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<br /> Ilt3.�u::sl�u+^�t'casc�t�e,Hf AR�es rzc�utea�t�a�nedflntQ�3�ent ta�'ull undvx�arn�ru�h 9.I.ender moy �-
<br /> tnvoke tt�o power o!sale and eny other rcmeaies pe�miiirai by a��lfcubieba�8 �u�ing�, bu not�IGntted lto. __
<br /> c�Il expense9 tricurred En purautag the rrmEedles uadcr t6is puroS�P
<br /> reasonaDle attorneys'fecs and wsts of tiUe�vtdemce.
<br /> If the power oi s�Ee ts Invoked�'l�ustee sha�l e+ecoa�d a anttce of defnult in es�chcow�EY in whtch any psd of -
<br /> �he propetty is locuted na�f sht+ll mnll oogicv of sucb nmtice in the arenuer prasst�lbed by nppltcable!nw to
<br /> go�c�er an� !o Rl�e oEher ��p���b�appUcable lsw.At'ter the ttme tequtred by appllcable law. .
<br /> 'ltivstee shaU giee pub!!c nottce of sale to We person9 an�in We manaer prescrlbed by appticable larr.TFUStee.
<br /> without deina�nd on Bo�a�ower�shali sei!Rite P��rt��at giub!!c audtsa to!he �ti�hest bidder ut the ttme and �
<br /> place and under Uee terns desigmutesl[n We notice ot�or�a Prop�ty bYppn�ib c announcpemen�a W��
<br /> deteimittes.T.�tec may Pos�Pone sate of aU or any Pa at any e�1e. -
<br /> and place oi any prevtousty scheduled sale.E.ender or its designee may purchase the ProPcrtY
<br /> Yt the Lender's tntee+�t in t61s Seeurll3'Insriu��°t is beld by the SecretsrY�nd the Secretary req�
<br /> im►medtate payment in fuDl ander PArsBrispsl� 9, tlae Secretary may iavoke tbe noq�adicial pawer oi sais ,
<br /> proeided in the Singte�Mortgago Foreciosure Ad o!199�1("Act'�(L`E U.S.C. 3251 et seq.)by req�estinB
<br /> u PorEClosure commtaioner dest�sted under thecntence shnll de�rive�the Secr�ing3'of nny righ4s otheiwise
<br /> pmvid¢d tn the Act. Nothing im the presedtng P
<br /> avallablQ to a l.euder under t69s PerngrePb 18 or applicsble law.
<br /> qpon►�eipt of puyeaemt of the prlce bid�Trustee shell deliver to the purchaser'lY�stee's de�conveying
<br /> �e p�pe�ty, 7f�e recitels in the Tro.�tce's deal shaU be prtma tade ev[dence ot the truth of the statemeats
<br /> made theretn. 71u�tee sba11 spP�Y We pi'°��ds o!'We sale W the foIlowtng order:(o) to sll costs aad�xpcns[s of
<br /> excrr.ising W� pow�r ot sule.nnd 4he sale.inclnding the paymeat oi the'1'rnste�'e te�s QctuaDly lncurred•not to
<br /> exseedS.000 °,b oi t3e�p���(b)to a�l sums�tsecure�l by�e o��'d�Y L�strume�i en()
<br /> and reasonable attomeys'L'ecv as p�na
<br /> atq cxii:c.v i�.:�����°-l o�a lly e�t t l e d t o t�
<br /> 19.Rea�nreyance.Upon paymeat of aU sums secu�ed���aU ao� te�videncing debt secured by this
<br /> co reoonvey the PcopertY aad ahatl aurreader tbis Sccuriry Ia,
<br /> ���, ���t� .��. •t•�� ��1 �anvey the property without wasreuty and without eharge eo the
<br /> peison or persons legally eatitled to it.5uch person or pE�sons shall pay any recorda�Oa casts• ,
<br /> ?A.3ubst[tute�rostee.Lssnder. at its option.may from time to time remove Trustee and agpoint a succrssor
<br /> uustee to any Tmsta appointed hereuader by an�nsuument recorded ia the couary iu wLich this SecuritY Insuument
<br /> Is�oorded.Wlthout conveyance of the PropertY.tlie sucoessor m�soee shall suoceed�ro all the dtle.Wwez aad du2tes
<br /> conferre�l upon T�astea herein aad by applicable law.
<br /> 21.Reqnest ior Notices.Borroarer requests that�°P��s of the notices of default snd sate be sent to Borrower's.
<br /> ad�'ress which is t�e PmpertY Addmss. �
<br /> �.g�������{ty�q�men�If one or more rlders are executod by Borrower and iecorded togethsr
<br /> with this 5ezurlty lnsteume.nt, the covenants of each su�h rider� if the rldu(s��ie a part of lthis Sccurlty
<br /> supplement ttce oovenants aad agraemenis of tLis Security Insnvmsn
<br /> �t.[Chock applicable box(es)]. ui Rider nZ Other[sptcifS'l
<br /> Condaminium Rider � Gro'w1n8}34 LY H1FA ADDffi�DID!
<br /> � Planaed Uait Developmeat Ride�• �����d�
<br /> �4KINB1 csson rqs�m e �
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