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<br /> : 7'OLiETHER WITH t�ll the improvementa now or hereafter erested on the property,nnd all easements.appurtenaases,and �
<br /> tixturea rtow or hereafter a ptut of the pmperry. AIl replaceraeats and additions ah�tt also be covered by [his Sccurity f
<br /> "" �' Instrument.All of the foregoing is aeferr�d to ia thia Security Iastnunent as the'Peoperty." ,
<br /> -� B41tROWBR COVENAIVTS thut Borrower ia lnafully seised of the estate hereby conveyed aad has the right to grAnt and -
<br /> " convey the Prop�rry end thut the Property Is w�encumbered. exaept for encumbrances of e+ecard.Borrower wairants and wilt [
<br /> „_�� defend geaernity the tido to the Property agtdnst eU alaima end demands.subject to any encumbrances of record. -�
<br /> � THIS SECURITY INSTRUMBNT combines nnlform covenants for national use and aon-uaiform covenazits with Iimited
<br /> i variatIona by juristlistion to conatitute u uniforna securiry�nsuument covering mAl progerty. Q
<br /> •�� � UNIFORM C.OVENANTS.Borrower un9 Leader covenant and egcee as followa: _
<br /> y,�� 1. Payment of PcQacipal end Interesk prepayenent t�nd Late Charges. Borrower shall prompdy pay when duE the _
<br /> ����s�. grinctpal of and luterest on the debt evtdenced by the Note and aay prepayment aad late charges due under the Note. _
<br /> _- �. �nds for Taxes nad Ynsurance.Stitbject to applicable law or to a written waiver by I.,eader,Borrower shaU pay to '
<br /> " ;r L.ender on the day�oatWy payutenls are due under the Note.uatit the Note is paid in fuU.a sum('Funda°) far:(a)yearly teues �
<br /> -�� and assessmenta which may attain prlority over this Securjty Instr�raeat as a lIen on the Property;(b)Yearly leasehold payments F
<br /> ,, or ground rsnts on the Property.if any:(c)Yearly ha�ard or pmperty lasurance premiums:(d)Yearly flood insurauce premiums. _.
<br /> �' j � if any; (e)yearly mortgage inaurance premiums.if any; and(�any sums payable by Borrower to Lender. ln accordauce with -
<br /> z;;'• �_ `� the pmvisions of pazagcaph 8.in lieu of the payment of mortg�e insurance premiums.lhese items are called"Escmw IteTns."
<br /> L.ender may. at aay time. colleci aad hold Funds in an amount aot to exceed the maxtmum amount a leader for a federAlly
<br /> - � " �lated m�rtgage loan pnay require for Borrower'a escrow aocount under the federal Reat Estate Settlement Procedures Act of =
<br />_, .�';,:-,_ 1974 as amended fcom timo to time. 12 U.S.C. Sectioa 2601 et seq.("RHSPA"),unless aaother law Wat applies to the Funds _
<br /> , seta a lesser amouai. If so, Lender may. at aay dme,callect and hold Fuads im an a�uount nut w exceed the lesser amount. F
<br />_,:- ..��.. � Lender may estImate the amouat of Funds due on the basIs of aurrent data and reasonable estimstes of expeuditures of fut�re -
<br />:_";��,�,��� Bscrow Items or othetvvlss in axotdance wIth appUcable law. -
<br /> ;_.K.;+a� The Funds shall be held in an institutlon whose deposits are insnred by a federal ageacy, insuu�entality, or entlty
<br /> �.� ;-�; � (including Lender.if I�eader is suah an institudon)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank.Lender shall apply the Funds W pay the
<br />` "-' �`� Escrow Items.Ixuder may not charge Borrower far holding and applyL�g the Funds.annuaUy eaalyzing the escrow ttccouat�or
<br /> j-��'��%:y verifytqg the Escrow Items.unless Leader pays Bomower iaterest on the Funds azed applic�ble law permits Y�nder to make such
<br /> �"-i`;,, '•' , a e.However,Leader ma
<br />.°_�:��:;�,,:�� ; �'8 Y�luire Bormwer to pay a one-tlme chazge for an independent real estate tax reporting setvice
<br />:��:���y�,�,- useA by Leader ln connecdon with this loan, unless applicable law pmvldes otherwIse. Unlrss an egreement is made or _
<br /> _'�::;r�'— - appltcabte law requIres inferest to be paid. I.ender ehall not be required to pay Bornower any interest or earx�iags on the Funds.
<br /> °;_A:r=`"r;. .'� Botrower and Lender may ag�+ee in writing,however,that interest shall be paid on the Funds.Lender shell give to Bomoaer� -
<br /> _w-_;;;;;?; -� without charge. an annual acc�unting of the Ftinds, showing credits and debits to the Funds aad the pw�►ose for which each
<br />.�'=J:';�y;;;�: ' debit to the Funds was made.The Fuads are pledgod as additioaal securlty for all suros secured by thts SecurIty Insnument.
<br /> ''"'�`�' If the Fuads held by I.ender exceed the amouats permitted to be held by appllcable law. I,euder sball s000unt to Bormwer
<br /> _=�,':�'-;�; for the excess Funds in accordance wlth the cequlreffieats of appllrable law. If tlze amount of the Fuads hels!by Lender at any `
<br /> -°'-'���`^^�.� time is not sufficient w the Escrow Items wh�due, Lender ma so noti Borrower in wcl �,
<br /> PaY Y fY d�a8,and,in such case Botauwer
<br />""-�-'���.'"� < shall pay w Lender she amount necessary w make up the deficiency. Bormwer shall make up tte deficieacy ia ao more than
<br />_.-"';T.I'S;:`;.. twelve aiontbly payments.at Lender's sole discir�loa.
<br /> L:-�•z�;,....,,
<br /> ��,;�,� , Upon payment in full of all sums secured by tLis SecurIry Insaument. I.ender shall pmtnptly refund to Bormwer aay
<br /> -__.._� ; Funds held by Lcacder,if,under paragraph 21.Leader shall acquire or sell the Pra,perty,t,eader, prior to ttt2 aoqufaition or sale
<br /> ��--y"-- � of the Property.shall apply any Funds held by Imder at the time of acquisltion or s�le as a credit against�Le sums secut+ed by
<br /> --_--. :'vt� ' this Sect�rlty Iostrument.
<br /> "—""=�°�� � 3.Application ot Aayments.Ualess applicable law provicles otherwisa,aU payments neoeived by I.eader under paragcapha -
<br /> - = -� ; 1 aad 2 sh�l be applied: fltst.w aay prepayment charges due under the Note;second,to amouats payable �mder paragraph 2;
<br /> � third�to fnterest due;fourttt,w pr�clpal due;aad Iast,to any late charges due under dte Note.
<br /> ..��;;�� ; 4.Charges;Y.tem. �orroaer shail pay ali taxes,assessments.chnrges, fines aad imposidons amibutable to the Froperty
<br /> =__=� wliich may anain prIorIty over this Security Insuu�ent, aad leasehoid paymeats or�rouad rents.if any. Bomoaer shall P�Y
<br />- --�:��:'�;; these obligations ia the manuer pmvided in paragraph 2.or if noi paid in that menner.Borrower sbail pay them on dme dir�ectly
<br /> -=���-`"�:� to the person owed paymeat.Borrower shall promptly fu:aish w Lender all aotices of amoua2s to be paid uader tLis paragcaph.
<br />__.:���.,, If Bornower makes theCe paY.meata dic+ectlY.Borrower ahall prompdy fnrnish to I.eader nceipts evidihcic�the pa'ymeats.
<br /> . Bosower ahail promptly discharge any Uea arhich has priorlry over thts SecurIry Instrunaent imless Borrower:(a)a�in �
<br /> _.___._� wrlting to the payment of the obl3gation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to L.ender:(b)oontests ja good faith the lien
<br /> _���� by, or defends against enfonement of the liea in, legal proocedings which in the Latder's opin{oa operate m prevent t8e•
<br /> .-.__-_-'° enforcement of the lIea;or(c)s�from the holder of the 1Ien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subo:d3naHn�the lien to =
<br /> ----_-=�•; this Seaudty InstNment. If I.ender determiaea that any part of the Propeny is subjrxt to a lien which may attain priortty over
<br /> �.,��.�'' �IC o�f he actio�forth abovIDBwithin 10 da s of the oti�idennofytng the liea. Bormwer shall satisfy the lien or take one or
<br /> ,.�_;.�,:�. � Y $j 8 . _
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