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<br /> •. -r�. 7.Eminsn4 Oam¢In.Londor la horoby oaaigncd all eomponootlon,nv�nrdo,damapea end othor peyenonts or rullnf therofnefter"Procesdfl9 �,
<br /> � in conncotion v,rltP►cond¢mnatlan o�othor tu4treg of tho Property or pan thereot,or tor convayaneo in Ilou of condemnetlon.Londor ahcll
<br /> - - ioke��or dasss�cd.Landst ehsll hevo the optinn in Ite eole and e6aotute dfecrotton,to appty ell auch Froccede,�ifer deduettng tharet►om t:^-
<br /> - -ra
<br /> ,_4 ali coste nnd expensn9 Incurrad by It M connectian with ouah Rrocn2da,upon any indobiodnaso eocurcd horoby and in�iuch o:dar sa _
<br /> .� s . Lender rsney determine,or to epp{y atl euch Proaesdn,eftor euch daduot:ens,to tho ra�torntton ot the Property upon aueh condittone os
<br /> l,endsr enoV datcrmino.Any oppllontlon of Prococdn to indubtad�osu ehatl not oxtend or poetponu tho dua deto o}nny puymante undor __
<br /> -:;x �� tho Note,or aure any defautt tharounder or horaundar.Any unopplied tunde shetl bo pald to Truator.
<br /> @, p�sqa�'��ide dy Landcr.Upon the oceurrenca of en Event of Detautt hereundar, or it eny eat is teken or lagat proaeedtnp L_
<br /> camraenced whlch r�uYCrl:.liV oftctt�Lcndar'n iretorc�st tn the Propony,Londcr mny M Ito own diQCrotfo�i,Dut without obl4gtstinn to do sa, , _,
<br />., f^.-�. t.__ . .
<br /> . •, : and without notice to or demand upon Yruatar and without releasing Truator from any obilgatton,do any act which't�ustor,l�aa sgrs�d
<br />� .�� but faAs to do and may nlao do any other act it deema noeassary to protect the secudty hereof.Truetor aheli.immedtetely upon demand
<br /> tharetdr by lender,pey to Lendar ail co4te and expenses Incuned and auma expended by Lender in eonneation with the axercise by _
<br /> indnbtednese seGUred hereby.�Lend r hali t ot ineur any I abllity 0eoause ofe nythingpt may do ar omit to dq�Nr ups�dr.b�added to the
<br /> '.-s . 9.Wwrdoua Mat�3tals.Trustor shull keep tho Proparty tn compliance with ail eppitcabte tawa.ordtnancea end reguta ono rotating to
<br /> � =��� induat8al hygiene or environmontai protection ico0ectively refened to h�rein es"Emironmentai l.aws9.Trustor sheti keap tho P�opdrty
<br />° free from atl substances deemed to be hazerdoua or toxia undar any Enufronmental Lawu tcoUsctively rete►red to harain as'Hazardoua �
<br /> "`''' Meterlats"1.Yruator hereby wa►ranta and tepresenta to Lendor that there are no Herardous Meteda�on or under the Property. Tnestor
<br /> r-���• heruby agrees to Indemnity and hotd harmies9 Lender, ita directors,offieere,empioyees and pgenta,and uny auceeasore to Lender's
<br />=�.�:�_ �, interest,from and against any and all c�a[ms, demages. tosses and Ilabilitles adaing in conneation with ths pre8ence, use,dlsposei or
<br /> trensport of eny Hazerdous Mate�iats on,undar,hom or ebout the Ptoperty.THE FORE(i01N(i WARRANTIES AND HEPRESENTATiONS,
<br /> _��� � TRUST.
<br /> ___=_., tp,/►sstaneew►t ot Rsnt�.Trustor hereby aesigna to Lender,nrtd grente Lender e securitll intorest in,all 9resent,fucure and after
<br /> u�°�a�`� �tsing rente,issues end protits ot the Prope�ty;D�a�ided that Truatar shell.undl the occuRenee oi an Event of Defauh hereurtder,have
<br /> the dAht to cottect and retain such rente,lssues an�protite + �they bc wrt,e due ard peyabte. Upon the occu�rence of en Event of
<br />-,.h�,�� Default,lender may, ehher tn person or by agent, wfth or without bringing a�iy ectio��or pro�eeding,or by a reeeivar sppotnted by a
<br />'-�e- ' couR and wlthout regard to the adequacy of ita serAeriry, onte�upon and tako poasesston of the Property,or any part thoreof,in ita own —
<br />-� rtama or in the name of the Trustee,and dm any acts which ft deems necessary or desirable to presen►a the vaiue, macketabil(ty ar
<br />�;;c��!. �� rentob�i'Ry of the Piroperty,or any p�rt thereof or interest therein,or to tnetease the income theretrom o►protect the security hereof end, —
<br /> w14h oT wRhout taking Do��jon of the Property,sua for or othe►wise coltoct the rente,issues and proftts tharaot,inctuding those pest
<br /> �__,t�*���� due and unpafd.by n�ttfying tenents to maka paymAnts to Lender. Lender may app1Y rents,issues e��d profits,leas wsts and expenssa
<br /> :_���.;1 of operation and collection inciuding attomeys'lees.�to any indebtednesa secured hereby,atl in such order as Lender may determfne.The
<br /> _,��.1�. entedng upon and taWng possession of the �roperty, the coilectton of such rents, issues and proffts,and!he application thereof as
<br /> ---�,,; eforeaeid,shafl�vot aure or waive eny detault a notice of defeult heteunder or invaridete any aat done in tosponse to such default or
<br />°�^°°N=� purauant to such notice of defaul4 and, notw(thstend[ng the eoMinuance in posses:sian of iha PeoieKYvided fof r�ine anY�ot he�Loan
<br />'�'� appiic�tion ot rante, isaues or profka, 7rustee and Lender s!►ell be entiUe6 to oxerctse every, g P
<br /> Ifiau .snY as��!s:•:upsn�r.r.nryap�.e ot 8ny EVent ot De}IItllt.inctudfng without Itmftetia��the right to exeroiso the pawer of aeie. _
<br /> Futther,Lender's�ighte and remedies under thts pafagraph'sheil be eumulativo with, ana m no way a i'cmiieiiu�i r,ri,tsr�Ps stgtst=�d
<br /> �v ,! • remedfes�nder eny assi9nment ot leases end rer►f�recordad egeinat the Proporty. Lender,Tn.►atee and tfia�eaetver shall be pabte to
<br /> '��„ ecCOUnt onry for those renta actuaily receivaci. . '
<br /> — 11,Evente of O�tauk.The fol!awing shatl conatitute an Event ot Qefeutt uniler thio Deed ot Trust:
<br /> ta1 Failure to pay any instplimeiri of principsi or interest ot.any other suM secured heraby when due;
<br /> (bI A breach pf o�defauK pnder eny provis�on contaSned in thfl Note,thls Oesd of Trust,any of the Loan Instruments,or any
<br /> - other lien or encumbrance upon the Property; .
<br /> tc)A wrh of exeautton or attachment o� any slmilar procesa shali bo entered egainst Trustor which ahalt became a tic�on the
<br /> � Property or any portton thefeot or tnterest therein;
<br /> (d1 There sheil be filed by or againat T�ustor or BoROwer an action under any present or future federal,state ar other ntetue,lew �
<br /> or regutaUon reieting to bankruptey►, insnivency or othar re�tef tor debtore;or thara ehatt De appoirtted any truatee, roceiver or
<br /> Ifquidator of Trostor or 8prrowet or of eU or eny part of the Propertp,o�the rents,issuoa or proflte thereof,or Trustor or Borcowvr
<br /> shetl meke any generat aaalgnmeM for tho banefk of cred[tora;
<br /> (e)7t►e aele,tranafer,tease,assipnment,canvayance or further oncumbrance ot ati or any pert of or eny interest fn the Property,
<br /> a leaae of theePtoperty t et dofies ot co tain anxopt[on to pu ch�e and the t am oirwhich does eot excaed'one year;���exeeute
<br /> ------- (i) Abandonment of the Ftoperty;or ��'��
<br /> ,� (g1 It Truator te not an individual,the issuence, eate,trensfer,essignment, canveyance ar encum6rence of more throent�of
<br /> carAOraUon}a totsl af penrnt of itg Isaued and outstending stoak.8�M ot tha Ilmited I biilty ompan-y intere�ts or votinp
<br /> -- paKhetahip intere5ts,ar a mfted ItabiOry comAanY>a tota!of N A P
<br /> -- ._ m.-m,
<br /> ;�; Bghta dudng the period thia Deed of Trust remalns a Ilen on tha Props y. �
<br /> �2,R�m�dla;Aec�UraUon Upon D4twtt.ln the evont of any Event of Oefault Lender may,wfthout notice except as reQUiied by law, .
<br /> - --- declare elf indebiedneso secureB hereby to ba due and payable and tha eama shaD thareupon 6ecome due and payabie wfthout eny
<br /> presentment,demand,protest or nottce of any kind.Thereetter Lender may: �
<br /> (e)Demand thet Trustee oxerdae tha PO4VER OF 3ALE grentad herein, and T�ustee �ha!1 thereafter ceuse Truator'e iniereas
<br /> -- In the Propetty to tra sald and the proceeds ta 6e diatdbuted,a!I(n the menrter provfded in tha Nabraske Ttuat beeds Act;
<br /> ____=_ (h)IEnercise eny and ali nghte providod tor in erh/of the Loert Instrumonts or by Ir3w upon ocourtence of sny EveM of
<br /> =:i:;;� 08tau7t;end
<br /> _- (e)Cammence e�actton to forectose U1is Deed of Troat es a mortgege, app�int a recetver,or specifically enforca eny of the
<br /> ---- � PCVe�atlts hereol.
<br /> T --- No�emsdy hnrein conterred upon or rosened to Trutstee or Lender t�intended to be ezclusive ot any other remedy herein,tn the Loan
<br /> -_� ',.'�'_� tnstntmenta or by Iaw provided or permitted,but each ah�l be cumulative,shatt be in add�tion to overy othe►remedy givon hereundar,in
<br /> -�`_�! the Loen lnstrumenis or now or hereatter existing et taw or in equity or by stotuce.and mey be exercised concurtentiy,independe�iy or
<br /> __ ---_•%=�,;i successivery. .
<br /> �— �' �3.T�ustw.She Trustae may.rostgn et eny time without causa,and Lesnder may et arry time and wftAoui cause aypoirtt a successor
<br /> or oabatftute Trustoe.7rustes shali not Ae pebie to eny party.including without Ifmitetion Leqder,Borrower.Trustar ot eny purcheser of
<br />�:�� the�Propertl►. for any tosa or d}�mage unless due to recldaas o�willfui misconduct,end shoU not be �equtred to take•any ectton tn
<br /> -._��,�S cennec[ton wtth the er►forcement Of thts Deed of�rust uniesa indemnffied,in wrtting,for att��osts.companaeNon or expanaUS whlch cnaY
<br /> �+�?'��::�.`� be assoclated tharowfth.in addiilon,Trustee may becoma e purehaser at anY eale ot the Property{�udida!or under th�power of sale
<br /> :�.�'�i.�.�
<br /> --�;�� grented herain3:postpone the selo ot all or any portion of the PropeRY.es Provtded by taw:or seil ffie Praparty as a whote,or n saAar e
<br /> -- --- nnm.afn er tnra at Trustee'8 disc�etfon. _ ..__.__�...,..��.,w,.w.n nnn[v nnv Qal9
<br /> ";�_r.`— --14.F��i altd EI[$Mtfls.tn tha evem truates seGs the Propeny ay e�ise of pawor���. ••a�•w�•••••••��••_•.�—.+�-, _..,
<br /> ir+► proeeeds tlrst to payment ot atl costs end expanses of exercising power of eate,inctusling a!t Trustoo's fees,and lender's and Trustee'o
<br /> ��.v�?�-;:,�;' attomey'a fees,ectually incuRed to extent pertnftted�l+ePP�icabte law.ln the event Borrowor or Tn�stor oxorclses any dght provlded by
<br />��.�?��.*,�? law to cure an EveM ot Dafautt,Lender ahall be entktad to recover irom Tn�stor all costs und expettses ectually tncurtad as a resuit of
<br /> ����`�:"��' Ttustor's default,Inctudfng wkhout limitecton ell Trustee'e and ettomey's toea,to the extent permkted by appti�cable law.
<br />-��%*�.A+u�":-i 1g,Future qdvartcas.Upon request of Botrowar.Lender msy,at Its nptton,rttake eddlttonal and future udvenccis and roadvsncas to
<br />° ^�•.::•�;`�„�rp,
<br /> ' Borcower.Such advancea and teadvances. wkh inter�at thereon,shell bo secured by thfs Desd ot Trust.At no ttme ehafl the pdnclpat
<br /> "`':��'��"'g' amount of tha tndebtedness aecured by this Deed ot Trust,not Includ(np sums a�fvnnced to protect the security of thla Dettd ot Truet.
<br /> �� � •� excead tho oHg(nal pdnctpal amount stet0d herein,ar 8 e�+ +�� oo _ .whtchever ia greater.
<br />- '.x i
<br />�,'..�dFx�v=_:.^�_� .
<br /> ^.� ' i
<br /> c�'��':
<br /> .4�` ti
<br />- -y�,'/�,r..n{..
<br />- N6C3407D (Nanc,grtaEmml OeeO!Rev.0188
<br /> 1888 Nattand 8ank ot Commerce Ttuit md S�vl�At'odNGL UnrnN.k�hrml�
<br />