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<br /> The Power of Sule confcsred upoa t�e Tn�stee sh�ll no2 be enerciaec� until the Trustee shall Srst file for record�in �_�_
<br /> the OfHce of the Re ter of Aeeda of euch county vuherein the trust property or some pnri or pa�cel thereof is situated� h���-..
<br /> ° "�' a Nodce of Default��cndfy'uig the Tr�st Deed by atating the aemes oi tha'Y'rusto:named therein end vLig the Book and - -
<br /> � P e where th� soma �a recarded, e descrlption of the teuat prog�sty, nnd con a stateffient �t u breach of an
<br /> " ob�on for ��rhic6 the wst pro�erty wa�coaveyed as security Las accurred,aud sc fi�rth¢he nuture of si�ch bxeach ��'�=
<br /> � ead his election eo sell or causo to be sold su� Yo�cty ta a:�ehe cbll�edQa;e�d . r tha lapse of noi less than one �
<br /> . :�:�--� month,the Trustee sball glve notice of eale as pro NebrtisW w. �
<br /> -� A ft e r N o t t ce o f D a f a u l t and la g se of aot le�s than one month,t�e Trnstee s6all give wrltten aodce of th�time and --
<br />_ _.�=. -� place of sale pardcailasly desalbiag the properlY to be sol d by pu b l icatioa o f su c h no t ice,a t l e a s t H v e t i m e s,o n c e a w e e k _
<br /> fur five consecutive weeYs,the last pubBcadon to be at least 10 duya but noi mare tBan 30 days prtor to the sale,ia some
<br /> :.-- � �� newspapar ltaving geueral circutation in each county in wLich the Pro�ert7► w be sold, or same part thereo� is sttuated. -
<br />--='-_� Upoa such sale�the Trusteo aha11 execute and deliver a deed o1�coaveyance of tho r��e�y sold to the�purchaser
<br />� - or purchasers thereof and any statement or Fecitat af fasx ia attsh aeed in rel�hon to the exeidse of the Power of Sale aad
<br />=��:..".:• sttle of the prop�rty described berein� iaclndin8 reeitels coaceraing any mailing, personal delivery and publicatioa and _
<br /> post�ng of aotiee of such �, and the condua of sale� shall constitute p�a �ae evidence of such complit�ce and
<br /> �t:����� conclusive evideace th�reof ia tavor of bona fide purcLesers and encumbrancera for value aad aithout aotice.The Trustee s
<br />':;;:�„-: deed xhall operate to convey to the Pnrchaser�wlthout right of redempitoa, the 1Yustee's d91e aad all rtghb dde and claim
<br /> . .. .. of Trustor aad his sue�Qrs i n i n terest stt b s e que n t t o t he e x e c u d o n a f tha Trust Deed.The Trustee sbfill a p p r y the proceeds .
<br /> ' . " of the Trustee's sale,FIRST,to the cost aad expenses of excrcis3ng the Power of 5ale,and of the sale,indu�the�payment
<br />`-�'�:`, of the 1Yustea's fees actually iacurred,wbich fees shall incltide a reasonable attorneys fee,noi w e�u�ed 5350.b0; SECOND.
<br /> ` ' � to tho paymeat of the obligations secured�y t h e'l Y u s t D e e d; 'r H I R D, to the p�a y ment of judor trust deeds�mortgages or
<br /> other lienholders,end the balaace,ii any,to tfie persoa or pe:sons legaUy en6tied thereLo.
<br /> -.�� _
<br /> �d��������y���e��trust herein cr�ated.Trustee shall bave no obligations under
<br />;-�s� tbls 1'�vst Deed other 3han those eapressly p �
<br />- :, BFNEFICIARY may fram time w tlme subsdtute a suooessor or sac�ssors toaay Trustee named hereia oi acHng
<br />�.=?�.� herennder to executo the Power of Sale under this Trust Deed. Upon anch appomhuent �nd without conveyanc�e to the
<br /> ° successor, the lattes shaU be vested with all tide, pawers,and duties confened upoa any t�rrostee herein named or acting
<br /> —c„�.�.•� hereunder. Each such eub�ioa and appointment shaU be madcs in ac�cordance wlth t4e laws of We State of Nebraska
<br /> - aPP�cable thereto.
<br /> ---=�—� The waiver by the Tmstee or Beuefidary of any default of Trustor under this'�iust Leed sHait ndc ba au��it3 =
<br /> �-�--., be a waiver cf any other or s�milar defaults subsequently occurdn&
<br /> --- This Trnst Deed shall be construed accosdiag to the laws of the State of Nebrasku.
<br /> This T1vst Daed aball iaare w and bind the heira, legatees,devisees,administrators,exeantors and assigps of tho
<br /> --==,�, parties hcreto. � .
<br /> _- ---- Thepsrdes herefo reque�t tbat a copy of aay uo8ce of default or aodce of sale heseunder shaU be$iailed to �he
<br /> =-__Y-�� Trustor at 4110�arltor�, Grand Islwnd,l�Tebresl�a 6880D and to the Benefisiary at 2511 IakeRnod Dr[ve,Grand Islund
<br /> ._.,.-��. NL 68801� by txrtified mu�i, unless either pacty shell be advised, in wdtin8. of aaY c�anSe in address.
<br /> �--- VVherever the coate�d so res�uires,singular words shall be constcued in tfle plural and vace versa,and the masculiae
<br /> gender shall be wnstsued to includo�he feminine and vice versa.
<br /> WITNFSS O[JR HANDS this 26th day of March,1999.
<br /> . �
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<br /> --,.•�'••�•�'�'� NOTICE -
<br /> �`;i:�:;,..
<br /> `-�,;�3l�,;,. When tbis Trast Deed has been paid in fitU, She Heaefidary, in or�er to release the lien, mns�
<br /> ;��.�;;r� _n� Mark the osIgimal Promissory Note and Trast Deed'�aid In FWP over the s�gpatraes of all�eaeficiaries anddate
<br /> _ ;:=°,� a,.�...'-�--.....o.
<br />=l�:;-��,' 2.Advise the Trustee� in writin�that all amounts seaued have�en paid in full and suthorizti th$Ttustee to issue
<br /> -�m° .�.; a Daa oig�meyana; _
<br />-;;;��:-_..v=., 3.M ia 1 th o,' Pro ory Note,Trust Deed amd writton authorization to the'hvstee at the uddress inckcat _
<br /> on the first page o�Nus�t D�
<br /> '���' . :� p����to Nebrasl�a [�w,ths Tivatee caanot and wW not tssue e Deed of Rccoaveynnoe aniess and uutU the =
<br />''�-h:i :.. �.. toregatug item� �M and 3.have ban compiled�viW. -
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