Property. Upoa the
<br />,`����Y�`, assign�tent. Lender shall have the right w modify.extend or termtts�te the e�sdng leases and w execute
<br />_n.r' naw leases. in Leader's sole discredon. As �sed in this para�rBPh C�, the word 'lease" shall meaa
<br />�•F�� "sublease'If the Security Instrument is on a teasehold. OF���L����ION.
<br />--=�:-�:� g.�rmwer absolutely aad unconditionaUy assigns and transfera to Lender all the rents and revenues
<br />_ _:�`.� . • ardless of to whom the itews oi ihe Fi��rty ara gx��le. Hars�wP_* �
<br /> ( Ytentsc )of the Property. re8
<br /> _- authorjzes I.ender or Leader's agenta w coll�t the Rents.aad agrees that eacbt tenans of the Pcoperty shall
<br /> —= pay the Reats w Leader or Lend�r's agents. However,Borrowcr shall receive the Rents� i�) ��
<br /> - has given gorcower aoflce of default pursuant to paragraph 21�of the Securlty Insaument ( )
<br /> :`;� has given ncdce w the tcnaiu(s)that the Rents are to be pald to Lender or Leader's agent.Th1s asslgnmcut
<br /> of Reau consflwtes an absolute assignmc�aad not an assignment for addition�l securiry only.
<br /> If I,eader gives notice of breach to Burmwer: (i)all Renta received by Borrower shall be held lsy
<br /> Bonower as m�stee for the benefit of Lender only. w be apPl�ed w t�e sums s�u�by the Socurity
<br /> -_--- �nguum�t: (ii) Ixnder shall be entided to coAect and roceive all of the Rents of the PropertY: (iii)
<br /> Borrower agrces that each tenant of the Pmperty shall pay a!1 Rents due and uapaid to Lender or�Rents
<br /> _— agema upon Leader's written demand co the tenant;<iv)imless applicable law pravides othe�vise.
<br /> ooller.t�d bY Lendzr or I,ender's agents shall be aPPlied firat io the oosts of taldng conuol of and managin8
<br /> ihe Propert3► and collecdng the Rents, includ3ng. hut not�linnited w. attameys' fees, recelver's fees.
<br /> premiums�u re�eiver's boads.repair a�d maintenasnce costa. inaurana pnmiums,taxes,assessme�ts aad
<br /> other cS�arg�s on the Pmperty. and tbea to the sums secuned bY the SecudtY Insmiment; (v) 1.en3er.
<br /> Lender's agente or any Judiclally appointed receiver sball be liable to axouat for only th�of e�d manage
<br /> �:�:��� re�eived;and(vi)Leader shall be entided to have a receiver appointed�arithou�y showing as to the �
<br /> _..__ ihe Pc+operty and onllect the Reats and profita derived from the ProPertY
<br /> -- - in2decjUgCy oitlte PtOpertY 8s secun�Y. . . tnMlals•
<br /> �67U(9706).01
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