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<br /> _ �� (i)p11 or pt+rt of the Properry,or a beaeficial interest in a m�st owniug all or part of the Property,ia sold �
<br /> '�Z' r
<br /> �� or otherwlse trnnsfermd(othcr thna by devIse or descent),and . �-
<br /> � ��� (ii)The Pcoperty is not occupled by the purchaser or grantee as his or ber princlpal residence�or the _
<br /> -"•�r%��`�' the Pro e but his or her credit has not beEn a mved in -
<br /> �� purcheser or grantee doe.a so occupy p 1'�Y pp
<br /> accordance with the requirement�of the Secretary. _
<br /> �- (c) No Waiver. If circuwstances accut that would permit Lender to require immediate payment im full, but �
<br />-� �° .:`� • isnder does not require such payments�Lendar does aot waive its rIghts wlth respect w subsequena e�rents.
<br /> ' .: _� t� RegWattons af H[7D 3tcreter�'. Ia maay cinanmstances regulations ieuuent in tull and foreciose if n t
<br /> _:- ;� Lender s rlghta�in the case of payment defaules�w rccluire immediatc Paym ._-
<br /> = p�id.This Securlty Iastn�ateat does not authori�e acceleration or foretlosure if aot permitted hy regulatluns _
<br /> of the Secretary.
<br />--::�jic�� (e)Mortgege 1Vo!L�sured.Borrower agc+ees that if this Secvriry Insuuiueat and the Note are not determiaed °
<br /> . �.- u .
<br />���. ta be eligible for Insuraacc under ttte NatIonal Houeing Act withiu 60 days from the date hereof,I,ender
<br />-�";:.N, its ogtion, requlre imm�diata payment in fuil of aU sums secured by this Sec�riry Inscrument. A `
<br />- �:�• vnitten statement of any author�ed agent of the Secretnry dated subsequeat co 60 days&om the daate hereof.
<br /> �„=mT.� declining to insure this Security Insuument and tt►e Notc, sb�lt be deemed conclusive proof of such
<br /> ,;;: ,. iaeliglbility. Notwithstanding the foregofng, tWs option may nat be exercise�i by Lender whea the
<br /> ":'°�s unavuilability of insuraace ta solely due w Lender's failure w remit a mortgage iasurauce premiusn w ths
<br />__�'�,� Sercetary.
<br /> 10.Reiastatemeat. Borrower bas a right to be relnstated if Leader has required inamediate payment in fuU
<br /> T�-�°�=--� because of Borcower's failure w pay aa auiouat due uades the Note or this Secudty lnsunmeat. Thia r�$ht applies
<br />=="-'��� even eRer foreclosure praceedings are insdtuted. To reinstate the 5ecurity Insuument� Borrower shall t�nder in a =_
<br /> -,'^�°� lump swn aU amotmis required w brIng Borrower's accouat current including, to the eauent they are obligations of
<br /> -� Borrower under this SecurIty Insuuntent.Poreclosure costs and reasonable and customary attomeys'fee,s an.d e�nses
<br /> � -- ° P�I�; c� �wlrh*tte fareclosure nrocecding.Upon reinstatement by Borrower,tbis Securlty Iasuvment and
<br /> ___= the obligutions tbat it secures ehall rewaia la effecc as lf Leader had not required immediau payment in fult.
<br /> However. I�ender is not required to p�ermii reinstatemeat if: (i) Lender Las accepted reiastatement after the
<br /> _— wa4mencennent of Co�closure pmcxdinSs withfa ta+o years �runediateIy pf�ec�ilag tt►e commencemeRc.�o�a carrem . .
<br /> foreclosure ps+oceeding, (ii) reinstatemenc `�iU Preclude foreclosure on different gounds la the futur�, or (ili�.
<br /> -- reinstatemeut wlll adversely affect the prlority of the Iten created by this Secwity lustru�ient: •. ;
<br /> � ' 11.Borrower Not Released;Forbearsnce By Leraler Not a Waiver. Extension of the ti�ne ot.paymeM.+or.:. .
<br /> modlflcadon of uraortIzation of the sums secuced by this Secudty Instrumerit granted by Lender w arily auCressc�'i�►'••'
<br /> - = interest of Borrower shail aot operate to release the IiabUity of the origl�nal'Borrower or Borrower`'s sucecessor Iu. �
<br />---- — interes�Ixnder shall not be required tu commeace praoxdin$s against any successor ia iaterest or reflise to extettd. •
<br /> time for payment or othecvvise modify amortizadon of the aums secured by thIs SecurIty Insuument by ceason of at1y.
<br /> demand made by the origInal�orc�wer ar Bmirower's successors in interest.Iwy forbearance by Lender ia exercising� .
<br /> any rlght or remedy shalt nat be a aaiver of orpreclude the eaen3se of any r.ight or remedy.
<br />— - 12.Sucoessors and Asstgas Bawtdt Joint and Seve�al LiabWtyi Cc�-$Igne:s.The covensats and agretments
<br /> og this SocuritY instruanant shall bind and beneHt the saccessors and assigns of Lender and Bomnwer,subject to the
<br /> - provisions of patagrs►ph 9(b).Borrower's covenants and agreements shaU be joiat and several.Ai►y Barrower who
<br /> co-signs this Security Ivstnunent but does�ot execute the Note: (a) is cu-signiag this Securlry Iastrument only to �
<br /> -__ __- mongage, 8raat and convey that Borrower's interest in the Pcaperty under the temas of thts Security Insteument.N)
<br /> - Is not gersonaUy obligatod to pay the sums secured by this Securlty instrument:and(c)aSrees that Iaatder and any
<br /> _ other Bomower may agree to extend.modify�forbear or make any axommodations with regard w the tat�ms of this .
<br /> Secudty Instiumeat or the Note arlthout that Borxower's consent. .
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