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<br /> market vatuetof the Proporty Imm di�tely befor t e ta in8�Any befance sha 1 bo paid to 8orrowere fair ^ °
<br /> If 4F�e Proper2y{s aba�ndon��by Borrower, or if, after notice by Lender 4o Borrower that the r
<br /> condemnor offers to make an award or setNe a clalm for damages, Borrower tails 4a respond to Lander
<br /> within thirty t30)days efter tOne date the notice fa given, Londer(s autharized to colleat and apply tha
<br /> 3ecu�ity�"uumeM.wh thvr or not then due. or repair the Property or to pey the sums�ecurod by this
<br /> Unles� Lender and Bo�rower otherwise agree in w�idng, any application of proceeds to principal
<br /> shall not extond or postpone the due date of the yearly paymonts r�ferred to in paragraphs 7 artd 2 or
<br /> chars(aa tho amount of suah payments. �
<br /> 9. Bor�ower{Flot P3eteasad; Forbearanco by Lender Not a Waiver. Extension of the time for
<br /> ppymer�2 or madifl�atIon of amortixadan of the sums seaurod bY��Security Instr�ment granted by Lender
<br /> to any successor in tnterest of Borrower shatl not operate to release the Itability of the original Borrower
<br /> or Bortower's successors in i�erest. Lender shalt not be required to commence proceedirtgs agalnst any
<br /> successor in in�erest or refuso to ex4end dme for�aymer►t or otherwise modify amoRization of tha sums
<br /> �ecured by this Security Inswmer►t by reason of any demand made by the orlginal6orrower or Bortower's
<br /> successors in irrterest. Am+torbearance by Lende�in exercising any�ight o�re�edy shall not be a waiver
<br /> of or preclude the exercise of any rl�ht or remedy. _
<br /> 10. Successors and Assigns Bound;Joirit and Severat 13abil'rty;Casigners. The covenants and
<br /> agreements of this Security Instn�ment shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and
<br /> Borrower,subject to�he provisions of paragraph 17.
<br /> 11. Legistation Affecdrtg Lender's Rights. If enactment or expiration ot appliceble laws has
<br /> the effect of rende�i�g any provisfon of the Note or this Security Insuument unenforceable according to
<br /> its terms,Lender,at Lender's op�on,may�equire tmmediate payment in fult of all sums secured by this
<br /> Setxsslr;lnst.n!men*?�d�naY�rncke arn remedies permitted by paragraph 17.
<br /> �2, Naices, p,ny notice to Borrower provEded for in thls Security Instrument shalt be given by �
<br /> notiae�all be directed t bthe Property ddress o�r any offier8address Bo awar designates by no�ce to
<br /> La�der. �%�
<br /> Any notice to Lender shall be given by first ctass meil to Lender's address stated herein or any
<br /> other address Lender designatos by no�ce to Borrower. Any notiae provided for in this Securlty tnstrument. •
<br /> sha11 be deemed to have been given to Borrower or l.ender when given tas Provided in this pa�agraph. .', '
<br /> 13. Govaming Law;Severabiliry. Tt►Ls SecuritY�nstrument shall be 9ovemed by the law of the .
<br /> State of Nebraska. tn the event that any provision or clause ot this Security tnstrument or the Note
<br /> conflicts with appticable taw,such canflict shall not affact other provfsions of this Security Inswmant or , .
<br /> the Note which can be given eHect withoat the conflicting�arovlsion. To this end the provisions of thls
<br /> SocuritY instrument and the Note are declarod to be severable.
<br /> 14. Borrowar's Copy. Borrower shall be given one cor�formed copy of tha IVote and of this�
<br /> Security Instrument. � .
<br /> 16. T�ansfe� of the P�operty or a Beneflcial IMerest in Bonower. If all or any part of Lhe
<br /> p�operty or any interest in it 8s sold,uansferred or teased lor it e beneflcial interost in Borrower is sold or
<br /> ifs op on�,equhe tmmediato payment in ful of allVSums secu ed by rthis Sscuritl►tnstrument der may,at ,
<br /> (f Lender exercises this option,lsnder sha11 gtve Borrower notice of ac�celer2itton. The notice shall
<br /> provide a�sertod of not tess than thirty(301 days from the date the notice is de9ivered or malled wi4hin
<br /> which Borrower must pay all sums seaered by thi�Securfry Instrumeert. If Borrovrer fails to pay these sums
<br /> = prior to the sxpiration of tfits perioot,Lenc�er may tnvoke arry remedles permttted bY this Security Instrumont
<br /> without furthet notioe or demand on Borrower.
<br /> 16. Borrower's Right to Reinstate. If Borrower meets certain cortdEtions,Borrower shall hpve
<br /> ° the r�Cjhi to have enforcement of 4hls Security 1�4rument discoMinued at any time prior to the earlier.of:
<br /> (a1 five(5)days(or such other period as applicabte taw may s�ecify for reinstatement) bafore sa[e of the
<br /> Property pursuar�t io any pawer of safe CoMained f�this SecuritN Insuumerrt;or lb)er�try of a judgment
<br /> � e�tforcing this SecuriN �►�,strument. Those conditions are that Borrower: ta!pay Lender all sums which
<br /> ehen would be due under thls Securih►tnstrumer�t anr�the Note had no acceteradon occurred; (b) cure any
<br /> defautt of any oiher covenaMs or ag�eemer�;(cD pay alI expenses incurred i�er�forcing this Security
<br /> — •��,....�..e�imc•and lill lelce suCh HL`tFOD 8$�.g(K�Bf
<br /> Instrumem. �nciudingr 01n R�L IIIRROQ 1V�tQWartmt�nv as�r...�y� •---•-- .-. --
<br />�- may reasona9ly roqu(re to assure that tha tien of this SecurIt�lnstrument,Lender's dgi�ts In the Property
<br />_-- and Borrowers oblJgadon to pay the sums secured by this Secudty Instrument,shatt cominue urtchangeal.
<br />-- Upon reinstatemeM by BoROwer,�i,.Security Instrument and tha obligations socured hereby sh�ll remain
<br /> - fully eHective as if no accelera�on had accurred. However, this rfght to reir�state shalt not app�Y in th�
<br /> y=� Qase of acceteration under parag�aphs 16 or 7 7.
<br />«b
<br /> ��,".`�� t7. Accolera�on; Remedies. Lendar shap giwe notice to Borrower priar to acceleration
<br />`;5'„� totlowing Borrower's breach of any covenan4 or agreemeM in this Security lnstrumen?(but not prior to
<br /> ..�
<br /> ;'� 3
<br /> .�
<br />