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<br /> " ' „ „ nf the Pro or eny iMerest In It � '_
<br /> .�Y 19. 't►�.-tde� aitC3o Ppog:�ar a�.,ce,.f�st�l Eci4¢ic�t in��rroe�rer. lf all or any ps�tt F�Y C-;_.=
<br /> i s s o l d o r a a r's f e r r�d(o�i f a�x ne ct�i��;�t in Borro�'rer is�ld or trensferred end Borrower is not a natutel pe�san)wiihout _
<br /> Lender's prior written consent, 1.ender maY. at its optian, re�qu i re imm e d i a t e pa y m e n t i n f L l l o f d i s u m s s e�u r e d b y t h i s ��;;:;:
<br /> „ . Sec�uity I�rumeta�However.thie op4ton sht+ll not be exercise�b y l.eader if exercise is prohibited by federei law ns of the date _-
<br /> of thia S�curity ln..c�rumgn� K
<br /> =s t If L,enQ�r excrds�thts optlon,Lender ahall ve Bonower no�ce of 8axeleratton.The notice sha�l prov[de e period of not
<br /> less th�a 30 dq�a fror�n t�e date tiie aotice is del�ered or mailc�vritD�in which Borrower must pay a11 sums secured by thta
<br /> :a�� Securlty Instsiensxa�lF Y�orrower fails to pay ei�.eae awns p�-iar to�iio eupirr�tton of this p�riod.I.ender may invake any remedies �--
<br /> 0
<br /> `� permittod by t61a Sscurity lnstrument wIthout fu�Rher notice or demand on Bonower.
<br />- � E Ig.B ormwer'e R IQ ht to Re i n e t a t e. I f H o r r ower moeZS certain conditions� Bonower shall have the rtght to have -
<br /> �. '- �o��t ot'this Secwlty Inxtrument discentinued at any time pdor to the earlIer of (a)5 days (or sucb other geriod ns _
<br /> `:�� applict�.sle l��v may spec t i j+ f or r�n s�eme m) b efore sale of the Pro p e ri y parsuaut to any Puwe� of sale containod iu this
<br />--w--� Security Iasdrwner�or N)enfi'of a judgrnent�nnforcing t7�is Securlty Instrumern.77tnse coaditious ere that Borrowet'(a)Pa�+e
<br /> �+� Lender mll sutre which then would be due uttder tlus Security Instrurnem and the Note as if no ecceleration had occurred;(b)
<br /> .. ° cures any de�ult of asiy other covenanta or agceemeats: (o)Pa s all ex�nsQS inc�red in enfoning this Securlty Instnurtem, .
<br /> ,,� inclu�in�,hut ao2 Umn4od 40,re,�sonable attorueys' fees;�nd(d�tAkes such action as Lender may reasonably require to assure _
<br /> �� th�R tha�iea of thns Sz�urity Ins4sucnem.Lender'a rights�xa th$Froperty and Eorrower's obliRation�j���EAL 8Il��1@ __
<br /> this S�-curit�Ins�maM s'�all aontinue unchenged. Ujran reinststement by Boxeo�ver. tTiis
<br /> �� obligarimn�s�ure�hereby sku►]1 remaln fully effecetve as�ff no scceleration had occuraed.How�ver,this riglct tc>relnstate shall _
<br /> not app�y la tha c�se ogaxeletaY3on�utder p�aph 1?.
<br /> '.' 1�.Saile o�P No� GhAng�af Lamn S�rvlcer. The Nots or a parrial irrterest ia the Note�eoge2her wiih this SectuitY
<br /> - n
<br /> :�..;�:��,-`� In�st�utcti�m)�r tx s�D�on�or rnote times without prIor motice w Boaower.A sale m�y result im a chan e in tl�2 entity(fmo�vn
<br />,.,;,:��;;,-:... '
<br />�:,;;.��1:rF �; { as 41�e"3.a�ra�cer")tha3 collects imonthly payments d�ae under the No�and this S��urity In.gtnuneat. e also mn,y be one �.
<br />.��:;:s>r;,�,� , ' ar more d�es�f tha I.oasn 5Ervioer wuela�ed w n sale of the Note.Yf there is a ohunge of dhe L.oan 3ervicer,�orrowta w1D!bE --
<br />; �`�"�;,.��:'. • ' g�ven written natice off'the char►g�in accordance�vith pm�tigruph 14 abave m�dapplicalale law.The notice will stste the name and
<br /> ���.� eddress of tlia ae�u Laan Seivleer aad the acldress to whieh paymenYs should be made. Tha not3ce will also eo�n auy other
<br />-��; infom�ation nqui�sed by aPPlicabte law. storage, or release of aay
<br /> ?A.H�rdous Snbstans,�s. Borrower shall not cause or peraiit the presenae, ase. d�sPose�.
<br />-=���� Hazardous Subst�oe.s on or in the Property. Borrower ahall not do, nor allow an,yone else to do. enythin8 at�'e�n8 the
<br />.�;,�:�� Proper¢y th�t b in v Io l a don o f mry En v i r o n m e M a l L a w. T h a p r e c e d i n g t w o s e n t e n ce s s h a l l a o t p!y w the r r e 5 e n c s. use. or
<br />,,..;�,�y g�plBgG 011 t110 Pt4�of small quautides of Hezardous Substenas that e�e generally ra�o�to be approprtate to aorcaal
<br /> [G4�CAl�B�1aStS BZiG TO IUB�TitQASTI�O Of t�l0 pfOpE[t)►.
<br />;�:..�� gQ���� �p�1y give Lender wrltten nntice of any inves�ti�ation,claua� demand. lawauit or ather asdon by any
<br />-.--'=�`�� � � ency or private pariy imolving the Property and eny Haaaedoas Substenc�or Environnxnte►1.aw
<br /> -"'_ �f�t��Fl�o r hag��knOwledge. If�onower learns. or ie notifted by any governmrntal or regulatary euthoriry.thet i
<br /> -..._os-�oei �y re�oval m a�t���on of any He�rQou3 Substenot a�'a�ng ino�ci,p�r.�t5�v�"f►�°-�'°���y�°
<br /> _ -'�^�� all aa��s�ry rea�edlal ecd�ns in ea�Ardance with Envlronmec�tisl Law.
<br /> °a �Ha�rdous Subs�tcp° are those subs�na�defined as toxtc or haaardous substances by
<br />'° __-_- As t�d ta tbis �ap h 20.
<br /> Bmrironm�r�ut Lew and- th foflowing substar►oes: gasolina, keresene� other flemmable or toxie pedoleum ucla► toxi¢
<br /> - pesticidese�dh6rblcides,volaHlesolvents.�federni tawsgand lawa of the�urIsdlcttoA where t�lee VProPertY is located that
<br /> : thisparegrapd 20, EmironmEntal Law" uieans
<br /> -- - relafe�to hesldy s�or environmeMal proteat�ott.
<br /> --- �`_'�� NON-UM1P0 COVENANTS.�omower and Lender 4�rther oovenant and qg�ee as follows:
<br /> -'��`"��� Zi.Aaxd�es atloni Remedia. Leader�hsU Qtve notta W Bore+ower prior to aeoderatton following Borro�ver's bnach
<br /> -__�`.,�;;a� o!�1'eove�tnt or ngroement in thta Securtty Inatrumemt N� not prIor to �sceleratlon under ae�rspb 17 anica�
<br /> tht ���e�e detanit�
<br /> - Applira6le ls�v�rov[da oEherwtse).The notice ehaU s�tecit'y: (4) the ddaWt;(b)the actton raI
<br /> -- - {c)s aau. not lea Q�twn 30 days�rom the date the notla te�iven to Barrower,by whlch tke deis�ult must 6e eux+ed:and
<br /> h
<br /> ~� (d)t6�t fsailare to cnre the da'iaalt on or 6etore the date epecified in the motice may naWt M aeceleratlon oi the so.m�
<br /> aeeuresl by�Ws &cwrlty In�tranten1�nd sale ot We Prop�riy.The not[ce sdall imrtiur tnform Borro�'ot the ei�ht to
<br /> -= re{notate atkr ssadenNon and t6e cl�Lt ¢o.bring a conrt stction to esstrt We son-e=Ist�noe o!a default or�ny o4her
<br /> defenae of BorrwxeY to�cal�radon an�sata It the default is not cured on or before tbe dnte:pedflai in����.
<br />--___ .------- �der,at I�optton.msY raluire Immediate psyment in fall of dl sume aecured by tWr Saawrity Icstrum
<br /> — i�wer a�a�a�xy Invoke the powcr o!sde and�ay other e+emcdtes permtttcd bY h Zl,inctnd� 6nt not limitt�id
<br /> - enHNedto callact�espen�s in�rred in punutn�the remalies pmv[ded ia tlils para�rnP �
<br /> - ta,r�nonBDle�ttoroeyt' tees and cosb ot tltle evtdence. ���
<br /> �-=�,i• �t��,powr¢r ot e�le I� iwoked, Trusstee eh�ll record a notice o!defaWt ia esch eouut3' W whtch an!'Ps�
<br /> - prapcalr Es l�caud siad sh�ll mail copies of ench noUa tn the manner preacr[bed bY�►PPAcable!aw to Borrower and to
<br /> ��°�`�° the otria Qawni pracrQbal fry sPgUeable law.Atter the tlme t+eqWred by appHcable la�v,Trastee�bal�Qive Pnblle nattce�
<br /> - of wlo to sEe petam�nd tn the manner prescribed by Applicable lww Trnstee,w[thout deffiand on Borro�ver, �DW� _
<br /> — �e pr�p�rq at publ[e auctton to We hi�heat bldder at tke Ume nud p!ue aad under the ternns desiptated t�We nott �e
<br /> sWe in oa�or mmore par�d�aw1 in any order Trnstee determtnes.'I'rasLee msy poatpone s�le o!all o�aqy parcel
<br /> pro�y my Publfa �nnoane�mcnt at the time u�d place oi wq►prevtouely �chaloltd�tG I.eadu or its d�st�mx msy
<br /> --- - gum.6ate�Ee Properiy st w►Y eale.
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