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�'w�ri�'�"�.Sc�--r�`'�w .p`��'j?av�v -- ., v.1��'�`� c`-"'y'�"}� w y��_��a � .., . E ......, . _ . ..�.__ ..._... .., . <br /> .-�r---+�s. -`-,��^:v.-. _ <br /> ri�- '.4 2 .���,,,����yt�.� .. ' . .-.`�t��Y�i�j. `!i����St: .. . ' . <br /> �.�, ,t . +-�;.��,�r1� <br /> � ':a�r�'; • • �''�.a?':^ • � <br /> �� <br /> ., � <br />' � �U� .. <br /> i = ..w.�. :: <br /> t ,-�1 � - .�a-......_ . .... <br /> •�� .� - .. . . .� . -- -- " J �� . . .. ,'`i�'M„' _ <br /> ;7N�il�b���.+..��i.,..,�. . . - . . ...e�-.-.v�aMsi�M��a.-.��.. : -. .. . ., � •n .�- "`A._�-':._. <br /> _. .. .;.r��_��^.:x:. ,. _._..._._ _- r!'rr�••:�nc�.. " __,_—_--_ '_ ..-__._ <br /> ., ....v. <br /> ,_ _ _.,... .......,.... .. .. ..._.. <br /> . _ ' � —- '_--_�..____.�._-_.__.__.. �_._._ <br /> ��� <br /> - � � A 99- �a��� =-- <br /> �� <br /> 13.ikfeo�tts,�caua S'�a�� . • r —_ <br /> (a)�onowa�Not Ra2tassd.Etttanofon ot the tfmo}or poyment ot modiftcation ot the sume eocured bq thie Dood ot Trusi�rntad <br /> by Landet to any�uceeaaor in inteteet oi Borrower she0 not operate to tetoaoe,in nny mmnor,tho liobility of 9he otipinot 8arrowor <br /> ctnd Bortowor's euaaeaaom In In4eres4.Lender shnll not be requGed to oommenoo pr0000dfnga epetnot such nuooeaoor or refueo to <br /> ext�nd t(m�!o�pey�na►t or otherv�fae modify emort�atton of the eumo ocscurod by thifl Oood o}Tn�et by roason of any domnndo <br /> made by the or}pinel Botrowm end Borrowsr'e eucceeeora in intereet. <br /> �p}be,i�tra'o Posacrn.4ltithout aftaottn4!he Ilebil(ty ot any other paroon liable fo�the permant noQ'h�'e�the et tore ol otuod aa � <br /> end wHhout etteotinp the lien or aherpe o}4hla Oeed of 7aei upon any�+rtkn �t th° S'r°P�y '= <br /> eeoudty tor the full emount o}ell unpeid oblipettona,Londer mey,irom timo to time end without notlae Ii) teloee�eny pereo�eo <br /> liable,(ip extend the meturilty or ehor eny of the terme ot any auch oblipetfane.tilil Cront othor indutgonoea,ltv)releeae or teoonvey, <br /> othet eddttionet eecurdf4yrfo�enY oball0etton horelntmant oned po�r 1 Il make omp eitione tor othe ra anp tentekwithrdebtors in <br /> rsletion thatota. <br /> (c�porya�►anc�dy lmd�►Not e W�ivn.MV+arbearenoe by Lcnder in exercieing anY��pht or romedy hereunder,or otherwiso <br /> allorded by appllesble Isw, ehaU not be a watver of or preotuda the ouerdse of eny eucl� right or remedv.The proourement of <br /> Ineunnoe or the paYment ef tescea or othet lierse o►oherpea by Lender afieil not be e weiver ot Lende�'o �i4ht to ucaelerate tho <br /> metudt�t ot tl�e hdabtednosa sseured by thta Oeed of Trust. <br /> td)8ucessson�nd Assfpns Bound;Jotr�t�nd S�vorwi U�6itfty;C+g�tion�.The covicenente end agroemente heretn oo�tefned ehell <br /> bad. and the tiphte hmeunde► nhall inure to, the toapeotive suooeaeore end aeaigne o} Lendor end Ttuetor. Ail eovenente and <br /> aproements of Tmetor ehnp be (oint end eevaret. The aaDtions end he�dings of the peragrephs af thie Doed ot Ttuet ere for <br /> convenience onty and aro e�ot to be ueed to tnte►pret or dofine the provEsfone hxoof. <br /> te)R�qusst fm Nottcte.The parties hareby ret�uest thM a copy of any notice of defauk hereunder and e capy of enY notice ot <br /> sels hereundet 6e mallad to eeoh ps�ty to thie Geed o!Ttust at tho addreae eet forth ebovo in tha msnner prese�ibed by sppliaa6la <br />� taw.Exoept Eor anY other notfae roquirad under cpplioabte lew to be qivan in another rreanner,any nottoe provlded for in this Deed o9 <br /> Truet eheq be ylven by metllnp auo1��otioe by aertMfed mail addreesed to the othor �arties,at the eddreae eet forth above. Any <br />� notice provfded tor in thia Deed of Tntst sheli be oitoetive upon maliine in tha manner deeigneted herein.It Tnietor ia more than ane <br /> peraan,ootiae eent to tho nddrese set forth ebove shali be�otice to eli euch parsone. <br /> (f)lnspsetton.Landcr may meke or oavae to be made reaeonable ent�ies upon asnd inapeetfo�s of the Property,provfded that <br /> Lendn ohell sivs Tniator notloe prEor to en/such inspectbn speaftyinp reeaonebie oause therefor �elated to Lender'e intererit in the <br /> Properey. <br /> (y)Rseanvay�nat.Upon peyment of ell sume eeaurad by thie Dead ot T�uat. Lender ehnll requeat Truetee to r000nvay t a __ <br /> Propsrty and ehe�l ourrender thie Deed of Truat end etl notaa evidenoing indebtodnesa eoaured by thia Oeed ot Truet to Truetee. � <br /> Truetee ehe43 reconvay the PropeAy without werrenty end without cherge to the person or pereona leeally entkted theteto.T�ustv► <br /> ehetl psy a11 coate of�acordetion,if any. <br /> ��p���p�p�;g�curlty Aqra�m�nt.As eddhio>>e�security for the peyment of the Note,Truetor heraby qrente Lendsr und�� <br /> - �e������o��.=y���a.�s�Yq�ntuest in eU fixtures,equipment,end other pereonsl proparty uend in eonnnotich <br /> with the rest aatete ot kr4provemente located thereon,end�4t otherwiae�deolared or deaned to be e pan ofi tiro roai eataio aetiur�i <br /> hersby.Thia tnetnam�nt ehall be eonatnced ea s Secu�Ity Agreoment under eeid Code,end the Lende�ehall heve ell the tiyhte end <br /> �emedtes ot o eenured DeKY under eaid Code in addttlon to the righte end'remedtea created under end aaaordnd the lander pttrsuent <br /> to thTe Deed ot Truat;provided that Lender'e righte end remedies undei thie perepraph ahatl be aumutetive with,and In no wey a <br /> �rnitatlon on,lends�'t dphte and ramedles under eny othet securitY e0reement eipned by Borcowe►or t�uetot. � <br /> (p Lt�s �nd Encumbmoss. 'Paatot hereby werrente end represente thet there Is no default under the ptovieions of eny <br /> mortysas.deed ot truat. Foaae or puteheae aontteot deao►ibinp e�l or eny pert ot the P�oDerty. or other oontraot,instrument or <br /> epreanent eonKituthp e lian or enoumhrenoe spnSnet eIi or any pert of the Property (oelleotivo, "lfene"1,extetinp ee of the dste of <br /> thf� Deed of Truat,end thet eny end ell exietinp lione �emain unmoditfed except aa dientosed to lander in Trustor's written <br /> dteeloauro ot Ikns end encumbrenoes ptovided for herein. Tn�stor ahe11 timoly Pertorm ei� of Tn�etor'e oblipntione, eovenante, <br /> roptesentstlone end r►anentles undet eny and ell existinq and tuture Liens,ehell promptiy torward to Lende►ooplea ot eti�oti�ea of <br /> deTeuit sent in aonnsotion wlth eny end atl extstinp or tuture Liens,end ehsli not without lander'e prtor written eoneent in eny <br /> manne►modi4y dee provisiane ot or eliow eny tutute edvenees under ony exfettn9 or future Liens. <br /> (p AppHestion of Paymmt�. Unlese othetwise required by taw, eume peid to Lender hereunder, inoludinp wilhout Iimitetion <br /> peymente of prhaipel and intereet,Insurenoe proaaeda,condemnetion proceede ar►d �ente and profite.shstl be applidd by Lander to <br /> the amotmts due and owinp from Truntor end borrowut in such order as Londer in fte sde dfaorotton 6esme destrebie. <br /> " (q g�,ywa6ility, if eny provtston of thia Oeed of Ttiet eoniliote wkh eppltoabte !ew or i� decisrod htvatid or othervr'iss <br /> unentorassbb,suoh oa�itiot°��^rovfiaton,sand t tthis�end the prevt lonsi�of thiehOeed of Tru t end th� Note s ei dso6le�d t iVM <br /> �ffeot whhout the cor�'Jlimfnp p <br /> eeverobl�. �. <br /> p)T�nrts.The terme"Trustor"end'Bortower"el�all hatude both singuter and ptu�el,end when the Truetor nnd Borrower ero t e <br /> �aime p�tsoe�Iei.�oee tattne ss uaed h thEs Osed of T�iet aheA be Interel�enpeeble. <br /> (m)Qovamin0 Lwr•This Oeed of Ttust shell be Qovemed by the�etve ot the Stete of Nebreska. <br /> Tniator!u�ex�outsd Mfe Oeed of Tru�t as of the dete wrltten nbove. <br /> N. ELI TN �RILL <br /> Tn�etor d�d � « Ttwtor <br /> Troetot - <br /> Trustor <br /> Trueto� <br /> Truetor <br /> :� <br />__� <br /> '• <br />_";! <br />-"� <br />=,'9 <br /> �.�� <br /> ;;,�j 1 <br /> _ A <br /> �s <br /> °� <br /> ' NBC E467C WataYticu�u►r���v.�y <br /> �������xy={����,q�saaieUaq.Ut�tn..Nab»ake <br />