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<br /> TOdETHER WIT�nll the improvementa now or hereafter erected on the pmperty,uad dl eusements.appurtenances.and :
<br /> � ti�ct�tes aov� or hereatter a part of the property. AII replacements and additiona shell also be wvered by this Securlty
<br /> Instriuunent. All af the facegoing is referred to in this Security Insuument as We"Property.'
<br /> BQRROWBR COdBNAtdTS that Borrower ia lawlWly selsed of the estate hereby wnveyed ond has the right to graut aad -
<br /> - .. convey the PcopErty and th�t the Property is unencumbEreet,eacept for enenmbrances of vecord.Borro�ver wFUrants aad wUl ��
<br /> ' defead generally tho dde to the Property Agafase all claims and demanda,subject to any encumbrances of record. F-_-
<br /> TH[S SECURITY INSTRUMENT combiaes unifonn covepants for national use and aon•uniform covenauts with limited '
<br /> ° " varlations by jurisdictton to constitute a unfform secueity iastrument covering real pmgerty.
<br /> .� �'-.
<br /> �-�-� UNIFORM COYENANTS.Borrower aad Lender covenant and agcee as followa:
<br /> ,�•�"""'' i. Payment of IMacipal and Enterest; Prepayment end Late Churge9. Borrower ahall prompdy pay when due the
<br /> �"�'� priacipal of and iaterest on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment aad late charges due uader the Note. `
<br /> 2. k�unds for Taxe9 and Insuranc�.Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by I.ender. Borrower shall psy to E,
<br /> � Lender on the day montbly payments are due under the Note,until the Note ia paid in fuli,a sum("Funds')for:(a)yearly taxes �_
<br /> ;:.
<br /> and assessmenta which inay attain priority over this Securlty Insuument as a lien on the Progeity; @)yearly leasehold payments Q_
<br /> �' or ground rents on the Property.If any;(c)Yearly hazard or prog�rty insurnnce premiumsi<d)Yearly flood insurance premiwns� e
<br /> '. . y� if any;(e)Yearly mort�age insurance premiwns. if any:and(�auY sums Payable by Horrower to Lender. ia accordance with =..
<br /> the provisiona of paragraph 8,in Iteu of the payment of mortgage Insurance premfiuns.These items are caited"Escrow Items."
<br /> I,e a d e r m a y,a t a n y t 1 m e,c o A e c t s u d u o ld Funds in an amaunt nat w exc�d the nsaximwn anmuut a leader for a federally _
<br /> � related mortgage loan may require for Horrower's escrow account under the federal Rxal Estate Settlement Procedures Act of -_
<br /> ' 1974 es amended from time w time, 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et seq. ("RESPA"),unless aaather law that applies to the Funda _
<br /> seta a lesser amount. Uf so. Leader may,at aay tirae, coUect and hold Fuada ia an amount not w exceed the lesser amouat. �":�
<br /> ��"��� Lender may esdiaate the amount of Funds due on the basis of current data aad reasonable estimatea of expenditures of future -
<br /> `. Esaow Items or otherwise in accordance with ap�plicable law. �
<br /> '��'{.�� The Funds shail be held in an insdtution whose deposits are iasured by a fedecal agency, insuumentality. or entity
<br /> i�� --
<br />_ (iacluding Lender,if Lender is such an inatttudon)or in any Federat Home Loan Bank.Leader slaail apply the Funds to pay the
<br />.,,,�.�,r;. � Escrow Items.I.ender may not charge Barrower for holdiag aad a�plying the Funds,annually analyzing the eacrow account,or _
<br />_ "�• verffying the Escrow Items,unlesa Lender paya Borrower interest oa the Funda and applicable law permits L.eader to make such
<br />----�"'`` a charge.However�Imder may require Borrower to pay a one-tjme charge for an tndependent real estate tax reporting service
<br /> �,�:..�� u&ed hy Lcndcr fa sxinaxtfaa a�ith this losa. sialess apglic�61P lew �r�±vi�ies oit►erwlse. Unless an �reement ia mscte or
<br /> ---�� applicable law requires interest to be paid,L�nder shall aot be required to pay Bornower any Interest or earninga on the Funds.
<br /> ��w s`��� in writin however.tiiat interest shall be aid on the Funda. Ixnder sba11 give to Borrower,
<br /> Honowcr�and Lender may agree g, P
<br /> �_��a without charge, an annusl acxoundn8 of the Funds, showing crecUts aad debits to the Funda and the purpose for which each
<br />-- R�._� debit w the Funds was made.The Funds are pledged as addidonal secudty for all sums saured by this SecurIty Inauumeat.
<br /> - °- — If the Faads held by Lender exce�the amounts permitted to be held by applicable law,I.ender shall account to Borrower
<br /> =T��;;�' for the e�ccess Funds in accordan�e with the requirements of applicable Iaw. If the aznouat aithe Funds held by I.ender at any
<br /> _-= time is not sufficlent to pay the Fscrow Items when due.Lender may so notify Bomo�ver in wdting,and,in such case Borrower
<br /> -_=-'���; shall pay to Lender the amouat necessary co make up the deficiency.Borrower shall make up the deSciency in no more than
<br /> _�"�,�`'`:�- twelve awnth�.Y Payments�at I.eader's sflle discretIon.
<br /> =�-° Upon payment in iWl of all sums secured by thIs Securlry Insm�ment, Lender shall promptly refund w Borrower any
<br /> Funds held by Lender. If,under paragraph 21,Lender ahall acquire or sell the Property,Lender,prtor w the acqnisldon or sate
<br /> __ of the Property.shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the tirae of acquiaition or sale as a credit against the suma secured by
<br /> --- -- this Security Insuument. —
<br /> __.__4_�'• 3.Appllcatfon ot Payments.Unless applicable law pmvides othervvise,aU payments seaived by I.ender under paragrapba
<br /> , 1 and 2 shall be applied:tirst.to anY Prepayment charges due under the Note:second,w amonnts payable under pnragraph 2;
<br /> third.to interest due;fourth,w principal due;and last.to ssny late c6azges due under the Notc.
<br />__- ___- 4.Chaigest Lteas.Bonower shatl pay aU taxes>assessments.charBes.flnes and imposltions amIbutable to the Prop�ty
<br /> �. which may attain priorIty over this 5ecurIty Insnument, and leasehold payments or ground rents. if any. Borrower abali pay
<br />�__.___—' these obligadons in the maaaer pmvided in paragraph 2,or if not paid ia that maaner,Borrower shall pay them on time direcily
<br /> to the person owed payment.Borrower shaU pmmptly f�rnish to I.ender a11 norices of amouata to be pafd under this paragraph.
<br /> ' If Borrower makes these payments directly,Bomower shell premptly furnish to Lender re�eipp evideacin�the payments.
<br /> Borrawer shall promptly discharge any liea which has priorIty over dils Securiry Insmiment unless Borrower:(a)agc+ees in
<br /> ��_`=��-� wrldng to the paycnent of the obligation secured by the lien in a mannP�acxeptable to Lender;(b)contesta in gcod faith the lien
<br /> _— by, or defends against enforoement of the lien in. legal pmoaedinga whica►in the Lender'a opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> --�� --; enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to I.ender subordinatiag the llen to
<br />- -��"�' this Securiry Insaument If I,ender determines that any part of the Property is subject ro a llea wluch may auain priority over
<br /> _"=;`�'� ,' this Security Instrument,I,ender may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien.Borrower shall satisfy the lien or talce one or �
<br /> --_=�:�?� ; more of the acttons set forth above within 10 days of 4he givIng of nodoe. •
<br /> _ - ���
<br /> — � � Form 8028 9l80
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