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<br /> T 'fOL3ETHBti lVITW z+ll thQ Imgeovem�nt8 nouv or hepcnitcr erected on tho pro�eny, end all etuomcnta�app�rtcntu�ccs,and ���::
<br /> " �ixtu�es now or heras►Rer a part of tNo property. AII replacements and eddltlons shall also bo coversd by this Scauity
<br /> Instrumen�Ali of the foregotng Ia referred to in this Secwity Inatrument os tho"Property.° �
<br /> �� BORROWE�i OOVENANI'S=hat Borrower!a IawfLlly selaed of the estaie hareby conveyed and i�as tho right to grant and ��"'
<br /> ' convey the Progerty aad that the Prugerty is unencumbered, except for encue�brr�as mf r�oor�. Borrower warrants and will _
<br /> , defend geaerally the tide to the Property agalnst all claims and demands,subjact to eny enaimbrances of record. -
<br /> pm
<br /> THYS SECURITY INSTItUMENT comUines uniform wven�ts for nndaaal n�se n.�d�aon�uniform covenents with limited �-_=%
<br /> „ � `.i� varIsdons by jurtsdlction w consdtute a uniform securiry instrument cover�ng real property. - --
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: ��due the �
<br /> �`� 1. Payme�t of Prlacipml and Iateres¢; Prepsyment ur►d Late Chuges. �orcower shell promptlY paY =
<br /> � .�N�.�i principal of ansl iiuerest on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayma►t and late cherges due under the Note. __
<br /> -�� E. Funds for Taaes end Inaurance. Subject to applicable law or w a written waiver by I.ender,Bo�xowet shall pay to _ _
<br /> • ... • t Lender ob the day morniily payments ere due under the Note,unttl the Note is paid in full�a sum("Funds")for: (s)yearly�xes --
<br /> ' a and agsessmerns wldch may ariain prior�ty over this Securtty Instrumer►t as a]ien on the PropeAy; (b)YearlY leaseh°Id pa}+ments
<br /> ° �' � or graund rents on the Property,iF any;(o)Yearly ha�rd or property insurance premiums;(d)Yearly flood fasurance preiniums,
<br /> . ?! if anyt(e)Yeazly mortgage Insurance premiums, if any;and(�any snms payable by Horrower to Lender,in arcordance wtth
<br /> � the provisions of paragreph 8, in lieu of the payment of mortgage lnsureuce premiuon• '11�ese it�s��'�����OW��'„ _
<br />- . °. �� I.ender may. at ury time, collect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed tlne maxGnum anaount a lender for a federally
<br />_ � _ related mortgaige loan may require for Bonower's escrow accowit under the faderal Real Esdte Settlement Prmcedures Act of
<br />- 1974 as amended from tIme to time, 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 et seq. (°RFSPA"), uuless another taw tlmt applies to the Fun�s �
<br />',` sets a lesser amount If so,Lettder may, ai any time. collect and hold Fuads ia an ar�na�nt not to excead the lesser amoun�
<br /> ,� .�� --
<br /> Lendes may esttmate the amount of Funds due on the basis of current data and rea�onshle e�imates uf expendit�es°f Rrtu*e e,__
<br /> :, . .� � Escrow It+ems or othenvise in accordance wIth applicable law. ;��entality or entity --
<br /> The Funds shaU be held In an insdt�tion whose deposits are inswed by a foderal ageiu.y, +
<br /> °«' (iacluding Lender,If Lender is such an institutton)or in eny Federal Home Loan Sank. Lender shall apply t�e Fwds t41�aY the
<br /> h . �;;., the escrow accotmt.or
<br /> .� Escrow Items.I.ender may not charge Banower for holding and applying the Funds,a��le law�ts 1.ender to make such
<br /> � ver�Pying the Bscrow Items,unless Lender pays Boaower inierest on the Fuads ernd epp P�
<br />{:y:°='��.,; , a chaige.However► Lender may require Borrower to pay a one-tlme charge foT er4 indepeadeat real est�e tax reporting servitce
<br /> u,,,p. ! used by Le�tder in connecdon wlth this loan, unless applicable law pmvide� otherwlse. Unless an agree� is mada or
<br /> , .,.•;,..., .
<br />-:-�-�..�•, ePPlicable law requires interest to be paid Lemder shall not be required w pay Borrowe7 any iaterest or eazaiags on the .
<br /> . j,,' � Bonower and I.ender may a�ea in`�'dt�►8. however.tLst imereyi yS�iKtt i'io�is(d�ts tt�Fw-�1s. I.�sh�+!!g�ve to Bottower, ,
<br /> ', " �„dthout charg� an aannal accouuting of the Funds,showing cxedIts and debib to the Funds and the pzupose for which each
<br /> -���,:,.�. }
<br /> raer�`._ L ^
<br />==_.d..;;�h's'�, debit to the Funds waq made.The Funds ere pledged as sddIttonel secwity for all sw�seaired by this Sec ty
<br />-�.`. If the Funds held by Lender excxed the amouma permitted w be held b3►aPPlicable law,Lender shall axauat w Borrower
<br /> �M°��._ , for the exoess Fuada in aabrdaucx with the re4�mrae�s of appUcable law. If the amowt of the Fuads held by Lender ei eny
<br />;scy;__�__:�'�,��i
<br />__.;m��-�;�.= ttme is not sutHcient to puy ttce Escrow Ytems when dtu,Lender may so nadfy Borrower in vrritU►g, a�ad. in such case Borrower
<br />-- �`•'�'`'�I sball PaY to Lender the amount ne�sary W make up tha deRciency. Borroveer sfiaA make up the deficteacy in ao more than
<br /> -_�`"''��,:'�
<br /> - ��� twelve momhly p�,ymsnt�at Lender's sole discre2ion.
<br />..,�:i;�,..•.d%{�',�i
<br />=y,;.-._-.::.;:�.:� Upon payment In tiill of all sums secured by this Security Inspnymtm�Lender shall promptly refi�ad to nower any
<br />�`�:*'�°�� Funds heId by Leader. I�under paragraph 21,I,ender shall acquire or soll the Property,Lender,pr€or w the scqutstdow nr selo
<br />-=-°��'� of the Property.ahall e�pply any Funds held by Lender at the tirae of�quisition or sale a� aaedit egeinst d►e sums sxurad by
<br /> �,A��� ehIs Security tnserurnent raoeivad!yy Lender under paragaphs
<br /> ��,`.�� 3.Applieadon oi Paym�enb.Unless applicable law provides otherwls0. e�1 paY�� le��h 2;
<br /> 1 and 2 st�all be epplied:firrst„to aay Prepayment charBes d�����Nota;second,to amou�s paYab
<br /> i._�=- _
<br />