INST 1023 O 3 8 b
<br />HA -4 -Southern Tie
<br />CASH
<br />CHECK
<br />REFUNDS:
<br />CASH —"--
<br />CHECK--"
<br />HALL CG1. N Y NE
<br />1x23 Si 3 i A °: 38
<br />itni5 i WOLD
<br />I (we), Rodney G. Niemoth , record owners of real property
<br />described below, for and consideration of the sum of $1.00, duly paid, the receipt of which is hereby
<br />acknowledged, and the further consideration of the performance of the covenants and agreements by
<br />the Grantee as set out and expressed below, do hereby grant, remise and relinquish to Howard
<br />Greeley Rural Public Power District, a political subdivision of the State of Nebraska with offices in
<br />St Paul, Howard County, Nebraska, it successors and assigns, as grantee herein, the right to erect,
<br />construct, reconstruct, replace, remove, maintain, and use a line of poles with such wires and cables
<br />as grantee shall from time to time suspend there from for the distribution and transmission of electric
<br />energy, and for communication purposes, and all necessary and proper foundations, footings, cross
<br />arms, guy wires, anchors and other appliances and fixtures for use in connection with such poles,
<br />wires, and cables, together with a right-of-way, on, along, and in all of the strip in the described real
<br />property as follows:
<br />South Half of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (S 1/2 SW 1/4 NW 1/4) of Section
<br />9, Township 12 North, Range 9 West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska; LESS the real
<br />estate conveyed in Document No. 93-104889 AND subject to easements and restrictions of
<br />records.
<br />A 20 -foot easement adjacent to and parallel with the current U.S. Highway 281 right-of-way,
<br />which borders the West side of property. Said easement extends over the entire length of
<br />property.
<br />Grantor, for the above stated consideration, further grants the Grantee the right of ingress to and
<br />egress from the above described strip over and across the land by means of roads and lanes on such
<br />property, if there is such, otherwise by such route or routes as shall cause the least damage and
<br />inconvenience to Grantor, provided that such right of ingress and egress shall not extend to any
<br />portion of the land that is isolated from the above described strip by any public road or highway,
<br />now crossing or hereafter crossing the above described real property.
<br />Grantor shall have the right to use the above-described strip for purposes not inconsistent with
<br />Grantee's full enjoyment of the rights herein granted, provided that Grantor shall not erect or
<br />construct or any building or other structure, or drill or operate any well within such strip.
<br />Grantee shall have the further right to install, maintain, and use gates and all fences that now cross or
<br />shall hereafter cross the above-described strip.
<br />Grantee shall also have the right from time to time to trim and to cut and clear away any and all trees
<br />and brush now or hereafter on the above described strip and shall have the further right from time to
<br />time to trim and cut down and clear away any trees on either side of such that now or hereafter in the
<br />opinion of grantee maybe a hazard to it's poles, wires or cables, by reason of the danger of falling on
<br />the strip, provided, however, that all trees that Grantee is hereby authorized to cut and remove, if
<br />valuable for timber or wood, shall continue to be the property of Grantor, but all tops, lops, brush,
<br />refuse wood shall be burned or removed by grantee, at Grantee's sole expense.
<br />Page 1 of 2
<br />Return To: 4(1V
<br />RVW, Inc.
<br />4118 Howard Blvd. P.O. Box 495
<br />Columbus, Nebraska 68602-0495
<br />