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;-; <br /> -; � _ _ _ - —_ - —. �"�4� -- - —_ _.- <br /> ' ; I7.1Ysi[�t11R���1 I�M�at Y 1ai+w�er.If ali o��r�d�P�a�y1.a a�qr i�e�t ia�t _ <br /> �i sold p�q�d�+tred<cr d a i�lare�t ii Haio�re�i��old at traMStare��tl�onv�a`is�ot s.�r�t pe��oa��iAliart � -- <br /> -: =1s�i8er't p�io�+iriqea cerurar.:�s���ary. t.i�+optiaw,.�iw�edi�le peyw�nt iit fi�l!af all�■s;-�ec�ed-�jr ti�h . <br /> � _S�wtit�r irtt�+rt.H�r�r,�q�awryi�ll�rct 6t t�a�ad by-ts�ader ifs�a�sc��rc�d b�r��d'�� <br /> : of tii�Sei�i�r iwe�eat- . . <br /> If Lender e�a�tYis nptioa.laader�6d1�ire Bo�t�awar�atiee of aoodaatiao.71re rw6c+t sAfll paviQa a pak�d af ewt <br /> �as.�3�diys fic�ttit dre tie�o�ioe� m*iio��rtds r�kfi 8cxtaxa ma�t pnr�11 aw�aoc�rod by this <br /> sec�ricy mdi�umeat:U eor��o�er f�s�o-py d�e�es� th��ir�;on of t�is pe�aal.I�der mr�r nn�aice aqy�neaia , <br /> ,P���S►�s Sec�ity Imt�asart widiow f�inLir�atioe Qr dema�d at Bix�oue,t. <br /> l�. /re�w�e�s ��t t� L(�ii�lie.-I�Sort+a�er meels cataia aaditiom. � sh�tl ha��e the riabt ta ha��c <br /> _ a�iaraeme�_af�is:5eaieitY�fnrl�e�t. _ �� . <br /> �ca�j��R auy t�iime p�ior w�We eartia af:(a)S diyrs(ar such dlrer , a <br /> applicalde ia+�r ary specify ior�I 6�ia�e s�k at��e�rapasY P����Y P�''a of sak 000iaiaad in tlin- ` `` � <br /> Sacrtity insursa�br(b)artrY af�ilYdp�drc anfotp��is 5�s�r�Y�au�amt:71ase ooaditions ste WR Bonorrer:ti�p�y's. . <br /> La�der all s�nas wbici�dim wouW be dpe under d�is Sav�ity tnstnaoeat aM tbe i�bt�as if no aooderitioa Aad uocucrod:!b) <br /> a�e�es aay defaWt of aay a�et odv�eo�ots or�(c)pa3+s aU expms�s inc.vned in entariag this,S�curity insuuma�t. <br /> - , ��.bit mt limitod to.iea�nnbie slwme.ys'fas:aed(d)ntca sMCh�ctiae.s��endec mtY�rssomblY teqdic�to swie <br /> o�this Saatity 1a�s�at.iauder's clalKS IaW�t Frope�ty aod Son�uwa's a6tigatioQ to payr dir sm�s see�u�ed�jr° <br /> , � S�eorcilg"-1�etndoidat ih�ll oo�tmue �• UPon�e�c by Bom�x�. tLis Security Iast�maent aud dMe <br /> , . i6Di��tiaiis se�yra�5eidr�r s6a11 m�in fully eff'e�tire ss if oo aooeiaatioa�ooa�ad.E�owevar tb�rigUt w�eir�sMll <br /> not�ppi�in the a�e of aaoeientiaa aoda prRa�ph 1?_ �.. • <br /> _ U S�ie d NNr Cl�e�t I.o�s.Settieer T6e Nota or a pautiat�n�est ia th� 3�tote(to�ther rrith this 5oaaity <br /> Ins�uma�t)m4y be sotd opG ac mnne tl�das�rithont p�iar mtic�qHoaa+re�A sate may`i�vtE in a dtfnge in tbe eatity iknm►a <br /> � . as tbe'la�u Savictt')th�t cWlects manHdy paymeds du�aoder tbe Note aod ttis Secoiity Im�umeut.'T6ere alsa may be aa� <br /> : .:: :: or mare cbanges of"t6�Lo�n Servioer un�ei�oed�o a sale of thc Nat�.If tUaie is�a�e of the Lo�n Scrvioer.Ham��will De <br /> -^::_:::;��rai iridten notic�of�6e a�e�ina000rdaoo�.hth_pa�troph 14�6uv�� - l�-71�e uotioc w�!statc.thc_�me awd <br /> • - :::.�,,ad�,af t�t ae�L�oon Saviac aod the addiess to wbich piayments�be maii�-�l�e"nofioe witrat��3�yat�n'°---�: <br /> ::;i;:;�'�•.� irifai�tionioqui�odb!►applipblebtw. . _. _ .. <br /> �_�;''- �H�S�ista�es.Bonvrer shatl unt cause ar pem�it t6a pRSa�or.use.dispos+l.stcr�g+e,or edease oFa� , . <br /> ";;`'���;'' Huanlous Sub�iqt�:�nn or ia thc Propatg. .$�ii�v►�d'slell oot cb:.aar aiWw aryuot dse mala:''a�iythu�t affoctin�tb� : <br /> e ;,: <br /> :t;�':d-, P�ope�t�r thri is:api'�;►�i�tioa of any FaviionmrnW�La�'ILr'�rooeding taio seoteooes"5ml!not appTy'to the pc�,� <br /> �s3 u,t stor�� tba `�y'�y,of so�tl!qwntities of Ha�cdaas Sh6�.'�es ll�t at�e genrnlly �ignized m be app�p�e W <br /> .,�,;� t�� ao�mai�aia�oe of the Piopecty. . :.;,'.^� .: : ,. <br /> ;r: � . -`���:��y s�Y��R;m��no��;�.�V�,���;:a�inna.>>w��or ana���►y.;. . <br /> ''� 8�'��'�`'�mY aB�Y at�:invalviag tKe�upext�r idid'any�uatdous Substanoe uf Enviro�unerital Czv�': <br /> ,��� of v�fiich Bot�i�;:t�as xtual lauowledge.If.&i�x�vwer Itams,or is ratified bY a�►Y Saytmaiental or reg�latory authority.t1�at.:..: . <br /> any,t�adpo�al os adie�nmod'�tion;af.apy H�vy.t Sa6stanoe affocting the Pcaperty is i�sary,Bortower shall P��P�Y� `�- <br /> att":aai�ry remedial achocts�a�atio�daaoe widi Edriroaunedtal Iavir. , • .•.�:' � :� <br /> ;�.��ti+sed in'thls pa�ragraph'�k "Hazandous Su6stanees"aie tiwse substanoes de6��1�`toxic or haz�adavs��nces bY <br /> En ��t aad ttrc fallowitrg subs�anc�s: guotiae; kerosrne. ocher tla►tii�i��s,�:to?uF:�euotauu�iodocts. wxic <br /> pc�����.�des.volatile solrents.�m�s eo�ain&�asbcstos or fArn�a! r�,��.�ia�tive aptenals:As used in <br /> this 'i�'ik;?'�a►vimnmental Law" means t'oderat laws atxi lavus.u[':tlie.�LS��'��$K��1�; ,�sO'pertY is tocated that <br /> lC���$?��,: .�,� '�f G1V11�Ci� �0[I- 'i�i',s`:;�l'°i;`'a'v•<rii.r;r° ;�\.':�•;:�;�`•'` ':s:::;:i,::4; '��.., . . <br /> `Li��f�t-d3*q3�',��-i'bV'E3!�f�?tf.�k7S.�erandLeadec�t��'��ae�1t:A�:E'��i��t;<:�'-:'1;:�:,�: � _ <br /> :��'�� <br /> , � Cy .R:i���:: <br /> ' J����oi��„���a�'�.eeder��tr!eo�Io,e'!¢;ili�i�,?;!�qr' 1���F,�u�Ai'�fc'S 6esscb <br /> pt : :ire''�� ih this Seca lnstrna��;l�"t';�IS= to so�clfand��i'ri�i�'"•� 17 naless <br /> a' ''' `��iia�atLerwise).'17�e notice sbAll specity: �ta)tti�ili��h(6�tlie:�� :�+a��ibe default; <br /> ,� : "�� �;t�n 30 dAys trom the�te tbe nottoe is given M Bomu�rer,by`,�t0i�e.�3ud�;mnst be cur�ed:and <br /> (c)���1t�t��,..,:,. .:.,.,.. ,,,_. an <br /> Cd���'�siiut�'�,{a�+cnt�e tbe det�tult o0 or Ixtore tlrc date spectfled in the natice��,i'm„uRq�ratios ot the suras <br /> sep�r.�e��,i�s�ec�ity 1�trpcaent and sale at tLc Ptoperty.7'he notke sbail tu�rai���'�rnowe�r qE�i4e*ig6t to <br /> �tld 1I1!�II�to M'111g A tOUCI pCtI00�O�55!!�!ht �A IIlf�N�Lip�;�o►y a6er <br /> �:�.:�ppp;{aation ctfoa a�e;�.� 6e <br /> �,�.�,.�sj�$�;aaay�r�e immediate itp�yment ia tnll otallu.swas sec�aed By`�t��ond���withoeit�;4,•:•.� <br /> fari6es�s'ti���iaroke tie po�rrr ot sate aod any dhee�ea�edies pern�itted by app�.iE�:�$�_s�41ic::;-'�`<:���- - <br /> e�itte�.:t�s���e�cpe�s incurnd in pursuiva the ree�edies pravided in this Pars�Pb 21,��;:3k�.�i�d't�eo�;,.;;;:,;;::;;�- <br /> ta�s�a�M�urneys'fas and casts ot titk erida�ea • �'e�=::�z;t,.ti� ,:+.�<-:;:'?`��;:;,�`:_- <br /> ��i;�1� ot sale is imrdced.Tn�stee s6a11 raord a aatke ot de[ault in ea�h rnunty in w6kh � ';�+��s�e.;;;::';':`.,,•_;- <br /> Prop�tj�qs�d and s6�11 ma�mpies oi such noNce itl the mAnner prescn'bed by ppplica6te law to B�'�ri�i�?,�q�iq�ti:<:'�::;:;;?:: <br /> tLe other persoaq'prescdbed by spplica6le law.ARer the,Hree 9pplicable Utw,Tn�sta slwll�ive p�'ic'�Q16i�'��:=�,;::,:;;, <br /> et sde to t6e pesaas and in U�e mumer pr�scriDed 6y nppLka6k 1�,�..Trauer,wit6oat demand an Bocro�ee.slt����;�:_:.:._�;`,�_ <br /> tirc Property at pab�ic aaction to tUe�bfdder at tbejinle an��,ce and.ptd�t6e�n�ted in f�qa�}ii7��i,,��;:`.:�.°,�: ,� <br /> s�k.t�aoe or mo�e pareds snd te any order Trastee d�iaaiiries.Tmsta nwy.,_'',' sak ol all or a�'•.��.�e#'�:�.;;�i ., <br /> PFOp�IY by lwblk annoanoanmt at the time and pl��:�'any���3�Cwsly 1�k.l.ender or ifs�.lni�p;;'�':_ <br /> paerha�e tl�e Pf!1�crty at a�ry sala 't`' °.' �'�`:- "���:��`.`�:•�.�';•. <br /> �;.;.': _ ., ?;.,' . . �r��.:; :cr;. •.;- :. <br /> ' �. �; t):;�ti`.,.-;_ �,.; �; _ <br /> '�1:° . , . , .�';6s:4:: .i?' _ <br /> . .. .. .t•� �': �.,` = <br /> .{,: '� . . '�Fa,,�'+�L"9 9/9� —. <br /> �(:, _ � Vy�6ol6' � ��'• - ,'j —. <br /> - , �i''°,`i •r . � . � �;+i�� .'�1. . — <br /> 4t_�t,"} f'f�. . ' .1'. . '.; " �.il �' . . - <br /> _�-�:,± �����' . <br /> ����d:•. �.�,{f �:t'. � `li4 ' . {':�;�'� . .� � -. <br /> ���i.."�' \`•t;��\.�` .~l,� .(. . i`., .... 's. . . . .:. .. �',I,.li`:' '.�.`� . . . _. <br /> _4���r: '::Ty'!�` . . _ �f� ,!''t J�' .< .l <br /> „ � .e----�•�-�-��' ;�'�S+T�t45'f"r,���''•�'s�iiy;��•a'�'��,_"�"��-'",.-';f•,-;r�;�,v:�i:�¢� ( j,.'��1 ;, � �� `����G��.�'�J�4'! � <br /> i�' � t { c� ' _ 1 .,. ��4�1�' t �. �� �r" '� �� ��E�S.���,� �`�}�ff'�'J��!!��ff!Ii5'��j�ai�• <br /> �5� f . .�t�r� .�.,;r � � � 1 nr�j <br /> .::1�_ � ' 4'51`�,�c , .:,. 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