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BRAD CARRTCK, A SINGI,� PERSON AND VICKI AGUILAR, A SINGLE PERSON ottheCounhrot � <br /> �{Lj,�w �nd State oT NESRASKA herei�after calted the parly o7 the iire4 pad,In consiatamtian R. <br /> of $]�0.Q�l„Q�a0 QdLLARS,in hand paid,do Paereby gmnt,berpain,sall end convey unta t�a#lama F¢dera0 3avinpa 8 Loan <br /> Aeaoeletbn a!GranU latand,Orand Isiand, Nebr�ska,and Ito sucoeasors an�4 ssslgns,the foltowing rest o�lata, eftuated tn <br /> HAI�, County,Stete ot N��S� wtt: <br /> THE W�ST HAT,F OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (W�NW�NW$) <br /> OF SECTION TEN (10), Z�OZJNSHIP ELEVEN (11) NORTH; RAPiGE T$N (10) W�ST OF THE <br /> 6TH P.M.. HALL OOUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> ToQethar wkh�U the aypuRentrtcea lhereunto belongtng,and aB cavenanta In ail ihe tltle deeds mnnlnp wtth fstd reat e�t�te,and <br /> aii fPro mnte, tssues and pmfib arisirtg therelrom after detautt in peKormance oi any covenent or eondHlon herotn eontolned;and <br /> warcants the tflb thereto peAect and ctear exeept for thSs mortgege. <br /> Ou►ing the Nme thle moRgege is in torce tha moAgagors agre�: <br /> Firsl.To pay nll4oxes and npeciat assessments tevted agalnat seld premises,tnctuding ati Wxes and assessmen�levfed <br /> upon this mortgage,or Iha debt seeured by this mortgege. <br /> Second. To keep att buitdings thereon Insured against toss by 8re, itghtning and tomedo in aome cany�ny,to be . <br /> epproved by the aaid Homo Fedo�at Savinga&Loan Assocfation ot(3renA isiand in the sum of 5130.000.00 .tar tha benafd <br /> oi the saW Assodation,and ita euccessors or asslgns;artd to deposlt setd poiicEea with sald Assodation,and shaB not comm[t or <br /> . sutfar any waste on etdd prem(sea,snd shall put eni!keep satd real estate buiklings and improvemente in Qood orde�. ' <br /> tht�d. To pa�r or ceuse to be pald to tha Home Fede►al Savings 8 Loan AssoclaUon of Orend lsland, ib suooessors or <br /> essfgns, tha sum ot.� ONE HUNDRED THIRTY THOIJSAND ANU NO/10 __ DoUARS, <br /> . payabteaafoflowa: <br /> DUE� JUNE 1, I999 <br /> with[ntarost thereon payabb,aceording to the tenpr and eNecl oi lhe ona cedaEn 8rst modgege rtota of aaid mottpagoro.Aearing <br /> oven dnto wttN these pmseMa. Aftar matu�ity seid bond draws Intemat at fha�ate oi nineteen pe�cent per ennum. . <br /> it said texoa end essessments are not paid when dae,or H tho buiidinga on satd premisns ara not IesurttQ aa aboao <br /> provided,or it eny ot eaid Interest is not peid when due,then se[d whote debl shail becomB due fmmediately,at fhe opt�on of tha <br />- satd Aasodation,and shatt thereaRer drew Intorest et the�ate of oinetean porcent per annum. - <br /> The mortgagar(a)hereby esa;gn(s)to seid modgaDee etl rente arA income e�ising at any and eti tfines trom seld property <br /> ¢nd hore0y aulhodze aetd mortgagee ar ita egent,at(ta opHon,upon deiault,to take cherpe ot said propeAy s�d cottact all renta <br /> and incame iherefrom ertd appiy the aeme to the paymont of Interest,pHnclpai,tnaurance premlums,taxsa,assesarnenta,repairs <br />— or Imnroverrsents neeea�ary to keep aetd propeity in tenuntable candlNon,or to other charges or payrttenb pmrided fot hereln or in <br /> th4 eote hereby saeured. Thia rent esalgnment ehatt oontinue in forrs unttl the unpaid batence of aald nota ta Nity paid. The taking <br /> " oi posseeaton heroundar eheil tn no menner prevent or retard sefd mortgegee in ths colleet[on of said auma by foroWosure or <br /> - olherwise. <br /> = IMlielher satd debt beeomes due by Iapse o!Hme,or by reason ot the faUure ot ihe paciy of tha fl�cl part to wmply wilh <br />`:! any cond0to�herein,the satd Home Federai Savtngs 8 Loan Aasoeletfon ot Or6od•tsiend,its sucoossors and�aelgna,shall have , <br />-' the dght to begfn the toroe►osure ot this mortgage at once on ihe whole deDt hoteby escuted, ond to irtcludp lherein aIi taxm�, <br /> '� <br /> assessmants,insurence premiums end costs,paid by it or them:or said AssociaGon,►ts successo�s or asstgns,tnay torectose onry <br />��a ea to the sum past due,wtthout InJury to lhis mortgage,or ifio dEspisoement or impeUmont of the iten theroot. <br />;� A�d the said Rrst patiy and the makora of said note,enpedalty sgree end declaro that the aoparete esiete of each and <br /> -- every one o9lhem,ind�dfng both that now owned and that hereaRer eaqulred,t3 pledge0 and bound for fhe paymatd ot tha debt <br /> hereby secured. <br />