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<br /> Yhis is to coRily that tha debt securod by the Dood ot'�ust tdentitted betow has been patd and tho boiow named Trusteo•is requeatod
<br /> . ,�.: to exeauto thls Oee�ot Aoconveyanco. �9
<br /> `. . os _........ v,,n d
<br /> _ . . � �c•QQPVH4� , beneficlary ( . o .
<br />.`'�.} .' y'�� � ^ `
<br /> STATE OF NE�RASKA ' ` �y�.,. ,�t' By�.
<br /> °'=;`:"�: 1 SS: scn�:
<br /> :.�;•.:•
<br />_ :.y�` ' The(oregoing Instrymsnt was acknowledged betore me on February 26, t999
<br /> � Steven J. Clements, Chief Operating Officer -
<br />`'=-,>��_ bY
<br />�'""-�`�"�� A1 ih0 NHBRASK/�JNVEST�IAEN7'FIMANCE AUTHORtTY.a body poliHc and corporate af the Stato oi Nabraska.on bet�atl of the
<br /> -'�y"�� Witness my hand and aWarial soai at lincoln.Nebraska in said Co�anty,tho dato atorosatd.
<br /> .-�y r�
<br /> -.sY:.C7l51^� - n- �_
<br /> _-- _ = GENERpI NOTARr•State at NeDras a �g ���---� �`�l
<br /> .-.y� ��s��� My Comm.FsD.SepL 1,I944 � NOTARY PUOUG .
<br /> -�...=��
<br />-�'�'�'^� DEED OF RE�ONV�YANCE
<br /> -._��a�
<br /> _.��".� WHEREAS�a�!ot the indepiedness seaured by the Deed of'Itust�cecuted by •
<br /> -__..:�,� � Glenn E. West and Patricia A. West, husband and wife .
<br /> -___— asTrustoi lo Custex Federal Savin s and Loan Asaociation of Broken Bow, Nebraska*+�
<br /> ---- t�e �e$ras�a �iort�age Fi�ya�ce Fu�d Li�coln Neb�se k/�
<br /> v�� as Trustea to��he Oenellt of t g e ras nve tment inance u�hor ty �ineo n Ne ras
<br /> LL the benet[clary named there�n.dated March i6th 18�and tewrded in Yhc atHcQ ot tt�a Regtster :
<br />- of Oeeds In �$ � County. Nebraslm�in Book Page �w,.
<br /> i' or InsWment Number 87-101536 and 8enallc[al[nietest In satd Deed o1 Trust was assigned tq NEBAASKA iNVES7'MEN'T
<br /> FlNANCE AUTHOAITY(Iptmerty lcnown as Nobraska Mortgage Flnanee fun�by Assignment reearded!n Book
<br /> - ---__-- Page or Instrument Numbor • bas been patd;and �
<br /> _ WHEREAS,lhe 9enettdary under satd Ceed of Tnist has eequested that tAo property hetd�y the Trustea be recOme�reG.wilhout rrarranty,
<br /> —_=_`� to the petson or persons enlitted thoroto.
<br /> _---��..
<br /> NOW TI#�fiE�OFi�in considesattcn of such paymem and in accordance w1►h tbe wdlten request ot the Benetictary named therein,
<br />--�v�--�� the un4oruigned.as Trust�e,daes hereby grant without warranty.to the pec�cn cr persons entttled thereto ail ihe estato and tnleres�t
<br /> y���;�� hetd by it�as Ztsistea.under tho abare doscrIDed Oee�ot Trust in the toftawing dostri�od proReny: ,
<br /> ���� �.
<br /> ,,T,�_j Easterly 60 feet of Lota Seven (7) and Ei.ght (8) in Belmont, an Addition to the City of
<br /> � Grand Island� tial]. County, Nebraska
<br /> �;.
<br /> v:;�:-':•-H ' **Tzustee was replaced by FiraTier Baak, National Associatioa, Lincola� Nebraslca, Truatee under
<br />- ."� � �' ;i ,,: a Subatitution of Truate: which was duly recorded in the official records of tho County below.
<br /> =-�,.�_ �.
<br /> nn e_.�L 1t ! Cwwn��v �[Mi3Tl IIII
<br />. :=:�r ` -- -- VO araun� p��• ���� �J ��"' "
<br />__ �'r _*,,z,,.'• ` P3rsTier Bank,.N.A. Lincoln, N�brasks.
<br /> __.. o Txu tae� �/
<br /> - , �e��ad: 3'zz . -1e 9g
<br /> , �� Ttustaa Debra A. DaGazmo, ce Pres. of US Sank. 'N.A.
<br /> SYA7B Of NE� W1 Truaeee
<br /> � } ss: ea�e+u.�or�ar-sm�a�
<br /> „ . C9uNYY 0 BETTLYy�A.JIgl4
<br /> � '�i1R1.W.s��ll.���QZ �wA•. es( �.933.
<br /> ' ' :; The toregotng Dood Recorrveyanae ackn
<br /> �� bY
<br /> 1ld�9aZ
<br /> My mm�ssfon �xD� g� NCt UBUC
<br />