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<br /> �� t, 5�ey�ner�, gonower agreos to mako ali paymoMe on the seeured debt whe�due.Unioas tsartowen o.-�G ter+d�r egres Qttre�w�=e•eny - __,_.
<br /> paymerns Lendor vecoivea from Borrowor or 4or Bonowor'o bonofk witi be apptied flrst to any amounts Bortowor 4r:�on ths escurod Apbt
<br /> exclusivo of iMOrest os Ddrtcipat,second to intoroat,and than to principat.if partial propayment of the eocurod dobt uccnrs for any roeson,it wiU �:,f�,
<br /> ES
<br /> not reduco or oxwse any sehadutad peyment urtdi tho secured debt ts pa�d in fuli. r��•;_v_
<br /> �°�:.
<br /> • p,q�t�ns py�i�t'fttl�.8ar►ower wlU pey all taxes,asseasmente,ena omer cnar9es amro�camte co�,o proporty whon due nnd wlll detend ttYto �,_,�r__
<br /> to the proporty ag einst any claims whieh would Impair me Iien of this deed of uust.Lender may require Bottowet to essign anY ri8hte�e�a��°� _
<br /> _ . _ dAfcnses which Borrower may Fwvo oga(nat partiea who suDP�Y 1e�r or matatiata to tm{srove or meintaln tPte property � '
<br /> . . � 3.Ircauarx�.Borrowe►viill koep the ptoperty Insured und3r te or�L�ender�.�londer wjil De named as�losa paVoa or as Uio in�su ed op eny Buch �,ri�,.
<br /> � Insurance Rcltcles ehall Include a stenderd matgiga dauae in tav
<br /> s inauraneo poqey. Any insurance proceeda maY bo epphed,within Lender's disCreUon,to efdesr the�eatoratlon a tepair of the dnmeged propsrty �;;_�
<br /> :�•�� or to tho aeaued debt.H Isnder requirea mortgega insuranca.Bonower agraes to malntatn such insurencci for as tong as Londer roquUes. lf
<br /> ���r�. ro in ood eondklon and meleo aU repafra reasonobiy neeessary• ��` _
<br /> ,.;,, 0.�ro�erty.Borrowet wi�keep the P DQ►tY 9 `:
<br /> i '•�-_
<br /> �^�"�'y $,ffuywnaes.BorroweraBrees to pax all LondeYs oxpenses inciuding roasonablo ettorrteye'Tses,i4 Bortower breeks any covenar�t�in this dc3od . -
<br /> ; of trust or tn any obti8atlan secured bY thia deed of truat.�orrower wUf pay these amounte to Lert�r es Provided fn Cove�um 9 of tlda doed of r _. _,
<br /> _ � truat. -__-
<br /> sQ�Zy�inqe er�sts�n wei�wilt per�torm all�of6onow s 6blfga�ot aeund i�o y p�or mortgage dee of�uust or other securtey egreemer��wt, `_
<br /> �a ��Eng Bortovrer'a covenoMa to make paymeMS when due.
<br /> � 7,psti�m�nt o4 RaiM end PraRH•Bor�ower aasigns to Lender the rents and proflts of the propctrty.Untesa Borcower and Lender heve egreed
<br /> M
<br /> otfierw�ae tn wrltinp, Borrower may eotlett and ratnin the re�ts es long as Bonowar8�����d�s�a�An��tents tsn06i coi eeacs shali be
<br /> � `-� ager�t,o�a eourt�ppolmed roeeiver mey take possess�on and manspe thx ptoperiy , �e
<br /> necoteraderY catated expendea f TNe remi eTnl�np amount of ierit dwill then eppiy�to Psynren s�an Me ie u ea de°e's p ov a a i°Coryv�ena�ntJtany other
<br /> �.�,�� G�n�s�����p�y�{��.Borrower epreea to com ly wlth the Drovb�orfs of eny lsaIIS if thts dsed ot uust is on �
<br /> •ts�:--�hold.��N+i�d�ed of vust b oa�unit In�condominium or�planned unEt givelopmeM.Battower wpl perform all of Bonower'e dutta�
<br /> • under the eovananU,bwlswo,or►egut�ttone of tho condominium or ptanned unk devetopm�nt.
<br /> �� g���h ot LendK to pKform ior�orrow�r. 14 Bortower faiis to pe�iorm any of 8aorrcowet's dutias under thts deed of trust,Londor may _
<br /> '" �na�tr�uattloa cn�t�'As prrapertY ii�d il eon�naep d ot not�oar�ed on tn e roe o�ib te mannaz.�l.endei mi�y donw�hmatever i�n�eee ry�to�P�o�at Le,�r°
<br /> ' � seeurity interest in tfts properlV•Thts msy tnatude eompleting the eonstruetton. _
<br /> ..;, , .��, Lendnr's tatlure to po�torm wI0 not pr�clude Leedor trom ezarcising eny ot ks other dghts under the lew or thts deed of trust.
<br /> Arry amou�paid by lender to prateat I.ender's securitY intarest wiil ba sewred by thin deed ot buat.Such amour►ts wili be due on demend
<br /> ' �' ancl wiit bear Irtteroat irom tho dato of tho peYmet►t ur►tit paid in{'uU et 4he interest rate tn etfeat on•the seaued debt.
<br />:"'�,'`+�i'�',U,�N 10�p�{��nd Aacd�t�fton, I}Bortower tatis to make any paymeM when due or breaks ar►y coveneMs u�er this desd ot trust m any
<br /> �,:�_;;;' oblipatlon eea�ed by thEs d���oke�e powernof�eale and any oUier r�emed ei s pem ittea b�sDP ieceble Ieaw�����ed debt 8nd
<br /> .. danasd hras�3.�t4 C"-�'"a!� Y .,
<br /> ���•. 11,Requat tor Notiu ot O�fwtt.it Is herebY requested that�°Ptes of the notteea ot defauR and eate be seM to each parson who ts a parqr
<br /> � ��"�. ' trereto.et the eddreae of eaeh such Person,ea set torth heretn.
<br />°°-=J=��`: 1Z Pow�r o!SaW.it the Lemlm inv°kes th°p°wer of ealo,the Tnis4ae shalt Hrat reeord in the oNica of d�e regEster of davt1s of each eouMSr
<br />�-' ;,, .�:i �!i et maU��pDies M�dw noflcepof detau�to the Bortowar,�co eacN Derson�is e p�ertynherem�Mend t�o oU�eQupesons�as��ix hed EY
<br />=M:=:. -*,
<br />_ -���.,__ aPPtieabie tew. Not leas thnn one month sfta tl►e T�ustee raeorda the noUee of defaui�ar two morrths if the trust pr4DenY �In airy
<br />-s R r�:�`,� incorporated cfq►or viilage end is used En farmin0 o radons ear�ied on bY�e��r,the 1rustee shap giva puWte notice of se�a to tfie 0�►sons —
<br /> ��;,,,fc�.s� and in the manner prourtbed by�omepsce�ad Pio e�ad e�c��t.7�us e shatt Her�e P�n�yB�I�1��°ro�8aias�requir d bY apPiic�abteglew.
<br /> btdder.If roquired by the Farm H
<br /> _ ----'_'_�� Trusteo mey pastpone saie of aU or any parcot of the property by pubito snnouncemee►t et d►e Ume nnd ptece ot any previouslY scheduled seie.
<br /> isnder or ita desl8rtee�ay purchese the property ac anY ea�e•
<br /> "�� Upon receipt of paym mit of tl+e D��Dtd,Trustee ehell deliver to tAe pwchasar Truatee's deed eomroYing the propertY.T���n'a�CO��rted in
<br /> v�*'J�,.� Trustee's deed shall�Da mo fa ns�����1�irtc�tuding but��t Il�mitedTt�o,reaa�onable T u�atee's�feeap,A�iea�sonnble����ees�e d
<br /> _-��',,,1�� 1'otlowing order: 1� eXDe
<br /> re�nstaLemeM f4et:(b)to a►1 suma seaued by this deed oi t�vat.and(cl the batance,ff any,to the pereans�epaily emitlad to roeefve it.
<br /> --'-''-''�� ;2,Tar�clwur�.At tsndefa optlon,this deed of truat mnY 6a 4arectosed tn the merener provide by applkxble!aw for Toredosure of mmtsepes
<br /> -�°' on real propetty.
<br /> "�_--
<br />