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<br /> �_.° -_ ,�-� � 9�• ��►3��� F _�-
<br /> � 1 e,Miu�ttansou�Provhtona � .�" •.9 -
<br /> (d lcrrowa Not OiNasod.Extenelon of the tlme fer peymont or modt4laetion af eho eumo oauurad by thio Oeed of Tnint grented F_ __.
<br /> b�lendu to�ny auaa�a�or tn Mtereat o}8orrowe►efiRU not operete to roloaao,ln any mannor,the Ifebi�ity ot the or181nn1 Bottov�or _
<br /> � and�otro�nrer'e euaacsaoto In tnecte�t.lander ehn0 not bo re4uirod to oommcnce proceedingo aeeinet eueh suonosoo►o��efuee to �,�
<br /> � �'•`---
<br /> extartd t(me tot p�ymant or otherwieo modity emortiietfo�of the sume flocured by thio Doed of Teuat by raoson of any dtrmundo
<br /> � �scdo by tQ�o ortptnal�n►ro�+ar and 8orrower'e sueoeseore in tntereat.
<br /> -J � +b����t•p Qpi,;7C?p,b"JiY4eau4 et}catfnp the Ii�bi!!ty�f enY othur omnon tlablo tor tho poymont ot cny obligation herein mer►tionod, ��f_,
<br /> .�r, and e+rithout afteoth0 the ilen or eherpe of thie Qaad ot T�uet upon enY portion of the Property not shw�or thorotoforo rah:+aesd de
<br /> ,,,� aowrotytor the tull omoant ot e(1 unpaid obiipetione,Lendor mey, from time to time end without�otfoe tp release ony pereon eo
<br /> ttnbte.IGI oxtand the meturity oi eltar eny oi thm terme of nny such obtlpetione,(ffi)flrant othor indutga+aes,ttvl release or�coonvoV� -
<br />`� or ontoae to bo taleeaed or roeonveyed et eny time et Lender'e optton eny peroef,pottion o►ntl of the Proporty.(�)teko or roleeae nnY
<br /> othar eddit[onel seaurky tor my obiipntton herein mentioned, ot tvil make aompoettione ar other nnengements wfth debtoro in
<br />_ -_--�'�, �eGtlon thereto.
<br /> •,.�-,,„�. ta9(��or.z�o�bq Lcnder Net e We4vea MY torbearence by Lender in oxcretsinp eny ripht or ramedy hereunder,or otherwiae -
<br /> eltorded�y cpPlloabb tear,�hnU not be a waivar of or preotude the exeroise of any aucfi�fiofit or remsdY• Tho P�ocutement of
<br /> � ineuranoe or the psyment oi taxes or other tiene ot chnrqes bY Lendes ehetl not be a weiver of lcnder'a�ht to eoanterate the _
<br />�-x:'y` ` ' metuqiry ef tfie 6ndeb4edneae eeaurod by thia Oeed of T�uet. —
<br /> • -=•.;�.
<br /> :;:=;,,w�•:�_ fdl Sua�son�nd A�tpns Bound:Jolnt�nd Ssv�*a1 Ll�bStity: C+ptiom.The eovenenta and agreemer�te herein contnhed eha
<br /> 6bd, md !he riphte heteunder eheil Muro to, the�espeotive auaoessore and assfgna of Lender and T�uator. AU eovenante end
<br />�-� epreernents of Ttustot afistl be joint a+d eeverel. The oaptiona end headi�pe oi the peraprephs of thi� Oaed oi T�uat ero tor
<br /> -_��;'�� • Qonv�nianos onty�d aro eot to bs uaed to interpret or define the pro�fia�io'v�fi��e of defeult hereunder end e copy ot eny notiee of
<br /> _,�.4,�+� l�g�y��o�ys�.'fhp Parties bereby requeat that a ooPY Itasbte �_
<br /> _,� eele Qtaeundot be mniled to eaoh perty to this Oeed of Truet mt the eddresa set lortF�obove in the mcra+or presmibed by epp
<br /> :-;:;:�;.�.---- lew. Ezaept fof any othet noti¢e required uader eppiieebte lew to bo pivan in another mnnner,eny notioe provided for in thie Oeed of
<br /> Tmr�4 ehatt be flivEm by meiling eueh�otice by certified mail eddreased to the o4her paRies, ot the nddress aet forth ebove.My.
<br /> t�4
<br />-?'°_� eotiae provided for in this Oaed of Tntat ahetl be ofteotive upan malling En the menner deoipnotosi herein.If Truator is moro then ane -
<br /> --T--� pmaon,noties sent to tho eddreae set fortb ebove sfinfl be notice to ell auch Peraona.
<br /> ±�';�=�� � t�Inapaatian.la�der may a+nko or oaune to be mede reosonabie entrles upon and inapeatione of the PropettY.Prarided that
<br /> J:�� lender�}u�give Trustor notke prlor to eny s++d���eReetion speeifYinO reesonebte eause therofor tetated to Lender'e tntereat in the
<br /> d
<br />;,t� � Pro�aty.
<br /> �y'•� �a�R•���r+n�•Upo»peymert of elt suma aezurcd by this Deed of Truat, Lendcr shaA ►equeat Ttueteo to reconvay the
<br /> `���a p�p�K►y �ttd dy0 surtendet thie Deed of Truat end e�l ootos�evldencing indebtodnosa'securod by thia Oesd ot Trust to Yaatee.
<br /> -=- 7ne�te�eh�tl���ey the property wRhout warranty and wkhout charge to tho person or persons Iapntly ee+titied thereto.Truator
<br /> '" � . aheil pey sll coat�of�eeord�tior►.H any.
<br />•';:.;
<br /> : , � • �p���prop�y�g�cuti�y A�r�un�nt.A9 additiona l seautky tor the peyment of the Note,TMw�B'hOpe�u ed in codnneot on
<br /> �;.;� ths Nebrsake lJnHo;m Com�nerckl Code s eecurity interest m aii fi�atures.wiui��sni.sxs��s4+!K sµ 4 �
<br /> wRl+the ron1 eatrte or inprovetrtent�looated tfimeon,end nat othawise dec�ared or deemed to be e Dart oi tbe real e�tate sxurcd
<br /> -" herep�r, 4hta itetament�h�tl bm aonetnted ee�SecurttV Atireement under eatd Code,and the Lendet nho�i have Rll the riphts and
<br /> ��a}e��red ptrtl►under eeid Code in add(tian to the dnhta end ramedtes created under end naeorded the Lenda purauent
<br /> to!�M O�ed o+t T�+*t;provfdad tM�t Re^�°r's�10hte and�emediea under thia perepraph ehell be cum�?�thre with.end in no wsy a•.
<br /> . y�g��on,Lmder'�ti�fit�and remedies uAder anY othe�eecurity epreemmnt slBned by Borrou�er pt tauatot.
<br /> (g�t�n� �nd�naumbranen. Truato� h�reby wenants and mvreaa+te thet there ia na dafauk pnder the proviaionb of enY
<br /> mostp�ps,deed of trust. Is�s or putetiaae cont�aot deamibinp ail or enY Dert of the Prarpo�ty"ot othet eontr�ot, inatiument or
<br /> — pywnent apnatitutin�s pen or enaumbrence apeinet all or eny part of the P�ope►ty(co�leotive,'liena•1,���4 as of the date of
<br /> this Dsed of 7'rust. attd th�4 eny end aSl ex;sNnp Liena remein unre+odified except na disetosesd to lender in Truatm's writta�
<br /> - - disdyfur�of Ikno and-enaurnEr�+ee� p�ovtded tor herain. Trueto► sheil timel�► pe�a�eU of Truetor'e obiipetione, eownante.
<br /> reprhsntattaha and warrerdiva under eny and ell exiatinp end future Liene,sfietl promptty iorwerd fo Lender espie�o!ail notiaey of
<br /> defuft �ent in conneotio�Wlth any end ell exiating or futuro�.tene. end shep not without Lender's prior written coaaent in enY
<br /> msr�a modify the provisions o!o�eHow anY(uture adva�c°°undm any existinp o►futuro Liena.
<br /> � ��pn a} p�►tKtts. Unteaa otherw�se requhed by taw, eume Deid to 4endar hereunder, incktdinp without timitstion
<br /> psymenU of pnc�ipai and interest,inauranoe�7acaeda,aondemnation Orocaeda and�ente and protite,shell be eppiied b�lander to
<br /> -- = the�tauntedue+�dlf any provt�iot► of his Deed�of T at ctonffiato with p'Plicebledlew�or�ia d 1��invaCd or otherwise
<br /> Uf! 8w+n6if411-
<br /> �n�ntora�bt�,tudt ooreflict ot InvaGAity ah s i!not affeat the other DrovEsione of thu Oead of Tn�at or ths Note whkfi can b��ivah
<br /> . �� w��w�Q�fti�nti proviaio^• and to this end tha provfaiona:of thy Deed of Trust end ths Note are deebr e d td be
<br /> _._.__.�__ ' �ewenbli. • �
<br /> �T�em�.Ths tartns'hustor'�nd'BorroweT'sfieU inotudo both sinpuiv�d ptural,and when the Trustoe end Bom+Yar aee the
<br /> tapne qtronb),thoss brtns��used(n thls Deed of Tniat ahs11 be hterchenges6te.
<br /> ��Q�p I.�w,Thb Oea!of Trust efiatl be yovemed b�►the laws of the Stete of Nebseeke.�
<br /> T��h�ax�cut�d tldt DNd ot Ttust a of the dete w�itten above.
<br /> ---- - ` Tntetos
<br /> -- - --_ �E�i �Rttl Ttuator OAVIO W COCI(�RILL
<br /> -- -- � Yastor
<br />------ - � Ttuatm
<br /> -v��� ' � Tnutor
<br /> i;�:=��- Ttustor '
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