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<br /> � 99-�,����� �:-
<br /> �.
<br /> , � If the amounts held by I.ender for Escrow It�cns eACeed the amounts permitted to be held by RESPA,Lender —
<br /> • shall accouut to Borrowes for tEia oxc�ss tluldu a;.required by RESPA. If thc amounts of fiincis held by Lender at any E
<br /> .- ;-
<br /> `�_� time am not aufficient co pay the Escro�v ltems when due.l,eader�ay nodfy the Borrower aud requira�ortev�er to �
<br />,��•..�... make up the ahartage es�mitted by ItESPA. _
<br /> �..-=�d� The �scrow F�adg are pledged as addidonal security for all sums secured by this Securiry Instrument. If --
<br /> ��� Baraower te�1�8 to 1.euS2r the fuU p�yzn�ent of all such sums,Bonower's account shaA be credite�wlth the balance —
<br /> :-.''� remaiaing tor e�l tnstallment iteuis(a),(b).and(c)and any mortgage insurauce premium tnstallment that Lender has —
<br /> �;,�, aot beiosne ohDigated to pay w the Secretary, wiQ Lender shall pmmptly refund any excess fuads w Borrower. -
<br />_-... Immedlately prior to a foreclosure sale of the Pmpeny or its acquiaition by Lender, �orcower's account shaU be _
<br /> - csedited with aay balance remaining tor a11 instaliments for items(a),@3.�(�)• .
<br /> �;; 3.AppAcatton of Psy�uents.AU payments under paragraphs 1 and 2 shaU be applled by Lender as follows:
<br />��.;� �t,to the mort$age insurance premiwn to be paid by Lender to the Secretary or to the monthly charge by the
<br />- =`— Secretary instead of the mantQdy mortgage iusuraace premium; _
<br />�;� �COnd,to any taaes,spe�ial assessmeats,leasebold payACents or�+ound rents.and fire.flood and other hazard —
<br />��'� 3nxurance prem£ums.as ic�eq�ir�d: `
<br />�,.�,z.
<br /> — �xdi ,to interest due under the Note;
<br /> -,•�.�� �ourtd•to amorti�ation of the priucipal of the Note;and ;
<br /> ` �tft�t,w tate charges due under the Note.
<br />.--,,;:,-� q.�re,�ood and Other Haard Insutaace.Borrower shall insure all improvemenu on the PropertY,whether _
<br /> �s"� now ia e�sistence or subsequently erected,aga�nst any hazarda.casualdes.and contingencies.including fire,for which --
<br />���� Lender require.g Insurance. 19�is iasurance s�aU be maintaiaed in the �unouats and for the perloda t�at I.ender
<br /> n�• requires. Borrower shell also insure all impmveaients oa the Property, whetteer now in existence or s�abseqaently
<br />_--- = erec*.od.aSafnst loss by tloods to the ea[tent required by tt�e Secretary.t�ll insuraac$shalt be carried with compaates
<br /> Y —� approved by Lender.The insurance policies and a�ry renevvals shall be held by Lender and shall include losa payable _
<br /> clauses in favor of,and in a form acceptable w,Lender.
<br /> = Ia me evenc oi ivsa,&,�ivw�r si�att givc Lr.adcr i�ste s�L3ce kr;assi�.L�?r�?y�tip�+m�1of loss if not ,
<br /> --- made prompdy 6y Borrower.Pzch insurance company oonceraed is heneby authorized and direrted to maka payiuent
<br /> "
<br />