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<br /> °_ _�'°''� ' e is�urance covern;e Lin tke em��nt aud for We pEriad `
<br /> - ^ -- �'�� • paymenta may no lonaer ba r�quired,at the opUoi�of L�d�:,.if mostgng
<br /> ' �•� thut Lender requires)Provldod by an insurer opprove�by Lender ugain becam�available nn�ia obwined Borruw�r shn11 pay
<br /> � ' '�f.. tho premiums rcqulred to mninWn mortgnge inaurunce iu effeot,or to provide a loss mserve,unti[the requiremeat for raortguge
<br /> :�,;:'s.,,�y� . Iasursnco cnds in accordnnca wIth any�vrtttea o�reeAxent bervcen Bormv�er and Lender or upplicablo 1nw.
<br /> .__ __ 9. ir_s�stloa�. ➢..cndcr or its eg�nt mny mnke resisonable eaMes upon eud tnspocdons of the Property. Leader sha118iv�
<br /> ••,;.;r " Borro�ver notIce at tIia ti6no ogor�prlor to an lnsges�on specifyin�rea.4onable cause for 1h�inspcction. �-
<br />�1°''��� � 10. Coademnallon.The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or conseyuential, ia conaection wtth any
<br />,.� condemna4ton or other taktn�04'uny part of the Property, or for oonveyauce ln lteu of conderansiion,are kereby essigaed ettd
<br /> �_,�� ahall be paid tu Lendor.
<br /> In the oveat of a total toldn�of ehe Property�the proceeds shall be applied w tha aimas se�ured by this Security Insuument,
<br /> �_--� whether or noi then due,with any excess paid to Bo4'rower. In the event of a partial tt�king of the Property ia which the feir
<br /> _-�'—:;�_{'�,°`�' murk�t value of the Pragerty iuunedirstely hefore the taldn�ia equal to or greater t�an the aznount of the aums s�ured by Wis
<br /> kt
<br />'-,Y.,t� Seeuriry Instnunent imiaediately before the ta�ng�unless Bottower and L.ender othervvIse agree in writing,tk►e swns secured by
<br />`;'�;=:r�,t�
<br /> • i�.; thia Secwity lnsbwnent ehall be redueed by the amount of tha proceeds multtplied by the following frection: (a)the total
<br />-_."=`_�C���: amouat of tha suma secured i�asnediately before the taldng.divided by(b)ttee fair market value of the PPOperty Lnmedietely
<br /> -��a�t;� ; before the taldug. Aay balaace shall be gaid to Honower. In the event af a partial taking of the Property in which the fair
<br /> --_�-- market value of the Property immediately before tha taidng is less than the:unount of the sums eec�ued iramediately isefore the
<br /> ..___.W�_�y mking,unless Borro�ver end I.eader otherwise agree in wrIting or unless applIcabla law othervvlse provides.the Procoeds shall
<br /> ,���s s�.�� be applied to the swns secured by tlus 3ecurity Instrument wt�c�iC�or aot the sums are sh�s dw..
<br /> If the Property is abandoned by Bosrower. or i� after notice by I.cnder w Borrower tbat the condeiunor offera to make aa
<br /> ,.:�'"'�'': --�] award ar settle a claim for damages. Bottower fails w respond to I.eader wlthin 30 days aRer the data tha notioe is givea.
<br /> •."� `���i Lender is author�zed to coUect end apply the procaeda.at its optian.either to reswration or rep�r of the PcopaKy ar to tka a�
<br /> --- - secured by tl�ia Securlty Insdrnment whetker or aot then dua
<br /> `±-��� Unless L,eader aad Borrow.,r oWerwIse agree in writing, anY sPPlication of proceeds w priaclpal shall aot wttend or
<br />--�' a�� . postpone tha due date of the monthly paYments referred W in paragraphs 1 ead 2 or change the amouat of such paym�ts.
<br /> ---_�—��r il.Borrower Not R�ldsal;Forbearanoe By Leader Not a Watver.Bxte�►sion of tke time for paymeat or modification
<br /> J���' of emortization of tha sums secured by this Socurity Instrumeat graat�d by Lender t°an3'succe.c4or ia inteYest of Borrower shaU
<br /> ---�--- not operate to release tlie liability of the origlnal Borrowee or Boaower's successora in iutetest Lender eha11 not ba requ�red to
<br /> � coma�ence Pmaedin8s aB�t�Y Suc�.sor in interest or refuse to eztead Wae for payma►t or othe�vvlse modifY amorti�tian
<br /> - _ of tiis sums secured by uus�;��¢y L�s��-at by rr�aa af sa�� �e l+y the edginal Borrower or Borxowds
<br /> = successors in interes� Any forbearance by Lender in exercising anY riSht er reme�'shall uoi be a waiver of or grec]t�de the
<br /> T_::.� e�cerc�se of any r�ght or reraedy. • �
<br /> - 12. Sacassois and Aselgus Bound;Joint aad Severu9 1l�ability; Co-algne�a. 'ThO.aovenaats and agroanenta of this
<br /> - , Security Irss►trum,ent shali bind and beaefit the aucaessors aad essigns of Leader and Borrciwer� sub}ect to the provisio�s of
<br /> , � �aragraph 17. Borrower's covenaats aad agreements ehall be joint end severel. Any Bonoarer who oo-signa t6is Sec�►dty
<br /> --_�,� Iasttument but dces not acecute the Note: (a) is co-si�ng thia Secudty Instavatent only t�a mortgage, grant aad cos4vey that
<br /> -'.,«y� Boirowd a interest in the Property uadsr the tesma of tt�s SecuiitY lastrument;(b)ia aot g�onallY obligatod W pay 4he siwos
<br /> - -;"'��� sxured by thts Security Instrumrn�and(c)agrcea that Lender and any other Borrower may s�grce to e�ctead.modifY.forM�r or
<br /> awke any axoffiaod.Rians with regard to the te:ms of this Se�.w7ty Iostrument or the Note without that Boaowd s consent.
<br /> .f3.Loan Charg,es.If tha loan secured by this Security Insm�ment is subjoct to a law which sets aoaximum loan cl�srges,
<br /> aad tbat law is SntilIY`,�terpreted eo that tha interest or other loaa charges collect�d or W be collected in connection wtth the
<br /> loan encead the pennitted limits.then:(a)a�►y such loan chsrge ahall ba reetuood by tha ameunt accessary w reduce the c6arge
<br /> to the permitted 1i�r►it;�.sud N)�Y�alr�sdy collectod fraain Borrower which excceded permitted lirnits will bo retlindod to
<br /> Borrower. I.ender may choasa to make tLis refund by reducing the princIpal owed ucder the Note or by malda8'a dic�ect
<br /> I�Y� w Borrower. If a refimd reduces prinaipal, the reduction will be treated as a partial �ete��YR�t without aay
<br /> px�ayment c}�arge under the Nota '
<br /> ----- 14.Notices.Any notice to E�rrower provided for ia this Socurity Ias�ehall bo gnven by deliVering it os by,mai7ing
<br /> it by 6rst clas.g maiil unless applicable law raquires use of aaoit�r method The nottw sY�sU 2se diratad W the Properry Address
<br /> or any othei address Boaower designate.v by aottce to Lender. Auy notice to I.ender s1�sll be given by firet class ma31 to
<br /> Lendrs's addcess stated hereia or any other addnss Laida desigaates by notia w Borrowe.r.Any notioe prnvided for in this
<br /> Security Ins�t shaU be deemed to have been givea to Borrower or L,eader ahen given as provided in tbis paregreph.
<br /> ,;f� IS.'Goveiving Ls�v; Scs�rulblitty. This Security Instrumcat s1�ai1 bu govuned by foderal la�v and rthe lav+r�ofthe
<br /> ,,e�, j�risdiction in which the Property is laptad. �n the eveat that any provisioa ar clause of Wis Securlty Inslrwnent o'r.thE Noto
<br /> - conflicte wiW applicable law,such conflict shall not affect other provieions of tLia Socurity In.gttumeat or the Note wtdoh can be
<br /> -� giveu effect wiWov-t the cnntlictinE provisian. To this ead the pmviaions of this Security Tns�ent and the Note are decisred
<br /> --------�--- to be severnble.
<br /> --- -- 16.Bormwrer's Copy.Borrower shaU be given one conformed oop�of the ldote aad of this Securiry Inatrument
<br /> =_-_ �.�a�ae mo
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