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<br /> Q9.T�anafc�of l6tc�ropsrsy or e B�tteftalel Intcrest in IIarrovrer. If oll or any purt of tho ProFerty or any interest in it �-
<br /> ia sotd or transfarecd(or if n ben�t�cinl interest in 8orrowar te sold or trt►naf�rred and qorrowor is rtot a naturail person)vvithout �..;�
<br /> Lender's prlor writtan consxnt, Lender may, at tta option, r uire immcdi�te payrnEnt in fLll of ull sums secured by this �„�
<br /> -- - , Ser.u�iry In�ument.Hoeycver,thls option sh�ll not ba exsrc{scd�y Lender if exercice is prohibited by federal luw as of tho dnts �:':v;
<br /> of this Security InEtrument. `—'`
<br /> � if i.eadc7 axc7cir�a this opiIon,Lend°s shnll IIive Borrower notice of a�celeration. The notice ahall provide n period of not ���._,
<br /> , R. less than 30 dnys�ro�rn tha date the no�ce is delivered or mailed within which Bonower must pay al! awns serured by this ;_
<br /> Sesurl ry Instrument. i�Eorrowet fails to p�y thes�sums Prior W the oxpiration of thia pe�tod, Lender may invoke any remedies __
<br /> permitted by tbis Sesurity Insuumer►t a►lthout f u rt her no t ice or deman d on B onawer. �_
<br /> ��� 18. Borros+er's Rt�ht to Relnetate. if Bonower meets rxrmin conditions. Bonower shall hava the r�ght to have
<br /> ��• enforcement of thia Ss�curny Instrumet►t discoMinued ai any tIme prtor W the earlIer of: (a) S days(or such other period as __
<br /> ,:.�..�r
<br /> „�,�;,�;. applicable law may sgecii�r for reinstatement) before sale of the Proper¢y purausu►t to anypo wer of salo contained in this _
<br /> � Secueiry Instrumant;or(b)entry of a j udgmeM enforcIng this SecurIty Ins�ument.Those canditions are that 9ottower:(a)pays
<br /> � ; Lender all stuns whtoh then woald be due undet this Security Instrument end the Note as if no eoceleration had occurred: (b)
<br /> � � cures any defeult of any other covenants or egreements; (c)pa s all expens�s incurred 1n eaforcfng this Securiry lnstrument, _
<br /> including,but noi limited to, reasonable attom�ys' fces; and(d�tekes such action ag Lender may reasonably require w assure
<br /> ��� thei the lien of tbJa Security InsWment,I-ender's rt$hts in the Property and Borrower's obligation to�ay the sums secured by
<br /> . this Sacurity InstruraeM shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstetement by Borrower, tfiis Secunty Instrwnem and the
<br /> .�;�� obligations s�wed hereby shall remain fully affecNve ag if no acceleration hsd occurred. However,this tiglit w reinstaie sha11 �
<br /> "� not apply in the case of accelereQion under parag�raph 17. --
<br /> ° 19. Sale of NoE�; Change of I.aaei�en�vicer. The Note or a parttsl interest in the Note(wgether wlth this SecurttY ■�
<br /> ���.
<br /> n � Inslsumen4)muy be sold one or more times wlthout prIor notIce to Bonower.A sale may result ia a change in the eMih+(Irnowa . _
<br /> '`' as the"Loan S$rvIcer")thet ooUects mo�}nly paymems due under the Note aad tlils Security Instrumen� There also may be one
<br /> G ', or mare changes of the L,oan Servicer unreYuted w a sale of the Note.If there is a change of the L,oan Servioer,Borrower wi11 be �,___
<br /> ,�: app
<br /> ;{;�.;:x�;: given�f�ttte new �Loan Serv�'i�� snd the address W w�ayments should be madee iThe notice wlll al�so comain ar►y other `
<br /> ft.� „ address
<br /> . " .. ,�� infottt�tion required bY gPPlicable law. �� y��, or telease of any �'.'
<br /> ?A, �s$ara4ouo 3ubstances.�orrow+er shall not cause or permit the presenca, use, ,
<br /> ° "� , Hs�ardous Subscances on or in the PropEny. Bonower shall not �do, nar allow enyone else to do, enything affecdng the ---
<br /> , .''' Propariy that is in violation of any EnvIronmenml Law. The preceding two sentences shail not ply to the p�esence� use�or _
<br /> � storege on the Proparty of small quanthtes of Ha�ardous Substances t6ai ere generaUy r to be approprtate to normal
<br /> ' residgatial uses and W maimenence of the Pcoperty.
<br /> �� Borrower shall promptly gtve I.ender written nodce of any investjgat�on, claiw, demaad, lawsnit or other actt�bY�Y
<br /> ,,:::<Y'.,:'- govemmenmt or reguiatoTY egcnv7�u:pr�.ste E,azty I:svolvi�!he Pra�snd�y N�ret�us Sabsmnce or EavIro tal Law {
<br /> - � of which Borrower hes actual lmowledge. If Borrower learns.or ia notI�ied by any governmemal or regulatorY authority'+ thet
<br /> =���;;,;"�:,` aay remova]or othm remedtation of aay Heaardous Substan�x affecdng the Property ia necessarY.Bosower shall prompdy talce
<br />�'•`•..",.,, a l l n x e s s a ry n m e d t a l e c d o n s i n e c c ordenco with Envi�onme�l Law. —
<br /> -�.•.,,�- As used in diisp�ea�eph 20. "He�rdous Substanas" are thoso substances d e fi n e d as W x Ic or h a•m r d o u s s u b s t a n c e s b Y
<br />_= j::'�.,; Eaviron�nental Law en- d tho follow�ng sui�enas: gasolin$kerosene. c±ther Qamm�ble or toxtc peuol�wn prs�used tn
<br /> �,���.., -� - pestiaides end herbicidea,vola�ile�olvents.mandals containin asbestos or formeldehyde,end radioacNve material
<br /> -R���s,�=;�'� thisparag�aph 20. "Environmemal I.aw" msans federal Isws end laws of tha j�sdic�on where the Froperty Ia lacatod that
<br /> ���;_�.�;� relate W health.safety or envUmuneMal protection.
<br /> __:_�„� NON-UNIFOItM COVENANTS.Bonower aad Lender further covenant end egee as follows:
<br /> '�;:_,.. tl.Accelersttoa;Remedi�.Lender ehall$[ve aotice w Borrower prior to aetxleration tollow[n�Borrower's breACh
<br /> z. _�t��-� ent in t61s Secnrity Ynate�ameat (bnt not prtor to ncalera9ton nnder para�rapb 19 unlea�
<br />_.��;,�5,,,,�.� ut ai►Y oovenant or a�ram
<br /> -- --- — appfic�ble law provtda ot6erwtse). T1tB IIOtl�B 6hYI1 6jICCIfy! (A)th8 d!t&W!�N)fhC alKIOD f'0QW1�!O CUf+B lIIE Q@tIIUlh�
<br /> �_;��� (c)x dAte, not teas thaa 30 dsy�fibm tl�e dste the naHce ta Siven to Borrower,by whic6 the delaelt mu�t be c�+ed;and
<br />---���,,��� (� that ta1l�e to cure the ddault on or betore the date epee T�o�cee ehall lurt�her inYorm Borrownr of the rl�ht to
<br /> �ecursd by thte Se¢�uity Ins4rument an�sale of the Property
<br /> __--- rein�te after acalentloa aaid the right W bring a caurt action to nasert t�h�non-e:tstcnce oi a defsed fa tbe�nottc�
<br /> -- defenre of Borrower to s�deratton and�alc. It the deianit!s not cured on or before We date spcs�i Ns:;
<br /> � � Lender,at ite aplton, maY re9Wre impnediate ps�yment tn faU o!all auma eecwed by thta 3ecurity Inetrume�►t w[t6out
<br /> �;;� further dc�aand anol may iptvoke the power of sale wtd any othcr rem�permitted bY spPUcable law Lender ahall be
<br /> -��,�� enUtled to caUect all expenaes inenrrefl��ursuinE tde remedies pravided in thfs para8raF5 21�6aclading,but eot 1[mited -
<br /> - :,.�,� to,rwwnnble attorQeys'tea and ooste ot t[tle evideac�
<br /> �� U thepower o!eale i�tnvofced, �msiee ehajl record s►nottce oi defaWt in eaeh counlY tn whi�h any Part ot the
<br />_:::�=sa::n:i� Property fs t�atcd smd ehall mail copt�s o!suc6 not�ss in We maaaer prc�crlbed by AppUcabte!aw to Borrow�er and to
<br /> --`" the other pereons prescribed bY aPPllcable taw After the dme reqntred by appltcuble I�w,Trnetee e6a11�PubIIe nottcc
<br /> ------= o t s a l e t o t h o p e r e o n e o n d i n t 6 e 1f1°"n�r preacribed b y a p plicable Isw.Trnetee,wtthout demand on Borrower,ehall edl
<br /> °�—'"�`{� Wc proparty st pnbAc auctton W the hi�hest bidder At the ttme and place end under tite terms d e s t g m s t e d 1 n t h o n o t t a o f
<br /> `�� eale in oae or more p�e1d�d��U'order Tnistce determiriea.'1'rustce m�Y postpoQe aalle ot all or aay parcel of We
<br /> -="��'° propErly by publt� annauaameat at ttca time aad plsce of any previously achedWed eat� Lender or ifa desfgnce may =
<br /> A�"�?'�`*`' purchnse 3Do 1'ragerty at any esle. -`
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