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.i .. . . _ _ _ _ <br /> -�`.�...ri�y-�- .: ,.r , ._ . - -'-.._ . _.. . - -' ' '--- '-"- . . _ <br /> -�.i:� �t ' .�f' . ' . .. <br /> --_— . - `� , -- i7,. � .' -. . � . . c . t. � � ��..'.,4 <br /> , �� <br /> � � � ,, <br /> -:ri. , ` . .. �..� - . . ' - - -, - -_-- - - ' --— - - - - -- , ' - --�. - - . - , _. — ---- <br /> - `- _: ..,.� __� ' - � � ` , . .� S � . � ' .. - . . . ���� -C. <br /> , . .. ., . . . � <br /> --- QNIti0ltwtt30�i�t�lt�t�t1�` �e�o�ra,s�ldl�e�daouM�t�Mdsp�es['aW�w�. ._. ..°-- .-..-----..._. -� . <br /> _ ;_ ... ...:�._. . . . . <br /> _ < L !lqritii�tiiie4�t aitl�Ir�wtlr�l4►wwR s�f 4�!e� .Bamw�c shsU�i+c±Aptl�"p�y wfiw dwe <br /> - - ,flep�i�c�p�IdadirQ�a�ata�lrede6teride�oedbgt�tdQte�d+a�qep�l��eatandWecl�r�s.dueuedesi6ra'�ota ---- <br /> �� �. ���f'����1rE�. �tp�pll�i�IC4R�EO��i1f1ItAltlii�►Tt���i.�ndt�Hnrc�cw►�trJ�xi1��� <br /> 1a l�a�det aa tl�e d�J�moe�tily P�yme�ts are d�t�:tbt 1�o�tG unli!tire I�ate is fWl,a aum['�wK1s"t eVua�Ro <br /> a�e�t.rdRl�a�t�r+�!e�s y►a as�st:.�ic�aswy ataie prinrit� cn�tbis s�uri�y 1nun,u�ent;tb���r�� <br /> � � le�ehoid pa�'s�ts ar tco�od reaa an fbe Plrapesty.if any; (cl''+ariy hsrxcti;�����.�e gremium��nd(d!.�sairi� <br /> , , �ao�t�e�SUra�oe pnniuos.if any.?bc9e itarts a�ecslkd•�s�cnnw itemc"Lmder ma�estimau H�t Fun3�duc:�tt�c <br /> b�sisde�rc�astd�a�drzasmabieatim�tadtutnneescrowitems. � � <br /> _ � .:._ . .. _. _i7�aFu�dssiallbelkWinaninstitutionttied�pori�.araaou�atsaCabichacrcinsurodar6uaraatccdbystedu�Eut <br /> � s�e a�eaclt C�f Lesder d Ira�der is sucL ae n�itutioa)-Ltnder�Lall�ppiy tbe�unds co pay t1rc escro+ueuti�: <br /> ;�:� La�ader�m?����Z��PPts�i tLt foodf.snallno�ei�t aoouaat ar.�iflina t6e tscra+�i[tm�s.uq{�,ss <br /> Le�ader pys Bor�os�er intarst aa tUe Funds aud app�ia�s taw penaits i�ender to mate such a cha�oe.Bo�ran�a�d <br /> Ie�de�miy s�coe is rrtitios tLat iotea�at sWll be ps�d ao the Fwds.Unkss an apoemait u�wcte oc appli�bk i�w <br /> reqYites i�!o ht pitl.t.estkr sMt!aot be requird no py Borrvw�er any..intarcsc or n�ninas ua tlie F�uad�.LKader <br /> sWl�vetoBcrt�er..�rit�tr��e.aoaoawla000ant�dtbeFw�dssba�rin�creditsandde�itstotbeFlued�aadtl�e .� <br /> �gor�i�icktaci'adebitwtbcFiWdswasmd'tZ'6eFimdsarepl�od�ed�sa�itiaaaEserurityfar[6ewmssecurodby , <br /> _ -; � WsSecurit��roeaG ' . <br />."=�� IEtba ainonat_uf_ctk Fwds Ldd by�ether�vit6 tLe futttrt a�wothl�pa�a�ents d Faads pi��ble Pri�x to <br /> - tie��tcs aft6resetoMr itws.siaU e�re�etd tLt amo�at�ed tn pay tLt eseco�itm�s wrben duq tLe e�s�allba; <br /> "'`= ;,,r sc BQio�rci s aplion.atl�er promptiY teP+nd ta Hoaa+ra or ct�edited to Baro�rer oa oroutbIy PaYma�ts d'Fin�ds.I[ti�e <br /> - . =�sii�wt dtLe'Fimds b�dd 6y Leuder is mt sof�.itat w py tbecsem�r itemsrr6m duG 8ocrower s6�pay to i.ender aaY. ; <br /> - , ,. <br /> - .___� - --..._��,-wnanlcenodie_de�a�encsmoeearmooepaymeatsasroqmrodbyl.ender. ., • <br /> — - __.. Q��l��iafdtuEaltsmi��ed�Sa�Y��-i�Sersi�slEpramptt�:r£uadta���� <br /> . �sy Fo�Ldd bg Lcod��fvwder piu��ap619 t�e Prnpe�ty issoid or ac�aired 6g tander.Isnder s6alt app[y.�1�ter - - <br /> - ���tl�mediaidt pirnctimrrbe sak of tbe Pnopat�%a m soquisit�os ty I�ender,+my Fuods�dd bgr Iat�der at tbe time of - <br />_ � � �ppic�tiq�nssaccr�iRs�slEtl�es�aeqssec�edb�itb�s�7r��- �' - ,. <br /> -� `�: A�iieal�i it�le��eaih� 17�T�ss appiit�abie lair poovides at�a�Ci�ci a11 pyments raoeis�d 6y I�entier.oodQ , <br />_;%• pusp�.lamd2sha�beappiiad:tF�wlateebsreesduemdertbeNatC�e�vnd.toprepaymmtchar�es�iiadertir`, _ <br /> - No��t6ii�td;wamoontspay�abieaoder�2;tourtl4to�duCSad�st,toprincipldue.. .,;. ,`�:,"�-:. � ' , <br /> _ •-#:�Clre�eap�fai.- Boi��ea's�PS►sD taxeka�ts.cliar�es.fia�s and�po�aar�ti6�o to tt6t --. . � <br /> � � Ytapeeiy ivincb may attain priocrc�r�v,,�tbis Sa�ity Iasuummt,and lasehold patymeats or 6rouad ceats. if�ay. �=�__ <br /> �' . . � Bo�are�sbsU pry tbese ob�ptims ioitj5e mannerprovidad'm p�us�rapA 2.or if not paid ia t6at nnaao�r Bois+n�va stia11 � � -_ <br /> . -L�a►�tLerp�bn tune dircsily to diepersoi�oxedpaymen�Bocnn�ver sbaU pramptly fumisb to3.n�der ait notias afaawants �= <br /> ��.`=J�K� �-��1��,4�tl�;s v�r1�u�oi{�a m�ka�b�e p�.yn�nts dir�xuy,BoROw�a si�t�9 rar�b to Lad� =_ <br /> - ��=�. <br /> � ..., ._ ;: . _ <br /> s ��t. <br />� ` :'�`��s1u1L�d�i�e aay lieo�vhich has priority orer ti�i;Sanrity Iastrument uekss Barraver:(a) _--�—_ <br /> r _ ' �' ;�iersil�" ��pi t dtbe'abliptiaa socatrd by tbe lien in a avnneraooept�bk to l.ender;(b)cantaCs iaeoqd '' ` <br /> {�y! ��Mq�����:, '�'{'-■����� _e•�.- �! u_ K�•�._*�� ���w y�� . _ j,.�r <br /> __-_ ^:I'c'`+R'�����C,����-^"_�`s'�_ �y^_ .�tl��r���r��LR�x'1NFLARF�.S�M��ti1I";��, ���.��_. <br /> _ •'� rd r .����t Ul{UC lies:+�:forfadm d a�r put�dtLe Pooperty:�or(c}seca�s fco�n tbe halder d the liea amr:. �=�-�-.. <br /> :�:„f �,ees�e�t�'a�tor!►to I.enders�iii�inatins the lirn to tlns Seyvtity Instmmrn�Ii'I.earlerdetermines that aay pett a€��; �� <br /> ' tlre Ynap�iiy i�subject to a lien a�i�fiQ may atqin priority over diis Security lnstrumeiit:�maY Sive Borra�a�� r ti -- <br />-� �'+ti�y� ��� notiee iddttifyin6 t6e lirn.Borm�vl�'�tall satisfy tl�e liea or talce one or more of the aetions set forth abovc�vithiu 10 days ' <br /> - .,,�::`= .� '�. ofthd�vvinEof�wtice. . <br /> S H�azi Iwra�. Bgsii��er s1ia11 kap the impmvemrnu now e�isting or l�uueafktr erocted on tbe Propaty <br /> �.. =' '' `.,,.`..�'�• inwrod apinst bss by 8t�hazard5i"�vded xithin the term"extended covtrage"and any otrer hazards for wrbich Lender . <br /> " :�.�' �,,;:, requira iaturu�ce.Tl�s ituurana��ll be maintained in the amounts and for the periods that l�ender raquirss.The '-"'- <br /> .'- ,, �•`•- �' , , . 1nU be chosa� Borro�ver wb' to l.a�der's s rovai wrLich shaU not be <br />.:f -.,.�;=r_, u�sannoe camer providing t1�e��s bY lect PP � ..:>."{ - <br /> _ :.aax.;> :_ _..•ri.._. 011fpS011i�SIM1�1�. .r :, .r:�.;:��; �§i•;%� . <br /> ` r�'�'`-�, 1' r� , � All insurancc: w��'�eMals shall be acceptabk to i.ender and sha11 i�lude a standard nwrtgagC elause. �;';, , ,t: <br /> '� �'��'';;;;�:. , c� ,�.ender sh�il hsve ttae�tark��r�Pulieics and retx�vals.If Lrnda requires,Horrower shatl promPtty give to Leadec ��r�'�` - <br />_r ;�`�`�` " .�'�,. 1 notices.In tlx event af toss.Borrower shatl give prompt noqce to t be ins�::.' ' ..-- ..f• _ <br /> _� � �y�a�f� `,` �f� :�+�1���d v�:�.� - <br /> , �+ °': r�. +;• ', '�,,<;,�qar�c',���nder.Lenifr.q�:r�rs�ej�uofd'lossifnotmadeprampttybyHorrower. ` • ;� ='• � -- <br /> 7;.:,a,;, `p� i;,�; .+,��,;.:�� ���i'�ess Lmder and ,�qi�kn�`��Serwise aga in wrltina,insurance procaeds�sdaU be.��od to restoration ar repair,. . <br /> � � � <br /> � �`,� �' ' ' `of We PrapertY dama8oa.�if il�ie',��iS'ts�tat or r,egair is economicaity feasible,��',r�'s��titY is nni ksseaeQ.If the - . <br /> _ 4,di�tr �, �..� � � <br /> ,;:,.,,��.,:° ra�torstion or repair is n�t e�e�ct�feasa�+ve��Lender's secnrity would��i�si'..r����•a�oe�roceods s 11 be �. <br /> ` :_ ,;';,r�J6i',�c` ' - • xd to tbe suan aocured � �i�i�ient�whuha or noc thae d�,:�e�g r�rwuas paid to Bonowu.lf � _ � <br /> '� �� � � ��.. , , <br /> .��° ' ;,�r; Borroaer atiandons the Pr .�,������im�,�s�wlthin 30 days a aotioe�'�ct�,���fia�i3�e2�csuTance�ier�s.� �,` <br /> �°' "r'� 7{c:�, a�'eredtosettkaclaim�tb.q�p�'a��=a�,.�.. ���:insurancepracads.Le�ei��y��rlb�e�i�tiar,c�irorre��': ` <br /> � � � <br />_ - !���.�;�. the Property os to p�sui�:�a�a�sif�:if�;'t'�s�r Instrument.Mhether a�u�.�-r,�`t�d�''�'Le 3(I�y��t�4�'1br�uo:'� ,;_;r, , ;'` <br /> :•y4 �.`y . - ' �Y�IQ!t�1C110�fC!�Sp�., �M1, .. .. „ �`�, � V �f ,�>�.. �y,. �r <br /> �4 � . �7"'_�"�:."' . . . . ' ' ' �.� <br /> - ,�t��.;�' � Unkss Len�eC;i�l9t�ans�'�'a��;erwise agra in writing.any applica��Cproceeds i�pnnc�pa�slr-��;rdt��'�, <br /> _ •.:�,.�, a�.w� e s �,'.-'. <br /> .•:rM�;`�. ` p�p�i��ue date a4�e�s�+,��t„��..�rmrnts ref�trcd to in�sagrsphs 1 and 1 or ch�ng�tM�e z�co�ount of the p�ya�s:�,l�' ��'; <br /> �', T .�fr�, andeti`pn�rap6f9�t�e�'ro�eRy���SSirodbyLender.Borraives'sriEhttoanyinsurance�islli�icsandpr�oee�:ess�is�,' ` � <br /> 'f•` � frum d�e to the PiapertY prior`to the acqnisition sl�ill p�I�cn�ender to the ex[ent oi'�re s�s aecured b�A�4��Y' <br /> '� • y} �115�fY1NdIt�f11111�Y�1llO�lOt�1l.'iCQ11W�10I1. .•�':'..};j•' '. ' '`if ' , . r� � i,�. � <br /> . ; ' ' . , • i. Prpe+rrati�sl�/MaLtr�ueeolFte�f�y�: Barmwershallnotdcstroy.d�rtia�vrro��ui��afretialiy �' . <br /> ; -'` ' • ' : � � �. <br />,,.. _ <br /> , .. <br /> _ ��. : �: �._.. .. �� ,'- chae6e tLe Propetty,allow•iLe Proyeriy to ctec�f?+:.�;€drbyE V+�`�:tr,�t waste.If this Secu!rFt�+�qsiruttie�r 9r.rn ,�Il�,oi,���ld. E- . <br /> �, _ ,i,; BoRa.rashaUcomplywnththeprbtiivansofthe6r:��ackiit'[�t}�n►�eracquiresfeetieiet�st�n,�'Y�;�U�i;xj�ii'a��i ( <br /> i ( <br /> �, .,:° , faetitkshallnotmergeuelasLem¢er� oesto�Iu:�p��sgerin�l�'tair�.� : '� � ', '� . . )., r <br /> , ' • - . 7. Pmfeeti0��Iv/ee's�ts i�t�C'���Nt3'i:NorlB,a� 1nsIN�'`'��"1Bix�r��wer tails to perfonai�fJ�c'' ` �, y;� �,1 � �r� <br /> . . , , s;y E 1jf,, <br /> ,, 1..:�: covenaetsand�ra�tscantainedinthis5ecue'tylnsmiment.orthrre�sa�l;e�i�1��i1�3'thatnaaysignifrcar►ttpaPh�at" . • � trr`y��,:�„�..t,;,,;; <br /> - t•,`:� Lende�s riahts in th�Propettq(such ss a pracadiaa in b�nlcruptzp,pn�t���r�ation enforct taws or -:;+;;.�:f�1-'`-'-` ;'�;���;,: <br /> -, r...' :� . , <br /> .. .`. .,.,,:.::.ti��,;;;:� te�Wations).thenl,endermapdoandpvyfarwh�teverisnaassay,y.toprotectthevaluea��ii��ropertysndLendeisrigfus ` i , ,s°;°; <br /> . ,. . - in the Property.La�der's actions maq inrtude payirtg any sums.secured by a lien wbiaK�?i�s priority over this Secunty �: <br />:. -. y .' ''� - - -- lntttument,appesrinE in cam,paying reasonabk attaraeys'fe�s and erttering on the�'r �op`erty to maite repairs.Atthough . --- - <br /> - - -- - ' - I�endermsytal�eactianunderthispangnph7.Lendesdosnat6avetodoso. • <br /> ' '�r , .�'�;�;:' ' Aey anwunts disbuned by I.ender under th�pa�agra�pb 7 s6all become addiiiona!debt oi Borrower socured by this : � <br /> " � �� Socarity Inurument.Untess Botmwu aed I.endet a�ta otTrrr te�ms of pay�nrnt,these sinounu shal!brar interest from ' ` <br /> � �� °� �,:� �.� the date of dkbursement at tiie Nate nte aa�d sJuU 6t puyalyi�with intuest. upon norice from Lender to Horrower i � <br /> � ' raqu�tiet P�ymmt. . . <br /> �`. <br /> . � . <br />'._._.��_.'.:��._��—._—__—WJ.__��;�—"._ . <br />.. ��_��_--_''�'-r+�1i•.'_ _ . . ' _. . , . ' .. . .. . . . .. . . . . ._..... . . -"_-_ - _' � <br /> -_ - _ -'—s..--.�- �«--�— '_- . _ . ' - . ' �. . .�__""'____ <br /> . _ . . . . . . � � ' � . . <br /> ... ' W -. _� .� . <br />