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<br /> � ' TOCiETHER WITH t�ll the improveYnents aow or hereafter erected on the property,und all ess�mente,uPPurtencmoes+and �...
<br /> �*�'� Sxtures aow or hereafter n part of the propeita+. All repluceraents and addIrions shall also ise covered by this 3SCUrIty
<br />__;�;� Insuumeat.AlI of the foreboing ie refeaed to in thie Seciaeity InstruIInent as the"Praperty." � _.
<br />=�°�i'f SORItOWER CUVEYVANT3 thst Bottower ie lnwRilly seisod of the estate hereby oonveyed and has the dgbt to grant and
<br /> conv�r tlta Prog�tY aad that the�Praperty is unencwnbefsd, excc�st for eacuaibrnnces of record. Borrower warrants and will �:,.
<br /> d:fend generally the title to the Pro�erty agaiast nil claims and demands, subject w euy encumbrances of rcxard `
<br /> ;�� THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform covenauts for nationul use and non-uniform coveaanta with limited =
<br />_�� veriattons by jurisdicNan w constitute a wziform securIty i�shument covering real propert�+•
<br /> --_-= UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower end I,euder cav�ant aad a�ree as foUows: whea dus the
<br /> '+ l. �ayment o!PeiaecQpai snd Intereat; Prepsyrasnt u�d Lata C6arges. Bonower shall promptlY paY
<br />._� priusigal of en�l interext on the deM evidznced by the Note and ai►y prepayment and late charges due under tlte Noto.
<br />-`�::� Z,F'ands for T�es s►nd Iffiurs�ce.Subject to applicable l�w or co a wrItten waiver by I.ender, Eorrow�s1ia11 PaY�
<br />,;�� I,ender on the day monthly payments are due uader the Note,�ntU the Note is paid in full�a sum("Fuads")for. (a)yeariy taxes
<br /> -, �,�„ and assess�ments which may attain priorlty over this Security I�attument as a lien on the ProPertY:(b)Yeaaly leasehold Payments
<br /> _._-�., or grouad raite on the Property. if anY+(a)Yearly ba�rd or property insu:aace premiums:(dl yearly Aood insuranc�premiwus.
<br /> if any:(e)Yearly ucortgage insuranoe premiums. if any; and(�aaY sums payable by Bonuwer to Leacta, in aaordance with
<br /> the pmvisions of paregraph 8,in lIeu of the payment of mortg�aga ansuranoe piemiums.Tkese itwns are��d"�='Ow Ite�.•'
<br /> �� I.ender may. at aaY cime. collect end hotd Fimdc ia an amouat iaot to exceed the maximnm aranunt a len$er for a fedarally .
<br />-`°•`' nlatc�d martgage lean may requ�ra for Borrower's escrow eocflun4 �md�r the federal Real Eatate�eulement Proo�Act of
<br />.-,�� 1974 as am�ded 5roas dme ro time. 12 U.S.C.Secrion 2601 etseq.("RESPA").unless another law that applies W the Funds
<br /> ` sets a lesser amow�t. If so� Ixnder may. at ar►Y tt�e.coUect and hold Fuads in an ancount not to exceed the lcs�er eawun�
<br /> ---- La�der may es�maYe the amouai of F�mds due on tha basis of aureat data and reasonabla esdmates of wcpenditures of tiibuo
<br />— � Escrow I¢ems or otherarise in eccordauce with appHcable Iaw. ���� � ��
<br /> The Funds shall be held in an instituoioa whose dep�lta are insured by a federal agentiy. .
<br /> - — (inc�uding Lead�.if Lender ia such an iusHhuion)az in any Federal Home T.oaa Bank.Leader shall apply tha Funds w pay the
<br /> Es�xow It�s.Leader may not charge Bosower for holcHng and applying the Fuuds.aanuallY�Y�B the escrow acoount,or
<br /> verlCying the Esccow Items.ualess Lender pays�otrower imerest on the Funds ead applicable law perurits Leader to make such
<br /> ° e ohaage. However. I.endar may require Borrower w pay a oao-time charge for an independa►t real estate tax re�wrtin8�ad o
<br /> � � �� ia c�oa � th€a 1�, unlec4 apQticable law provides otherwise. Unless aa a�eme�t '
<br /> applicabYe law requires interest to be paid.l�end�shaU aot be roquirad to pay Boimwer any intaest or eamings oa the Fuads.
<br /> Bomower eud Leader may eg�ce in writing, ho�vever.that interest ehall be pnid on the Fnads. I.enda shaU Si�for which each
<br /> ��3�harge, an ammal axowuiag of the F�mds, showing aedits and debita to the Fwids and the putpose
<br /> �i3�C?t3E�Fuuds was made.The Fuads an plodgod as addiHonal securl4y for all sums sec�ued by thia Se�ity Ina��neat
<br /> Af u3�e�unds hEld by I.ender exceod the amounts permltte3 ta be held by applicable law.I�.nder shaU acoouat t�c►Borrower
<br /> for fhx oxa�ss F�mds in e000rdance wlt�►�►e��of applicable law. If the emoimt•of the Fimds held by L,ender at mry
<br /> --- dme ie aei EufficIem�to pay the Escrow It�s whaa due, LendEr may so notify Horrowar in writing.an�,iu such csse Hartow�r
<br /> sLail pay to Le�der the amount aec�ssaq+to make uP the deficiency. Horrowa shall make up the defiaimcy in no wore thnn
<br /> twdve aaanttilY PaY�ts+at I.ender's sole dIscretion fl refittid to Boaower any
<br /> p�p�n payment in full of ell swn9 secured by this Security Instr�n►ent. I.euder sbali P�P Y
<br /> Fw�s held by La►da.I�under Pa�aS�Ph 21,L.ender shall acquire or sell the Properey,Lender,Prior W the acguisitiom mr sale
<br /> of the Proper�Y.eh�t aPPly any Fuadg held by Lender at th�time of acxNisitioa or sale as a credit against the sums se�uiod bY -
<br /> this Socurity irsenm�ni. rooeived by l.endar imder paragrepbs
<br /> 3.Appitt�ton oi Paymsnta�.l�Jriless a�plicable law provldes oth�wIse,�PaY�� le unda paragraph 2:
<br /> 1 ead 2 shail be applied: firat, to anY Pr�ay�nt�hazges dus uad�t the NoteS s000ad.to emoimts PaYab
<br /> third.Yo inLetest due:fourt�.W lmiacipal due:and 1ast.to any►late char�es d�e under th�Note.hons ettn'butable to the Propa'ty
<br /> 4. 6�s�;Lita�. Borrower shail gay all�uues,�ss�,�b�.���.
<br /> ahich may at�n priorIty over this SocuritY Tns�t+aad teasehold pay�aents or ground r�ats. if eaY. Bosrower sl�sil paY
<br /> these obligatios�s in tme manner pmvided in paragragb 2. or if not paid Ia that naaaner.Bmmwer shalt pay the�►on tsme diroctly
<br /> w tba�son owed paymeut Bosowu shall PmmptlY fumisb to Leada a11 aorices of mnounta W bo paid undc d�is paiagteph
<br /> If Horrowa makes these pay�euts d'uecdy�Boaowra shall promp2lY fiunish W L�ender e�ceipts evialeacing tlie payat�ts:
<br /> Boaoara shall promPtlY discbar8o a�ry Iiea whicb t�a9 priority over this Soauiti+Iasimm�wt unless Botrowa:(a}agoes in
<br /> writing m the gaYment of the obligation sacured by the lim in a manner acceptable to I�der,(b)oontesta in good faith the lien
<br /> by, or defet�ds agaia-ct euforoeme�of the lien in, legal prooaed'►oga which in the Leade�a opiaion aperaLe to prava►t the
<br /> eafaroemmt of the lien:or(c)sec�res frmu the hoIda of tha lien an sgreement�ry to Leada subozdi�ing the liea Eo
<br /> this Se�arity Insh ume�t If L.eada deteamines tbat my paR of the Property ia subject to n lien wbich may attain prtority ova
<br /> this Securtty Tns�meat. Lmder maY 8�ve Bomower a natioe idratifying the llen.Borro�wer sl�all sadsfy the liea or tako aae ar
<br /> - moro of t1�actio�s set forth abave witl�in 10 days of the giving o f notioe.
<br /> . For�o�0�0 Ot00
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