�.` :�r.__-�:ii:C� �,:-;r.m�K.n .. � .n- „ _ . . . . . .'t r'� �`ri:,-
<br /> � _��Si -•;t�, - - i✓ 'Y _t� �<t At �} '( -�.:I`.. �r , f.�.` _ . • Q�r�_ _ --- _.._ .
<br /> ` j- ' ti. 1 t ( --!.F�� 4» J��jN+�t�'y'��i�},:� � ) �-��
<br /> I, >. ; 1 �r�'.�� �� _"u.�y'�f°��.�1��7�h1� �--�, -1ii: . . .. .... ..... . --_. =V.
<br /> >; ,� '� _ FI i n�_, av y.:. ,
<br /> ��Ht T��t.l;. •7�. }. . . . _ ----- —
<br />_��_r�.���. .
<br /> Sl-� �oisse _�_. ,
<br /> �dw►�id�o �tla�bo�at�l ai�,p�d��! ►�d,�Y R!n�n�on viq w�io�d������Met�nel __ - -- _
<br /> h��by a�d tn wah ada a t,�nda m�ly�or to�pply�II suoh PraoeeQ�,sfta suoh deduotlom,to qa raarNton o!tl» �,,._-
<br /> a�a1°dui�ot.�ny o°0�.rinM'a upnesr��,°a aas�un►�•��a�a«,nd ro.f0a0'dsi+enunaa��.�nr'�"un.aa�'�aa tuna.�a.p°°`�ia�a ��:
<br /> _ ,..,_U,��, l�=-�--- —.
<br /> �&h�4r i.M��1JPon the oaourcenos of an Hvait ot Qefwtt he�amd�►,oNf an�r sat Is nker�a�eYW W� -_ ,._. _
<br /> aommMiR�dMAlttlh�{b►aM�abl.anderslr►osre�tiAtlt�P►oM�triLendwmsf►inibowndi�oroaon�butwithoutolb� ontodo Fr{
<br /> �a,u�wNhdut notke to or dem�nd upon TVuftor end wRhout reteuaUO T�wtor trom any obllpallon,da eny aot whiob ha �°
<br /> a�e e d but hils to do and malr Atw do any other a�it desm�neoeseery to P►oteot the eeourity hsreof.Tnator�halt�imnadt�ely ;:'�:R- -
<br /> ;,4r.1:�.:��.
<br /> upon d�nland therelor by Lender.Pelr b 6enderall ooate snd expeneee Inaurred and sums exps n d a dby L�a n d er i n o o n n e o tl o n w K h . _,'''�:�;�'_----
<br /> —.�:� ths exaroleepy 1.enaer of the torepoina►iphte.1oga�her witA inte►est ther n at the deteuit rote provi d e t i M tlfe Nots,whioh ahail be �i�:',;':�;•;.�°�``R=r
<br /> �.- added b ehe iMsbtedna.es eeourod hereh►. lendaG e�u.n�U�Rwr+9�e�Wa��t beawse of��1+ie�}N�aft do or omit to do k;�ii;�F����',�E;��1, :;
<br /> �--.a � • � � ' � �a,,�t�,,,r ����,r ti 4d�r�
<br /> isvu+un. i � 1�I�A'�+�8������yy�� �fi QOf1�p11QRC81YL1�1 A��l,�d,��t,.fCd��9MI_S_.rOf,d.��,.• dri�td�wa���nRrw .�
<br /> nair s�.ti� ���..�..�.i..h..wtsns�8��IP.ww"'�"��f��!l�wa+����/WU`�Pww��$b�aw�a ; .r ���i�f�.7� ',7, •_-
<br /> 7, �rrwWwwR.. ...��''� , ' .i.t 7i f t ly
<br /> �) �i - >�.v..�. .
<br /> �; keeptl�9Proper!lr�trornati�d�+dW�e!►�et�a�ao�xbecu�derai+yEavt�or�+Galta�4��!►�+�� .,���,'<,�: ,�,�,�
<br /> '��� "'"�:; heretnaa"t1�a�s Ma6er�a�"1t T��l��nents and repre�ei�to Lende�that there�e.+�o�rdow�onor . �r�i_�:F�r Y��s� 4°'e�.
<br /> �'F,.r:}:.: �
<br /> a �, rr�.�,�: to inde fy and Itotd hatinless 4.end�.ps dheotora,otticers.emPlaYees and a�,a�d . ` ��t fr Y�� :��a ��H,�:
<br /> �� ,�r:� und�lb� '�+�r 7lep��
<br /> V t,,, 1? �,��'� �����fire�f,(rprh and agalnet any and al{ciaima,dama9Qs,toeeea and tlabillNes arising in oontreotlon w!!h �c��l�i��ti`��i�aa�rs��,�
<br /> �s= �� q�p►eeatn�;uee,'dla 1 or tranepon of eny Hasardous Materiate on,under,lrom or atiout the Pr TM�FOqHGO�td �„xR��
<br /> -•�� �p,��M oi li�nb.Trustor�leleby aasigna to Lender the tents,leeuee and DroHts ot the Pra provided that T�uetor b�����r � -___-
<br /> "�;�,�"•�'� at�all,untit tha 000urrenoe af en Event ot Oetauft h ereuoder,have the�IBht to cotteot and retel�suah rents,lesues and protits as they -
<br /> elther in persort or by agent �.���f} 5 Ha i��....
<br /> , �� ..� beaome due and peyable.Upon the oCaunence d a�Event of Oetault,l.ender ma , ,with or without
<br /> fN i�„A;;�-. b�in�ing an aadon or proaeeding,a by a re�iverappointed by a aourt and without regard to the adequaay of ita soourlty.enter .°;��'`�; �� ''`�'�r
<br /> ..;...t.�,;.,�t 5 ,.�f,.,�. �,,�<:,=
<br /> ,� ,4�,;���:;:� upon mtd�e po8seaefon ot the Prape�ty�or any pan thereot,fn its own name or in the neme of the Trustee,a�d do any aats whlah it e.�';, � i'. _
<br /> t�r;���f,���, deama neoeasary or dea h e b l e to P���e v e t u e,m e r l c e t a b l l i ry o r r e n t e b f l l q r o t t h e P ro p e A y.or an y part thereoi or Interest therein, :`:,., ti r I 5r;� �,u
<br /> - ��•�'` inareees tha inoome theretrom or proteat the ssou�Ny horeot and.with or without taking possession of the Property,sua tor or • . 'l� ,a� �,.,,-,
<br /> ..t.r`�l��Y�'�.�1 I �5
<br /> � �;:.;3���� otherwiee oolleat the ienb,iseues and P����t,Including thoee paet due and unpald.and apply the seme,leas ooals and ` �r,`. ,��; � �,���;:
<br /> `�,�•,�` `�}'�'��F expenres of operadon and oolleoaon inoluding atlaneys'tees.upon any indebtedneae seoured hereby.all i�euah ader as tYender ��{�.•;1':� ,; •`;. ' '��,.,�
<br /> ir,�i:i��;i�'�,.,
<br /> ,.,_, �;3�c.,�n�.k,,,, may dete►mMe.TM enteHn9 upo�and taking poeeeaelon of the P►ope►ty.the colteodon of suoh rente,iesuee end Protit�and tMe ��-�r��..: •, '•n„ .��G:='.:
<br /> * i.. ? u �
<br /> �,�� Y�����r;° eppliaation thareot ee efor6eeld,she��nW ouro or watva any deteutt or nodoe of detauit hereunder or tnvelidate any aot done 1� ^ .; .y
<br /> �g���{�yq e.pureuent to suoh raGceof defaWt an4 noMrithsmndi�g the condnuenae In poaeeaelon of!he Properry ar �t,� � ,<, '�' ,,�t��
<br /> � . ,;'r h;•• thp oqbpdon,►E�oelpt en0 app1108don ot t9nb��ebues o►ptotNe,snd Trustee entl t.erWer aha8 ba entitted�o o+�brei8e eve�ys rlpt+t r != . . ,
<br /> 'r�b � ; M1,ra i
<br /> ;a::;;a q;-, provld�d for In eny ot the t.oen Insbumente orbf►lew e0o�oaounenae W eny Event of Defeutf,Inotudinp wlthout timltati�on tha dpht ^ . ���.
<br /> to exerolee the power ot�p1e.Fwthtr,�ende�'s rlghts and remedl9s und9t this perapraph shal!be oumuleGve wqh.and In no wey a ';,.,,p ^ ;4 �t .;
<br /> ` `, , , �..Ywy��A� t9ndet's�t�hta antl remediee under any eeetgnmeM ot teeees and�ents teoorded e9e►f�et the P�oPatf►.Le�Me��T�wtee '� ,, ��'��5t ;.:
<br /> ����/ ,� ) J � ININIYIM��M�� (Ij'�y}�t111 �}' r
<br /> ��` ,"A� 8qd t110 f809�Vet lh011 b8 N8b19!O BCCOYM Oflly ?Of thOS6 t6fliS BGtYBIIy f8081V6d. �� r; � � ' {�';�i
<br /> .r AP/.,r �.
<br /> S�}��}Yd;�;,�}; 11. /lvw/b Ot ONa�if.Th6 tollowinp BheM constltut6 an Hven!ot Oetault under tt�08ed of Trust �.- • , , .
<br /> +��,� , �+5{1�1 ��)Fq�ro tp pay any inafa1lment of p�1e�dP�or Intereet ot any other eum eeau�ed hereby when due: r �,r r ,�i'
<br /> ,a;: (b) A breaoh of or default under any p►ovhlon oontalned in the Note,tMS Oeed ot TrusL eny of the Loan tnabumenta.or eny �:'•� •: ; «, y',�:
<br /> ��'.,�;i;�;�:`i�.. , ,
<br /> ... �,�%'�,,. otlier Iien a ertoumbranoe upon the P�ope� • ' �:4r ;�,� :.
<br />�;;:�;,?<,�i.,�>;r. .
<br /> ,?'•:,�,�•�f,,,}k;;; (0) A w�i t o t e x e 0 u t i o n o t a t t a C h m e n t o r e n y e l m l l a r p r o o e s 8 a h a t l b e e�t er e d a gainst Trustor whlCh 8he11 beoome a lien on �; !r;;.:S:Y i...,�,_.:'
<br /> Sr�r:rp n,.. the Ptopeity a any po»lon Mereof or IMereattherein; .. '' ;, � � R���.
<br /> �'�i;';'Y� w;.� (d) T f�e e h a l l b e N l e d b y o r a g ai n e t Truator or 8orrower an actlon uneler any preaent or tuWre tederal.smte o�aThe► • « { , " �
<br /> + i rr.• inap�venoy or other relief fa debtore:o�there aheil be appolnted any trwtee, << i,' •
<br /> , r,:� law or repulation retadng to.bank!upkY. • ..
<br /> �:��,�.;
<br /> �,, L„1<��t,�',', �ao�ar�iqvtdatot Of�'��W�►����aof all Rf.�nY Pen ot Ma Prope�Y•a the ren�Issuos or proNq drereot.a Truata �� ; ` 4, � 4�`��, ---
<br /> t '*`� �•�t . or 8orrower s1Wt make any�enetet as�Onmpr+t io��a benerit ot oredltore:, . . , t+, + . °'�,� °�:' ,
<br /> ��r���,.�����r (e T A e s e t�.b a t i s t e r.'l e e e e►.a e s�p n m e h t.c v m��y a n 4 8 o r t u r t h e r�e n o u mb�ana�of ad a a n y p s rt a!a.any fnteteat In!he ��j1. �' , ��fi
<br /> ..�lt��;�;t • `
<br /> �r� ,.,,.�., ���eMher�volt�litarll�nednvolunfarlty.wlthouYihe expreea w�itten Cbna6nt �dl lender,provided lhBt;Tr�stor shal l be ��,;�,y� �� ,c � ,� ^
<br /> ��`��' to 6xeou�e a�feABn of t h e Pro p�►t h a t 8 o�"s n o t c o n f a i A e n o p d o�t o p u i c h�e e e n d t h e t e r m o t w h i c h e l o e s n o t e x c e e d j�;;�� , ? :rt��1�;:;
<br /> , �,� , .•i:ta�tr t� F � -
<br /> a}�� ��t'�• °��r + �j} —
<br /> tl�; ry u' , �n n, � ���
<br /> (Q qbandonment of the PropeAy:or �+1• ,i „ �L 13J:r-, .
<br />_;;��_..�r1;��n.�• (g) B 7rualo�is not an Indiv�dual,the lesuance,sale,trenster,assignment,conve ance or encumbrence ot more than atotel �. -
<br /> , �, . , �� � y ��.f�.s �., �;�"r�-
<br /> ,,��1�7E� x> 'i_ , " •. . . �t..',5�
<br /> � ��'Q����k� �.�._peroent of(It a CorparaUon)Its lesued and outatanding atock or(He partnership�e totet of . . .peroent ot :l���:- f . � ��kiy7f -
<br /> °` f�t t +"'' ': parMership lnterests during the petiod tMs Deed of Trust remalna a Ilen on the Properly. • , •;, ,t � }4"�' :
<br /> ,.'j>4.•..: �;
<br /> , „,,�:.�.,., �p, p��i�tlpn Upon ONsult.�athe event of eny Event ot petauk Lender may,wlthout nodee except as required by ' ,:
<br /> r .- ,r
<br />._..y�.,',m • � - -., , -
<br /> ,;�•��� , � law.Qeolate att Indebtednesa seoured hereby-io be due and payatile end'!he same shatl thereupon become due end payable , ' `; !���;+�i
<br /> ^��n��;��.�}.�:�• w i t h o u t a n y D r e a e n t m e n 4 d e m and,P rotest ornotice of any kfnd.Thereaftet l,6nder mey: ��.• ` :�,� �.,,,��`, _-
<br /> y,$�,:�;'a:.'•,'� (e) p e m e n d d ta t T t u e M e e x e i C l�t h e P O Y Y E R O F 8 Al E grented herein,and Trustee she t l t h e r e a ft e r c a u s e T�u e t o t's ,:;' :" ,r :; >,V.`
<br /> ��Y�?�,��'�:.�;;.; IMereet in the Propetty to be aotd and the prxeede to be distrlbuted.all In the manner provldetl In the Nebraeka TruBt Oeeds '.,�{;.,,•. �,•; .r,t�,� �,.
<br /> "' i:, � � 'i; 1+ �' _
<br /> (D) Exerolse eny and al{rlghts p�ovkl�d for in any ot tAe Loan instrumenls or by taw upon ocourrenoe of any Event ot , �' ';.� ` .
<br /> _ .,.. t r,7,�;,. /y�� -J : �, . . , ',+� �:
<br /> �'�t:j���jki�8��.'i. 1/V�o{���wry � � ' � . . �
<br />,.;;,.�,�,,�.•�,,.,••; (o) Commenoe an aodon to fpreolose thb Oeed ot Truat as a mortgage.appdnt e rece�ver,or speclfically enforce any ot the ,
<br /> :.,,�tti i�;'.i' �.�� covenante t�ereot . .. . .•.'�,
<br />'��'a�`°'����i'�•��� NO remedy herein contetred upon or reserved to T�uatee or Lender�s�ntended to be excluslve ot any other remedy hereln.�n the ��� . . ,
<br /> � "�""' � Loan Inauumente ot'by Iaw provided or Permitted,but eacA shatl be oumulative,ahe11 be in add�tWn to every other remedy g�ven .
<br /> '`� '��"�y`��'� hereunder,in the Loan tnetruments or now or hereafler exisdng at law or 1n equtry or Cy stetute,and may be exercised conourrently. � � .
<br /> ::;•:: . :.......:... . ..
<br /> �., 'G"::-�t,.� tndependend�r or succeaelvety. ,
<br /> " �}�•: t3. TnhtN.The Truetee may reelgn at a�y ume w+thout cause,and Lender may at any tlme and wlthout cauee appolnt e
<br /> ,,.;;r'.::ti�;i;�:',4:�1i
<br /> �1�•�; suCtsseot Ot substltute Truetee.Trustee shell nvtbe I�eble to any perry.lnoluding without Itmltatlon Lender,Borrower,Trustor or any
<br /> Z�,,� ; :•�� purehaeer of the Property,tor any loss or damageunless due to reckless or witltul mleconduc�and shell not be reqWred to take any
<br /> . . ,.. ���.T.�.►��neee�nelmm��flad,In w�itiOC.tOf 811 C08t8.compensahon or , ,
<br /> -+ �`�:�: eCttOff ff1 OOnneapon wun ide ai�iOiGe��w:�S�. .�.o.... . .. . . , -
<br /> � � � expengea w►dp�may be assocfated therew�tA. in addltion,7ruetee may be0ome a purohe8er at any eale of the Property Uudfda!or �
<br /> ` _��;.•�.�,`•�� under the power ot seie granted hereln): postpone the sale ot alt or any pon�on of the Property.as provided by taw:or sell the i
<br /> .. ' - <tit' • P1
<br /> � • �«' � 5 Property 85 a whWe,or fn separete parcets or lota at Trustee's d�ec�eflon. :
<br /> :F S�:�M�� �� 14. FN!and L�p�MN.U the event Truatee sells the Property by exerciee ot power of eale.Truatee ahall be entitled to apply
<br /> `,`t,' i.�+tf�',
<br />��v�!r.;{�:';�r';�ti'',r��' - � .
<br />:�;•�;���,n,,, ,; apy eaie p tqceeda tltst to payment of all cosls and expenses of exerclefng power o�eale.Inctuding aU Trustee'e tees,and LendePs
<br /> .f,�•• .;,,`t�r',r' •:• andTruetee's altorney's feea,actually Incurred toextent permitted by appllceble law.ln tne event 9orrower or Trusror exerclsea en y . ..;,; , .
<br /> ����':`"•���+''i'•�' rfgM provided by taw to cure en Event of Defa uk l.ender ahall be entltled to recover f rom Truator all coats and expenee9 actuelly . • . .
<br />_.,,,>-`..•.,••??:, '• � , .
<br />-;°;:.•t,�<,•���^,�.� inCUrred as a result of Truator s default lncluding wfthout timitatbn a11 Truatee's and attomey's teee.to the extent permltted by
<br />�;.'s,:,,1�:�:;`,:..,•:• appAOabte 18w.
<br /> ' �••,t?,,,� .::;,., lender may,at Rs aptlon,make addltlonal and tuture advances and re- .
<br />�:y,,,,� 4�,•,j���, r 16. Futun Advances.Upon requeet N Bcnower, : �,. •
<br />,;•,: ,:,t'��• •�� advences to 8orrower.Such advances and readrances,wlth Interest thereon.ahall be secured by this Deed of Trust.At no time ehat{
<br />.!�.:l�j:N� �1� " . 1�1��'.�� .•
<br /> .^+_,�r���;_.�;;y�; fhe princlpat amount ot the indebtedneas secu red by thls Deed ot Truat,not Inctudmp gums awh'Ch ed fo8 roteeter @ 8�urity of thla
<br /> ,,�rt'��,i�,;i;�'� Deed ot Trust,exceed the orlginel princlpel arnount atated herefn,or$ 9 ,
<br />.ri .�t��������,� :.1; ..
<br />;'y��;, .;• ,•� .
<br />.
<br /> .,
<br /> t. .Vjq�`,,�(��i:;; ��
<br /> �f
<br /> . _�..
<br /> •�•..r,,,.y,.,,, ;'.', t��' .
<br />:::E::,:::.y.�X:', ' ,� �
<br /> `. '"., . ' _. _
<br /> ��,-�� �.r
<br /> �_ . ------�-�---•- --
<br /> � �•, . _ _
<br />