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<br /> B.USE OF PROPERTY;COMPLIAMCE V!/iTH LAW Bfl�roWe�'shall aot seek,agree co or muke
<br /> a chaage in che use of t&e PropercY ar its mning classification.ualess Lender ha�agrced ia wrltiug to�he
<br /> chmsge. Borrower shatl w�ply witb atl raas. ardinaaces� ceguladons and r�quinroaxats of any .
<br /> goveraauntal bedy aPPlicabte w the PropertY.
<br /> C.SLBORDINA°I'E LQ�PiS.Except as permitud bY t t�he Pro W� wichout L$nderts lrtor wria n
<br /> inferior w the Sxnrlry Iaswment to be perfexted agains P�Y p
<br /> permisslon.
<br /> D.YtF�NT LOS�9 INSURANCE.Borrower ahall msdatain insw�aace againsc reat loss ia additlon w
<br /> the other harrrda faz elhich iasurance is cequired by Unifo:m Coveaant S. _
<br /> E."BORROWER'S RIG�T TO ItEIl�IS°PAT'E"DELETID.Unifotm Covenanc 18�s deleud.
<br /> F. BORltOWER'3 OCCUPANCY. Uuless L�ender and Borrower otheiwiss agrx in writiag, the
<br /> firsc sEntence in Uniform Covenant 6 conceminB Barrower's occupancy of the Property is deleted. All
<br /> remaining wvemm�ts and ageemeate set fozth in Uniforca Covenant 6 shali roma{n in effect.
<br /> �.ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES•Upon i.ender's request,Borrower shall essign to Leader all leases
<br /> of che Property asd all sa�ritY deP°sit� � � °D��oa with leases of the P[operty Upon the
<br /> assignment, Lender shall have the dght to modify. extend or teraniaate G e e�xistingd 1"�ease�tshall mean
<br /> new IEases. ia 1.eader's sole discredon. As ased in chis ParagcaP
<br />. "sublease'if the Secudry Insaument is on a leasehold. OF RECEIVLR;LENDER IN POSS�SSION.
<br /> ;nrrarisr sl�al�; � »ncandidonalty assiSUS and aansfeis to Lender atl the cents and revenues
<br /> ('Rents") of the Property, re8ardless of to whom the Rents of the Prnperty are payabie. iw�r
<br /> authorizes I euder or Lender's ageats co collect the Reats.aad agc�e.s that each tenant of the Property shall
<br /> PaY the Rents to i.ender or L.eader's ageatg. Howaver. Borrower shall receive the Rents until(i)L�ender
<br /> has givea Bornnwer notice of default pursuant to ParaB�aPh 21 of the Sec�dty insuument and(ii)Lend�r
<br /> has given aotice to the tenant(s)that�he Rents are t°b�paid w L.ender or Lender's agent.l7ds assignmeat
<br /> of Renta constiwtes an absoluu asstgament and aot aa assignmem for addidonal securiry only.
<br /> If Leader gives notfce of breach to Bormwer: (I) all��the�ms sxured�the Secudt�y
<br /> Borrower as ausue i`or the beaeSt of Lender only.w be app p�y: ( .
<br /> Insuum�nt; (ii) LEnder shall be e.atided to coUect and realve all of che Reats of the Pro ii�)
<br /> Borrower agras thaz each tenant of the Pm�ertY sHall PaY all Rents dus aad uupaid co Leader or Len�der's
<br /> . agents upon 1Jender's wriuen demaad w tb.e cenant;(ivy unless aPPlicable laa provides othetwise.aU Rents
<br /> colla�tcd by Lender or L.ender's ag�ts sha11 be appllcd�cst to We caats of taldng control of aad maaaging
<br /> the propetty and collecting the Rents. includtng. but aoc limiud w. attomrys' fee.a, receiver's fas,
<br /> premiums on rec�eiver's bonds.cePaiz and�ainunaace coscs.insurance premiums.taxes,assessments aud
<br /> other char8� on the FmpertY, and then w the sums seeural bY the Sa�rIry Insm►mem; (v) Lender.
<br /> L,ender's agetus or any judiciallY appulated cecei�er shail bc lia}�le w acoounc for only those Rents actually
<br /> raxive�:aad(vt�j L.eader s6all be entided to have a ce�eiver appointed w take possession of aad manage
<br /> � the Paoperty and collecx�he EBents 2nd profits derived frora tfte Pmperty without any showing as to the
<br /> , inadCquacy of tlte PrupertY as sesvrlty. Inidats:
<br /> " Page 2 ot 3 Fom�3170 3193
<br /> �STU(9706).Ol
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