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<br /> - � ., �::,�m,.. . .� : , . . . .� �. �T�;.'�..._ ° . ^ ..�._......_,,�� ___
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<br /> p�w -��'•,.•dE,.. ..v�.,,,. .... ,4�`�*�+F- � ._..,_._�------.___—. �---- ._.�. -T���.,,
<br /> <'• .__"�cawti:aw�w,�ein�:*�` -----_'._---`---°------._ _.....-.-•- - . ..__ �L-
<br /> .�'_ �- gg� ����� F�.=�
<br /> or hereaite� e��t�d on the
<br /> � r �• the impTavet�►�nts no�v existi�B �ciudln8 E°.
<br /> :,�.�- ' �. �rd or�,r��r'�5► ���'•''���°rrovJer $�wilthkin�►e�ier-m"c�c4endesl ooviceeg�"and any other h��.
<br /> � �� insured again�t ta�s b Y t��. �`°'N.",i=s�.l�� cov a l =
<br /> ProPiflY �� ower subject to Lende�s eAP �.. ....
<br /> n far wh4ch Lendtr roquires insurance.Thls ins�hs�ll b�e;�h s��n�the amouats and for�l.e�e�a y=-
<br /> •.�:t fl o�a d s e r fl a o d i g, � T 0 1 f 1�H g t I 1 8 I I L 9 U Y A S L v L e n d e T m a y, -_
<br /> that Lender eequires. Ths in�u�00� P h 7. _--
<br /> '''� •� whic4�ahaU not ba umeasonab�Y wlthheld. If Bonower fails w ;m�►���v�vith dpsut��P � e clausa. lxnder
<br /> .. ,:, r..._
<br /> .. ;;,:. opti,on,of�taln covem38 to proiect Iander's riBhts in the Ikope ve to Lende�all receipt�of �-_-:-:
<br /> l�cies and renewals sha11 ba c�P�le to I.et►dsx and shn11�olede a�tendard raortBaB
<br /> • AIl insutmtce PD licies�ued rer�ewcds.If Lender re4uire��aower shall pYOmpz1Y i$ �and L.euder. '
<br /> t to hold the po w om t uctic�to�o����
<br /> ' � ,� ehall have tho rI�h
<br />._��c:�� paid premiums and renswal notice.v.In the evert of l b���wer shali give Pt p lied to reawration or repair of�he
<br /> - Lender maY+n�P�f of loss if not msda promPtlY y �utence proceeds sbaU ba ePP
<br /> in writtng, �not lessened.If tha restoradoa or
<br /> . Unless Lendu and Borrower otherwlse� r�s shall be aPPtied to ttie suais
<br />` ,' f'� Pr dama8ed�if the testoration or repair ia economically feasible and�e iaaureace P
<br /> would be 1���d w Horeower. If Boaovrer a]z�tdons tha
<br /> z
<br />_ - • repai�is aot 000notnically fessible or��gor not�then due. wlth eay c�ia has offe��d to s�ttle a clai�a,t� .
<br /> .` ' `� secured by this SscutItY in��' or r�ien the Propert�+or to paY sums
<br /> t�'��`,�; Pcopercy,or does not answer witb3n 30 days a notioe&om�nthe P�g�
<br />`��'``��'". Lender maY coliect the i n surance p t e o s e d s• Leader maY �w U l b e 8 i n when the na4tca is given.
<br />��°��`t'� secured by this SecuritY Instrum�.whethes or not then due.The 3U-daY p� � rIacipal shatl not e�cn n d or
<br /> in wridng, m►y ePPlicatton of proccxeds P
<br /> 0
<br /> `��'� Uuless Lender m►d Bonowe: other�vlse agrea bs 1 and 2 or chan8e ths amovnt of the �.I
<br />`u.:`:a��� g�ne t@e due date of the mentW9 P�� �dcr�BQnow�s rtght to�7+��c$p�lictes and procceds resull�ent L---
<br /> h 21 tha ProperiY is ac9uired by to L.ender to the extexat of the sums s�cured bY thia SscutstY
<br /> -,�,:�..%' under paz�P �to th$aoquisition shall pass
<br /> ?�:�. �ew tha Prop�rty pri ---
<br /> � immedia�:�ely priot to the psx�ulsition. ]Earroaea'e �An ApHs�ea3ton, - -
<br /> '``;�%;:;;;� �rvA4�a�, l�+iainteman�e sud �R¢ction of t�►� �P��'�+r�side�►ce within six�Y daY�n4t�the ._..-
<br />,.�,;;...,,: 6. �renpsn�y. �lish,�n�usatt�x Ftape�t+!us�°�vxr'a prin ��� I�videnoa��r a212�t ane =
<br />:'�;j�"'������� Lease�o4di�.�a,rzowEa sbuU otxuPeyn,t and shall cantinue to oc�uPy�Pro�1Y us Berrow�'s principal , wit��eld,
<br /> in writin& not 1sa unr�on�bly
<br />,�.:��� executioz►af.t�3a S�aur;�ty Instrum�ess Lender otherwlse e� whic�cos�sem shu11 dn e a�r '
<br /> -- --� yaar aftet 4ha'�te of occu�CY� �is4 which are i�eYond 8aiso�ver's coi►tsol.Ho��w� sha11 be in�de yf�1t s�Y��'�
<br />_�-:;�,�; or wsle,ss extenuatln8 olrcums�deteriorate.or cott�t wast�+on the Properiyfaith jud8m�nt cauld resutt in forfeiture of tha
<br />''-;�:!;. tche Prop�My�allow the Ptope�'tY that in Lender'a good iaterest. Boreower maY
<br />_ ��'`�.� adion or pros.oedtn&whaSher oivtl oT criminel.is beSun �ent or Leade�s securitY
<br /> �..:-��- - pn,percy or other�v�so matsrisllY imPa�*the lien cr�ated�►�isb���e ection or pTOCee�nPi�be dismiesed��
<br /> .,� cure such a default aad reinsmte,as P�t��d�n�F y yve�'s intaos�i�tt��F�!Y
<br /> tbat, iA Lende�a gcwd faith determinatiub,Pro�ludes forfeiture of the Sorre interest.Honower suaU also be In def�ult if
<br /> impairment of thn lien crea�d t►Y tbia SeGUItY Ins�rt or Lender's securitY W L.ender(er fallod
<br /> �y e msteadaily fslsa ot[naccurete inforaoatton or s�� �not limtted
<br /> Borcower.dwln8 the losn ePPlic�tion praoess.S�' m on with the laan evidenoed by d►e Note. inctudlnQ,��t ia on e
<br /> matertai inforn�atlon)in oconnecti o����nciP��ida�ca If this Sacutlty
<br /> to provi��as co�nct�min8 B�rrowei s acoupencY uires fee dtlo to the PreDtttY� the
<br /> to� wtth a11 tho ptovisions of the leise. IF Bonowa e�9
<br /> lasael�old. Bonower shall comply to the n�rgn In writir�g. �ntainad ia
<br /> leasel►old end the fee tttle slwll aot merge anless L.ender If�Bonower f�ila to perfotm t�e cnver�anta aaa�agren►�np euch aa�a
<br /> 7.PeotseNon ot Lender'�Ytls�hi�IA tha Pro����y g��i�cantly effeot L.ti►det's d8bta in the Ptopes�y( do aad
<br /> Instrument,or there{s s tegal P i�ttans)►then Lsnder r�Y
<br /> this Seeut������ for condemnation or forfeit�o:w anforee lawa�in��t�Y. Lendde actilom msY
<br /> °B to ect the value of th�ProPertY ead Lende�a righ �n cou�t. PdY�B
<br /> �y��er y nx�rY � a liem which tias ErriorllY over �����a��tderlhiaP�aB�
<br /> en s�ams sxured bY ���ke repa�rs.
<br /> ceasenable eQtomrys� fees and e�rtn8 on the Property
<br /> 7,Leadtr das aot have to do so. h 7 shall b000m4 add�donal debt of Boaower sx�ued bY d�is
<br /> pny amaunts disbursed bY Leader ander this P��of�n�+ �amounts sbaU bear i��m the
<br /> SoaunritY T�suu��. Unlcss Borrower aad I.ender ag� I with interest. upon notiae Erom Lander w BortoWr�er roalu�s�ing
<br /> date of disbucsemeat at the Note rete snd shall be paYab 0. __
<br /> ��� paymen� insuranx as a condition of maldn8 the 1°aa sce�rod bY � ��ty .
<br /> &Mort�s�a Insuranee.If I.ender raluir�d mort�8� the mcrtBnSa�00�°�' I�foi ea3+reas�+ the
<br /> �rt, Boaowor shall psy the preiatums n9��or ceases to be in offect.Borrowrer st�a11 P$Y�F�ums t�qtutad to
<br /> :,,��� mortBaSe�°0 C0'v�8e n9�bY Lender lqpsaa �ly in effa�,e�e cASC subst�ntiallY oquivalmt to the
<br /> ;`��� obtain ca�+erege substamiallY e4uivalebt to the mort�Sa insuran+4e p� a insurer apPro"cd bY L.snder. If
<br /> .•`"'`��� cost to Borrower of the mort�Se fnsurance Previausjy in e�ffoct, flOm au eltema�e mart888
<br /> substan�aliy equivaletn u►on�a8a�°C COV�e ia not available,Borrower shall P�Y
<br /> to Lender ea�h m�nth a sum aqu�1 to
<br /> -
<br />