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202303908 <br />GRANT OF SPECIFIC AUTHORITY: My aqent MAY NOT do any of the following specific acts for me UNLESS I have <br />INITIALED the specific authority listed below; (CAUTION: Granting any of the following will give your agent the authority to <br />take actions that could significantly reduce your property or change how your property is distributed at your death. INITIAL <br />ONLY the specific authority you WANT to give your agent.) <br />( <br />( <br />Create, amend, revoke, or terminate an inter <br />vivos trust <br />) Make a gift, subject to the limitations of the <br />Nebraska Uniform Power of <br />Attorney Act and any special instructions in this <br />power of attorney <br />Create or change rights of survivorship <br />) Create or change a beneficiary designation <br />( ) Delegate to another person to exercise the <br />authority granted under this power of attorney <br />( ) Waive the principal's right to be a beneficiary of a <br />joint and survivor annuity, including a survivor <br />benefit under a retirement plan <br />( ) Exercisefiduciary powers that the principal has <br />authority to delegate <br />( ) Renounce or disclaim an interest in property, <br />including a power of appointment <br />LIMITATION ON AGENT'S AUTHORITY: Except as otherwise authorized by the Power of Personal and Family <br />Maintenance, an agent MAY NOT use my property to benefit the agent or a person to whom the agent owes an obligation of <br />support unless I have included that authority in the Special Instructions or the Grant of Specific Authority. <br />SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS (OPTIONAL): You may give special instructions on the following lines: <br />EFFECTIVE DATE: This power of attorney is effective immediately. <br />NOMINATION OF CONSERVATOR OR GUARDIAN: If it becomes necessary for a court to appoint a conservator of my <br />estate or guardian of my person, I nominate the following person(s) for appointment: <br />RELIANCE ON THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY: Any person, including my agent, may rely upon the validity of this power of <br />attorney or a copy of it unless that person knows it has terminated or is invalid. <br />SIGNATURE AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT <br />Norma M. Trosper <br />1404 West 5th Street <br />Grand Island, NE 68801 <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />) ss: <br />COUNTY OF Hall )- <br />This document was acknowledged before me on / by Norma M. Trosper. <br />Date <br />/0 11070/ 7 <br />6EtfERAI NOTARY • Of . <br />SUSAN M. KO N$G <br />X& <br />*Cm. Janu y 31. 2720 <br />My commission expires: <br />Notary Public <br />
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