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<br /> <br />\"n,.,,,,...,,,. \,.._.~,.::'~.. ':,".. ',; ,.'., . <br /> <br />',. "~'~' ...' .. ,,' ~..,.. .;, i,_',4l,~";, ';-':, ,..',. <br /> <br />.~ ..:....'""::',. ,"".'....,:<~',., <br /> <br />" " ..:' <br />. ~.','-..~-,:;~"; ,_;..'\."':'.,l'.-c-~""~'~.~..""',<!'W,, <br /> <br />}~,' <br /> <br />";,~ ~.~~~ <br /> <br /> \ 1.01399 <br /> () ~~~ <br /> ;:1 .... ... <br /> ~I m ~ '(,0 (;> t" <br />P ." <br /> c ('; :L: -~~' t...., 0,,,,; cD fT1 <br /> c:: ~ <br /> n ~ 7: ~ C ~ ....... _.4 :t <br />.. "J: ~ \ r""1 ~' :f~ 4f E" <br /> rTl (I) _'-':'f1 ~ <:.., --< ,-, <br /> () ;.!; '-~'., ~ <br /> ;)l; i f",I C:- . ", ~ <br /> \ ~ ~,. a ',.f>..) -r! . r.-- <br /> . , ,... = <br /> F\ ~ .....-. <br /> \ ,. :' C:;J ,.- '=' <br /> , I I I """". (~ ~ I.-J .:. <br /> .' rn ' , '" I <br /> 0 w <br /> \ -;n .- . <br /> ~ CD <br /> , w ...-.... "-~'" <br /> t I i c.,.., t') t.D <br /> -, C'J '::2 <br /> ..j:'" p <br /> ". <br /> <br /> <br />DEED OF RECONVEYANCE <br /> <br />KNOW ALL HEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br /> <br />THAT WHEREAS, aU of the indebtedness secllred by the Ttust Deed executed by <br />Carl E. Dietz and Carol A. Dietz, husband ana wife as joint tenants and not as <br />tenants in common , Trustor, to <br />Bank of Wood River , Trustee, for :the benefit <br />of Bank of Wood River " the <br />Beneficiary named herein, dated August 7 , 1992 , and'recorded August <br />12. 1992 , in the office of the Registerof Deeds of Hall <br />County, Nebraska, 33 !Jocume'"nt No. 92-106999 & 92-106998 , hag ,been paid, <br />(lilt! snit! Beneficiary hall requested in writing that this Veed oC Reconveyance be <br />executed atHl delivered os confirmed by its endorsemf:.'nt below; <br /> <br />\J'\... <br />~~ <br /> <br />NOW THEREFORE, in cOllsideration of such payme " and in accordance with the <br />request of the Beneficiary named therein, the undersigned as Trustee does by these <br />presellts, grant, remise, release and reconvey to the person or persona entitled <br />thereto all the interest snd estate derived to said Trul1tee by or through said 'frust <br />Deed in the following described premises but only.8s to !luch premises :,' <br /> <br />Lot Eight (8), in Block Three (3), in West North La\n1 Second <br />Addition to the City of Wood Rive~, Hall County~ Nebraska <br /> <br />TOGETlllm WITH ALL buiLlings, fixtures, improvements and appurtenances belonging <br />to such premises. <br /> <br />DATED: <br /> <br />February 2, 1993 <br /> <br /> <br />ER, EXE. VICE PRES. & CASHIER <br /> <br />STATE OF NEDRASKA) <br />(ss: <br />COUNTY OF ~) <br /> <br />Defore me, a Notary Public qualified in said County, personally carne <br />Craig Hoyer, Exe. Vice President and Cashier of Ban~ of <br />Wood River ~ corporation, knowntome to be tl.e same <br />/lnd peroon who signed the foregoing incrtrument, and acknowledged the exccutiotl <br />thereof to be hia voluntary act and deed ss such officer B.nd the voluntary act and deed <br />u( naid corporlltion, lInd that itll corporste oeal was thereto affixed by its authority. <br /> <br />Witne9B,my hand and Notadal ~eal of <br /> <br />d - .;1... <br /> <br />, 192''';:' <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />, <br />" <br /> <br />~ ':" ; <br /> <br />.-. ..:' <br /> <br />- , /e7 <br />C;"..-;:..~ A~-:>..i;;!d.J;~:4 ,J;') <br />Notary 1 i'c <br /> <br />. .,,' ']"': 11ll"', (: 11 ; <br />_ ' ~:. I:' t, f ,.,'t. 1\ .,".' ~ ' <br /> <br />, :..- '. .,.:.:- .~.~ ..~".,,":;}:,/, <br />I; 00 ....'" ~..t~' "'7-...~, <br />'I, /, .......... ,<:.~' .::- <br />~.~: 't'l-'n,\\~>~"'II;' <br />""....Il.~~,...,,"'" <br /> <br />... <br /> <br />t. ",' <br />.~.,., <br />. ~- .J"~.,. <br />r,,,j~:..\::.: <br />~\>. ,,' ~';\'.,:..'. <br />\ It :~.\" <br />,..., <br /> <br />r,.~. ,:~: <br />r. ,J\)'J't{' <br />':''''1(''~''''.' <br /> <br />'~:~l';:'~:";~ ~J[~f:g- <br />