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<br /> ' g7,'�mefes nf ttee �rop�rty or n�enelEctnl InYemsttn Borrower. If nll or nr►y partof thePropcctyor uny Interestin it e=:.�:_
<br /> - -- i�a�2uartrnneferred(oTifabeneficiQliflterestinBonawerissoIdortr:�ioci�dendEa,:owcri�noiaas:�►sra.�person)without �_-_
<br /> � Len�ier's prlor wrltten conseat,Lender may, at its opdgn�requiro i�nmediate paymeat in fuU of aSt Kaw� e���+���� � ,�-_?_
<br /> n
<br /> " . Securiry Instrumeat.Ho�v�ver�this opdon shall not tse exeYCisedby Lender if exerciae is prohibitedby fcdca�allaw as of the deic
<br /> of tbis 5ecurlty Insttumeat. �
<br /> _ . ;�� If Leadet exercises this oPdus►.1.ender sball�ive Bonower nodce of acceleradon.The notice sh�llprovide a pedod of not __.
<br /> te.cc t6aa 30 days from t&e date the notice ia dehvered oi maited witbin which Bonower muat pay a1l s+w�s secured by this
<br /> ,.. ;_•q SccyrItq Ilustrument.If E3anowerfails to pay these sums�iior iu tlne expitat3on of this pedod,Lender may iavoke any remsdiea �__._
<br /> �. perrr,itted by this Seeuclty Inscrument without f�uther noCice or demaad oa Horrmver. '
<br /> � --
<br /> 18. Borrower's Ri�t to Reinstate. If Borrower meeta certain conditiona, Bonower ahall have the right to have
<br />':�+ enforcelaentof this Secur.�ty Instrumentdiscontinued at any time prior to the ear�ier of: (a)5 Weis�(��e���red in�thIs '
<br /> , . applicable law may specxfy for reinstatement)before sale of the Property pursuant to any�p�
<br />: —;;�1�,�, Securlty Insmu�tent•or(ts)entry of a judgment enforcing chis�ecurity InstrumenGThose wnditions areth.at Borrower:(a)pa
<br /> :`-i L.ender all sums wh�ch then would be due under this Se�uriry Instru�entand the Note as if ao accelerationhad occurred;(�
<br /> ��,.. ._�r� cures any default of any other covenants ar a�esments.{c)Pa a11 exPenses incurred in enforciag this Securlty Instrument,
<br /> ,� inclu but npt limited to�reasonableattarneys'fees; and(d�takes such action as I.ender may reasoaably require to a�sure .
<br /> ���-�;�`. that th�n of this Secu�ity Instnunen4,Lender's nghis in the operty aad yortower's ob1i�a�rioa to�Y��e t anddthe
<br /> this Security iqshvmeat ahall continue unchanSed. U�on reinstakemen4 b Borrower, this Sc�tr�nty
<br /> ;:+a=`'� obligadons secnredherebyehall remainfully effective as �f ao accelerafionhad occurred-However, tt5is sight to reinsiates�zI�
<br /> <;>,�_� not apply in the case of acceleration under paragraph 17. _
<br />-;�-.��,,,,�
<br /> 19. Sale of Not� Cliunge of I.oan Servtcer. T1ie Note ar a partial intetest in the Note(together cr'_.h Y.�:s Securi.ty
<br /> --�,�;__�. Instrument)may be sold one or moYe times without prior notice to Borrohver.A sale may res�ilt in a chaa�e in¢�e ea6EY ow'°
<br />�;s i;�"� �Qhe"i,oaa gc��er^)tbat collects monthly paymsnts due nnder d►e Note and thia Secunty Instrumen�There also may be one
<br /> = =�� or more changes of the Loan Sezvicer unrelatedto a sale c�f the Note.If thereis a change of the Law 5ecv�cer. Basco�rer�vill be .
<br /> ° 8iven written nottce of the cl�ange in accordaucewith ParagcaPhl4 above and a pficablelaw.The natice w�l state the name aad
<br />�`� e made.The notice w�l also contaia any other --_
<br /> address of the nev�Loan Servlcer and the address to which payments sliould
<br /> =,�� information reqnired by applicable law. stor e or selease af any =-_
<br /> —n• ZD. Hazardous S�abstances. Bonower shall aot cause or permit the presence,use.dispauil. a8• __
<br /> �-• iv5� Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Bonower aha11 not do, nor allow anqona eLse to do, anyt6ing�aff�dag�e
<br /> Tj�._do� properiy that is in vio l ation o f anq E a v i r o n m e n t a l L a w. T h e p r e c e d i n g t w o s e n t encesshall no4 a �r Ty to the pr
<br /> ����o storage on the Prop�riy of smaU quanatles of HazardonsSubstance�that are generally reco to be appaoprjate to aar c u a l
<br /> -- residenCiel uses and to maintenance of the Pro�erty.
<br /> -- — Bonower sl�allp omptiy give I.�n d er wntten mo 6ce o f s m y i a v e s6 g a ti o n,daim+demend+lawsuit mr otiier action by any
<br /> � �—� gover�mentalor regtdatory agency or rivate parly invoIIving the Property and any HazardonsSubstance or LQaviromnentalLaw `
<br /> """s� of which Bonower has actual lm ge.If Boaower leazn.s,or is narified by any government�os regalatany anthority,that
<br /> , an cc,�ii,vat�:tsihczzemedistioa�f anv Ha�ardousSubstanceaffectit►8 tbte Propetty is aecessary�BonoWer shall piomptly t�tca c.
<br /> _°—..— aU aecessnrp remedial actions in accarc�aaue with Environmental Law.
<br /> - ps����par�ap h20, "Hazardous Substancea" are those substances defined as Gpxic vr ba�ardaus subs4ances by
<br />---- Environmental Iaw and the followir►� substances: gasoliae� kerosen��other flammable o�r sadioadi't�vetma�e a1s.A�s usedin
<br /> --- pestiadesandherbiddes,votatile solvents, materi,alscontainingasbestosorformaldeh de,
<br /> _— this pasagraph?A� "Environmeatal Lat�' means federal laws and tawa of the jurisd�Yction W#�te,ti��'iqpertyie locate��t
<br /> ::u`,� relate to healtl�,safetq or eavironmental•¢rotectioa. . . '� � '
<br /> NON-UN�RMCOVENANI'S.B6trower and Lenderfartlter covenaat and agcee as foll�wai r:°•,�;
<br /> ----- — 21.Acceleratto� Remedies•Lender shnll Si�e aoHce to Borrower prior to acceleration[ollowln$'B+orrnw�ei'i�br�e�u�s
<br /> ----° o� eny eoven�nt or ageement in tWs Secur[ty Ioetiru�ent au the ddaul� (b)We actlon reqidred to�aue the ddaul�
<br /> ---°-- aPP��ble law provtdes otheiwise). 19�e notke ehaU`�perSf9: ( )
<br /> — (c)a d�ate� Aot les�Waa 30 dnys from the date the no8ce fa gtven to Borrower, by whi�tht ta a�celeraG.bn oi th�e eums
<br /> (d)that f�iltuo to cure the defa�lt on or betore the dete$P 'Ih�otice ball f�er Inform Borro�vea' oi tl�e rigbt to
<br /> secured bY this Sxcnrtty Inshvment nnd eale oi the Property.
<br /> �gtate after aeceleratton and We rlghE to bring a coust actlun to essert the non�eidstence of a defeult or aay o3hPr
<br /> defense o[Borrower �i acceleratton aad sala If We defaWt is not cured on or before the dah specifl�ment w[Ehout ---
<br /> I.end�n�, at tts op4toa, m0.�y' nquin immediate payment fn full of aYl aums secvre��+ ��ble lua. La►der shall be ::_._
<br /> ,�+� thrther demand and may ses incu� P��B�e re�aedi�provtded in�PareBr'dPb Zi,iadudin8�Dut�tot limited
<br /> �.,� ��uea�o�bn�c�u�
<br /> to,reasoneble attorneys'[ees end costs ot title cwidence. o�the
<br />- --�------- It We pmcer oi sule is invaked, Truatee shail rerord a nottce of defaWt tn euch co cabl tawttao�o v��ee and to
<br /> t
<br /> property is locuted cwd shall matl copies of sucta oottce fn the mannxr prescrlQ�ed le law�'Prmste� shall9.�p�hllc nottce —
<br /> --- the other peraons prescrtbed by app�icable law. A�PeSt the time reqmred by app
<br /> oi sale to the persons and in the man6er grescrtbal 6y appltcable iavv.Teustce,vaitl►out dem�nd oa Hnirowcr. sLaA sell
<br /> the Prope�ly at public nuciton to the higt�est bidder at the time and plaoe and unde�r th IIe�9 t a�ar uuy Parcel of We
<br /> sale in oae or more parcels and ia any order'M�stee determines.lYusEee maY P �P
<br /> ---- �raperty bY PubUc aanouncement at the time and place oi aay prevlanns�y schednled sale. Leader or its desigaee may
<br />----- purchase the I�roperl�et aay sale. ' : -
<br /> - = Form 3028 8/90
<br /> �A R��,�
<br />