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<br /> ��� �J�un�q�t�WEp TqU�'I'0635 heret�t ecknawlcdgo nrtd �end�rstand that (a) ti�e aocurity �_
<br /> decument below go be executed is a 7n�st DaecD and not a moriya8e.
<br /> ry1 �e power of sale Pr�vld�st tar in _
<br /> the Trust de uit or b each o�f o�blf8 t onr�he Trustors fu'rcher�roprese teand�gree that his certification
<br /> overn
<br /> has bean read and executad in aonnection with,but prior to,the Trustors execution of the tollowing ni
<br /> Deed.
<br /> DAaED A�H � . 1999. _
<br /> C�Y> —- �- -
<br /> n W.Moore --
<br /> ✓f.
<br /> Y L.Moe �
<br /> ) SS.
<br /> The foragoing was ackrtowiedged befo�e me on the�day of �+'�' _1999.by Jofin W.
<br /> Moore end Vita L.Moore,husband and wife,as their volu�ary act and deed.
<br /> 6fMElNI NOTAAIf�� � —
<br /> .tOHN R.6ROWP►� o �ry�'ubltc
<br /> tfirComm.�kP �
<br /> THIS DEED OF TRUST is made on this�.daY� � 1999. Thn Trustors are John
<br /> W.Moore nnd V(ta L.Moore("��ower'1. The 7rustee is John R•&ownell�Attorney et Law 4"Tn�stee"1.
<br /> Yhe Benefialary t� the H�11 County Houslr� Authority,
<br /> g11 Baumann Oriwe, (irand is�end, �IE 8�9803
<br /> (•��ef•�� pa�rawer pwea Lender the principaf s�m ot Sixteen Thflusand Seven Hundred Fourtaen Dollares
<br /> and NtnetcY Seven Gent�t816,714.8'71. 7'his debt is evldenced by Borrower's note dated the same date
<br /> as this EACUrity Instrument t"Note"), which pravides for.a fhced payment five lbl Years from the date
<br /> hereof. The 8ecuriN��merrtsecuresto Lender:_�te) the repaY(b't�°@ p8ymern offatl o habsumsNwith
<br /> with interen, and atl�enewals,extensions and.mod�fioetions;
<br /> interest, advanaad un�er paragraph 7 to protect tha seaurity of this SecGr�tY�^�°nent; and lc)the
<br /> conveye o Trustee�n t ust,v+iith powe ofrsate,the fo ow g desedbedp operty inevocably grar►ts end —
<br /> Lota Six (�) end Seven (71� Biock Two (21,Pleasant Hill Add(tton to the City of Grand
<br /> laland,Hall Caunty,Nebraska. �
<br /> The nneilin�addreaa of the Bor�ower is 824�East 1 1�Street, Grand Island, Nebraska,
<br /> 88801.
<br /> TOQETHER WITH all the improvemerns now vr t�e�eafter erected on ths prcperty, end aU '
<br /> easements,rl�fita,appurtenances,rorns,and fixtures Prere�fter�p.art of the properhr. A11 replacements
<br /> end edditione shsll aleo be covered by this Security Instrun+�nt. Alt of�the foregoing is refened to in chis
<br /> Security In�tnament aa 41ne"Propertlr'. :
<br /> 8orrowet COVENAN'�3 that Borrov+►er is lawtutiy seised o�f the estate hereby conveyed anc!has the
<br /> right to pra�t and oonvey ths Rropertl►e��d tha�t 4he Proper.tY is unencumbered,excePt for encumbrances
<br /> of reaord. Bottowar wetrente end wiil defond generaily the totle so the Property against ail claims and
<br /> demando,aubJeot 4o any enoumbtanaas of�econi. ,
<br /> COVENANTS. 8or�owe�and Lender covenant ertt0 agree as follows:
<br /> 1, Peyment of Principal and IMerest;PrepaYmerrt and L.ate Charges. Borrower shali prompttY
<br /> pay when due the prinalpal of the debt evidenced by the Nota and any prepaymerit and oate charges due
<br /> under the Note.
<br /> �. �� d.stt i,� ,mia hv
<br /> - 2, Funde fer Texes end Insurance. An rea�esca�e�'ia��+��+�+� °�°•'°""°"' -- ' -
<br />-�� 6orrowa►whan due. �
<br /> -- 3, Charql�:Lleni� BorTOwer ehail pray ail taxes,asses�rnents, charges,fi►►es,and impositions
<br /> attrt6utabia ta tho Prc�peF�y w�icP�may attaln p�laTily over this Securtty Instrumem,and leasehots paymerns
<br />;;;� ar ground rente,if any� 8o►rower ahe11 paY these oblipations in thB manner providod in parapraph 2,or if
<br />::�e rtot R��d In that manner�Ebr��wer ehitt pay tham on time direatly to the Porson owed paymeM. Borrower
<br />'{,;a ehai!pramptly futntah to LRntict r�ll notloea of amount�to be paid under this paragrdRh• �f Borrower make
<br />=;c.� theae peYment�direatly,Dot►ower�hatl ptomptly fumfsh 4o Lender receipta evidenaing the paymerns•
<br /> .
<br /> -'�� 1
<br />:�a:
<br /> .
<br /> � � _ _ _ . —
<br />