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� :�. � _ . .. .. .. _ . .. . <br /> .0 -.1�, -, YlY �' S' ��J � �����!`v ^ '�Y'�CLVY .Af.3 . . . . . J .i. ... r-. . <br /> ��"�(s�''"t'�wr+�±ry�ti��„..�.�� - �d.....t �.`��p�►r�t'.i�:i,e�`-' ';, �r.�....t ,T•r lT:,, , <br /> J� � t.}�:,3i3� _r�� C•1 _ . � -�r� ,�,�� <br /> .�:1'r . . .i�.:���:. <br /> . . , i.:; ., t <br /> .1 ` /�__'; �l l <br /> .' � .. �i . .... . . . . . I . . � <br /> � � <br /> / . , w.Ak+iE'�..- ., .. ....m.� <br /> _ . � __""�*'�-..�i i+"��:�-a:�•. .«�� . ' . . .. . ._ . .R-...: ' ---- - <br /> ' � .. 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Peyra�^.nt�f PrEad�!nR�Intere�t;Preg�,{+�Ent artd I.ate Cherg� Bornower shall promptly pay when due the <br /> � ,•-t� princtp:d of and interat on th¢debt evidenced by the Note nnd any prepayment und late charges due uad�r the l�ote. <br /> 2. Funtls for Tuxes aad Itesurenee. Subject to applicnble law or to a wdtten vraiver by Len�er,Bo�sower shall Qay .� <br /> - - to Lertdcr on the duy monthly payments an due under the PTate,untll the Note is paid ir►Poll,a sum("Funds")for.(a)yeady <br /> .t�`"t=�-� taxes und assessments ahich may attaln prlority over this Security lnswment as a Gen on the Aroperty;(b)yearlY leaseYhuld —. <br />:t.o,. <br />•___-- - payments or groand rents on the Property. if eny; (c) Yesuly hazazd or property insuraace premlwns: (d)Y��Y <br /> "�"' insuruace premiwns, if uny;(e)yeruly mortgage insurnnce premiums.if any; and (� any sums payable by Bamower to <br /> L.ender,in aaxyrdnnce with tke provisions of pamgraph 8,in lieu of ttie payment of mortgagc insursrtce preminms.Thess <br />°'��� item.4 are plled"Fscivw Items."Lender may,at any dme,collect and hold Funds in an aa►ount ttot to exceed the maximum <br /> "K�� amount n lender for u federnlly�lated mortgage loun may require for Borrowets escrow acc�unt under the federal ReaA <br /> -�1��� Estate Settlement Pmcedures Act of 1974 as ameaded fmm time to time.l2 U.S.C.92601 et seq.("RESPA"),unless anot�er ` <br /> =.�_S- law that appltes to ths Funds seu A lesser amount If so,l.ender any tlme,collect aced hold Funds in an amr�unt not tA <br /> exceed the lesser umoun�fi.en�er may estimate the amount of�nds due on the basis of cument duta and reasonable estimates <br />,=���� of expenditures of future Escrow items or otherwise ia accocdance with applicabiz law. <br /> - T9�e Funds shall be held in un institution whose deposits are insured by a federal a�ency,inshumentaliry.or enury <br /> ��li�� (enc(nding L.ender,if Lender is such an insdtution)or in any Federal Home I�oan B�nk.Lender shall agply the Fnnds w pay <br /> the Escrow Items.Lender may not charge Eomuwer for holding and appfying die�nds,annually analyzing the escrow <br /> . acrnnnt,or verifyln�the Escrow Items,unless Le�tder pays Bomnwer interest on the Funds and ap�pltcable law permits i,.ender <br /> = iv maIcc 3ii�i;�i d C�i3iF;c.i i���c:sr,l.cisdcr atay s�qu'sre Sa�•��cr ta ps;s Qs�-sitnc eh�rge f�r an indenendent real estutr.ta�c � <br /> - _= reporting service used by Lender in canreecHon with this loan.unless applicable]aw provides oth�nvise.Unless tin agreement <br /> - is made or applicable!aw t�equires interest to be paid,Lertder shull not be required ta pay Bomower zu►y intcrest as eamings on <br /> the F'�nds.Horro�ver und Lender m�y agree In wri6ng.however,that interest shall be paid on the Fund� Len�leffi st►all give to � <br /> So�rower.without annual acxounting af Ne Funds,showing creciits and debits to the Fnnds and ttio purpose for ; <br /> which eachttx6it to the Funds�vas made.The Flinds are pledged as uddidonal security for all sums secured by tbis Securitp. , <br /> Iiuwmen4� , . <br /> If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts pemutted to be held by applicable law. Lender sha11 $oc�at to _ <br /> - ' Borrower for the excess Funds ia aocordanoe w�"sth the e+equirements of applicable Iaw. If the amount of th��luids held by , <br /> Lender at any time is noi sufficient to pay the Escraw Items when due,i.ender roay so notify BorrOWer in,•'tvi7''dng,and,iA ' <br /> = such case Bomower stialt pay w L.ender ihe au�ount necessaq+to make up the deficiency. Bomp�ver shaU make up the <br /> � deficiency in no more than twelve monthly payments,at Lende�'s sole disccetion. � <br /> -�----- Upon payment in fu11 of s�li sums secuc+ed by this Ses�rity Insmiment,Lender shall pmrrpHy retund tq Aomuwer eny • <br /> F�nds hetd by Ixnder.If. ander paragraph 21,Lender shali Rcquire or seq the Property,Lender,prior W,�ui�ition or � <br /> = sale of the Propetty,shall apply any Funds hr_Id by L�ender at the time of acquisiHon or sale ac a credit ag�i;n4t the sums i <br /> � <br /> secu�d by thls Security Inswmen� ! <br /> -- 3. Applica8oa oi Paymentq. YJntess appficabie law pro�ndts otheiwise,alt paycnents receive8 by Lender wider <br /> ---- -- : p�mgmphs 1 uted 2 sha11 be apglied:��to anY I�PaYment charges due uader the Note:second.w amounts payuble under <br /> paragaph 2;thizd,to intenst du�founh,to grinapal due;and las�to any Late char�es duo under the Note. <br /> 4, G6aiges; I,ie�s. Bomower shall pay ali m�ces.asses.sments,chazSes.�ars aied imposi6ons attn'butable to ttie <br /> ' Property wltich tmy attain prioriry o�er this Secw�ity Insnumeab�nd leasehold payments or grovnd c+ents.if any-Bomewer <br /> _a shall pay these abllgadons in the a�ann�:r�provided in paiagraph 2.or if not paid in that manner,Bosowu shaU�ay them on • <br /> --- ame direcdy w the pe�son owed payment Bomnwer shall pmmptly femish to Lender all natices of amounts to be paid under <br /> this paragrnph.If Bona�vex ms�kes these payrneius directly.Bocrower shall promptly fumish to Lender a+eceipts evidencingthe <br /> payments. <br /> _---_";�> <br /> �._-- f <br /> — _ ; . <br /> _—__ . (Pag�2of8puga) = <br /> _— f� <br /> ==,=;�--i�i 1 <br /> .='„'..�'�� . _ . j <br /> - 4=a. <br /> ...:.. <br /> .,''��� �- � <br /> -. -_ . _"'_�.—:-�.�. � � . rTlq� �1.�; �- _ - ___ <br /> -= �- .... '•__ � . � �(�� �� - — - <br /> � _& " �. _ _ . ' ..w - LNA jR`�+ <br /> �i t� " -L J S':'Si /1� .i��r.-�w�..�. <br /> e�!t . _. _. _—.__-- �ll � <br /> � �_�a.- �..... .. ... .: . . -ii:� --x—r -rr� _ .' — <br /> c. �cr— <br /> �� . .-. .. . .y J���.u.A��~ �7 � <br /> ��i�JF�N. .�.i� .. , . �. � . .uW� YI� _C:M..H^�.�e��jwS�F-1C��v. ..�.-.�w.�a —__,-_ <br /> �ic�t`��� '. . � .. . , ., f1 '' �ner° rl""`.7"�' .. i:n..•,a._.�..,,,_'�33A7�J!`�'Pr7r,'„_'Jt..t� �rs_.o-� �_ . <br /> -� 1� .. . ' . .. . '�' T��.=l.t� ��Y. `��a-�1,.�.- .SY i ... - <br /> 2 '4"'- S�{�'�^- �� . };�� �-'�- ' z..,�. <br /> -�'�_c, .- , �� � . � - -.. .. .. - -�e,� r:""'"S�' � . . _ ��?l,.'�' °--_-K_ <br /> .r .�*r-� • . ., . ._ ., . -• . _ , u __ •-. '�,�r�'��; `Y T`�Ft� z� _' - - ',Ck n9.crsssns,_ _ _- <br /> r�-.,Ey�t �Rt� . .. . .. . . 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