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<br /> Tpt3�u7'F��it�"JPP�-H all the tmprovc.mentenoe�or iureuftererccYcdon the praperry�s�nd u1l eusemeais,appurtenances,and �_y_
<br /> fimures notv or hercafter a part of ths property. A8 .et,'=a�..-��sos a�d��d�uo�s sball c�lso foe wvcred by this Security __
<br /> [nstrumenG All ot tlis foredaing is refened to ta this Securlty Ynstruffiant us tl�e"Propeety." --
<br /> BOF3Hd0�NEI�COVBNANTSWat�orrower�s lawf�lly seisedof th�:estateherebyconveyed andhasthe dgt►t tograat�and
<br /> convey tihe Properly and thut tho Propeity is unencumbered,excePt far eacumbrcmcesof record.Borro�ver warrants uud w�1�
<br /> dBfe�d genernllyth�dtle to the Pragserty a�ainst nll claim»and dem�nds,aubject to any encwubrances oirecord. —
<br /> THIS SECUI�ITYWS'�'RUN1�N�'sombiaes unuui;,i cov�u�s:;foY aa�onn!use t!n�i nnn-uaifurm�ovenaats with limitcd -
<br /> vartations by jurisdictIon W cflnstitute u uniforu►securlty lnstrument coverinE reul ptoperty. -
<br /> UNL�02MCOVLlJAN7'S•Borcowerand Lender covenant and agceeas follo�o��`ver shall ram tl a when due the
<br /> 1. Payment ot P+rindpal und Inf;�res� Pre�ay��t and Inte C6u�es• P P Y P 9
<br /> p:indpal of and ineerest on the debt evidenced by the Note and suy prepayaieat and late charges due uader tha Nota.
<br /> g�g��s(ar 1�xes�+nd Inst�xance.Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender,BoYrower shall pay to
<br /> Lenderon tbe day monttily paymen3saredue uuclertha Note.mit�thcNotels Paid ir��uU, a&wn("F�nds'�for.(a)yea:ly eases
<br /> and assessmeatawhich may attainprlortty over this Security InsUrumcntt�s a Eaea o3 the PropertY:(b)yR�lq leaseholdpuymenis
<br /> or ground rentson the Property.if aaY+(�)Y�1S'hezardor�ropertx►insurancepremiums;(d)Year1Y Aoad insuraacepremiuws�
<br /> if aay;(e)Yearly mortga8e jastarence greminms,if anq+ and(�any s�a PaYable by Barrov�er to Leador.in aecordaacewith
<br /> the pmvisxons of g�aragcaPh8,in liev of the payment of morigage insurante premiums.These items are called'Escrow Items."
<br /> Lender may, at azny time,ooltect aad hold Funds in an amuunt noi to exoeed the ma�immn�ount a lende�for a federaQy
<br /> relatedmort�a�geL�an maY re9uirc for Boaower's escrow accouatunde=the federalRealEstateSettlementPr�cedur�A��
<br /> 197d as�nendedfrom dme w time,l2 U.S.C. Sedion 26i11 d seq. (`aZFS�'A'�, uul�ss auuthcrlavt that agp
<br /> sets a iesser amounG If so. I.end�maq,at aay time� coliect and hold Fuads in an amount not to egcecd the lesser amouat
<br /> Lendermay�stimatethe amonnto�Fbnds due on the br+sis of current data and reasonableestimatesaf eBPend��s°f tnt�e
<br /> Escrow Items or athexwise in acco�dance wit�►aFPlicable law �entity
<br /> 'Phe�l�nds shall be held ia an anstitution whose depasits are insmred by a fed�rni ageacy,instmmentali;Y.
<br /> (iacludiag Lender,if Leaderis surh an institution)or in any PederalHomel.oaa Bank.Lender sball agn�Ty��accoaat,or
<br /> Esc7ow Items.Lendermay not charge Borrowerfor holding and aPply�ng the�mds,a�►�S'�Y°°":�
<br /> verifying �he�urowItems,unless Lenderpaps Borrowerinterestond�eP�nfor aniad��dentret+l��n�P�8ser�nce
<br /> a charge.However,I.endermay requireBorrowerto pay a one-timechatge �►
<br /> used bq Leader ia eonnectian cvith this loan, �mless applicab�le law provides otheiwese. Unless aa esreement is made or
<br /> apnbirablelaw cequiresinterest W be pai�.Len�ershail not be requiredto��y Borraweraay interesto:ear�s on the F�nds. , .
<br /> au t!�F�s.i p.ndex��c6all gice to Boao�wer;
<br /> 8�
<br /> Bon�awer and Lemdes may ag�cee in cv�n� ��r, �hai inic�si n8a�bc� ose foi vrLicL each' ' .,
<br /> withnnt ciiar8�,an annnal at�untinB of the Funds,shnwimB cae�its and debits w the Funds and the pnrP
<br /> debi�ta the�uuads was mada.The Fhnds are pledged as additio�setueaY�foa�'�ble law,Lead�sball��tfiro�aarrow�r
<br /> Yf t�o Fw�ds held hy I.eader eaceed the amo�pera�ted
<br /> for the e�cess Fands in aecordaa�cewith the rea�nirementsof applira6le law If thts amovntof the Fuads�ld�b�y�se$o oweyr,,-,�;
<br /> time is aot suffident tn pay the Esr:ow Itemstvhou dne.Lendermap so no�fy Bonoweria a�, �,.
<br /> c,hall pay w Lender the amount n�►W ma1�e uP the deficiea�y. Bozrower shell malce up the de�idenry in ao mo:e t6a�',?`;`i;'
<br /> twelve montt�lY Paqments,at Lenrler's sole discretion. refimd to Bort+owc=auY .
<br /> this Secariiy Insirn�ent,Lender sha11 PromPtEY
<br /> 1F�ndsheldbyL�e,nder nnderi�as'a�aP�ndershallacquirearselltheProperty,I.endg=.prioztotheacqiris�iionmrsa!s , �
<br /> of the Propertf,sball aPP1Y a�'F�tnds Leid by Leaderat tbe time of acqvisition or sale as a ereilit u�ainst the snms secar�d�s�t..t'._:'�..`
<br /> this Scs�Y Iastrument. �
<br /> 3.App�iatia�dtP�me�ta Unles�agplicablelawprovidesotheiwise,allpaymentsreceivedby Y,eaduundeF�tarag�BPb�``�.�
<br /> 1 a��12.shaUbe appliEd:�irst,ta an9 PrePaY����Tges dne naalerUieNote;secoad,w amountspaqable undx��iL��guph2;
<br /> third,to inLenst due;fourth,fo PriaaP��+and�ast,ta anY 1��8es dus vader the Note.
<br /> I�os. Borrawersball pay all taxe.s,assessmen1s,���=�6�s and impadb4�.��nbnlabieWli�ie�'ropeity .,.
<br /> 4. �a�es; B�mwer sLall pap;•_...�,,
<br /> vdl�ir�t may attainprinrdy o�er t�is Secuiity Iz►strument,and leaseholdpayments or gFo��'�•a�-
<br /> eheseohliga►tiatisinthemanaerprovided'mparagcaPh2,orifaaipai�intHnatmannei,�atrowersba7��aythemoatimediaectiy •:�:
<br /> to the pecsono�ved papment BoxmwershaIl prompllp ftuuish to Lenderall natiees o�am�uatsto 6e paid uader this parag�raP�-
<br /> I�Ra�cower majces these gaymenis d'ueaiY�Bovrower shall prumptlY fmsash to Leada3 A��eaP��"��'��pa�ats.
<br /> Bona�v�ers�'�!pmmptly dissharge anY lieu which has prioiniy avei dl�s 5scurity Instr�mensanlessBoicovicer:(a)ag�reesin
<br /> writiqg w thepary�dentof the ob�i�ion securedbY the lien ia a manaeracoeptableto I.end�;(b)oontes4s in good faith the lien
<br /> enforcement of the lien i4 Legil P���� in tha L.eadei's upiniton operate Uv preveat the
<br /> by, or defends against ntsatisfastoiY to Lcadersal�orW::��n�gdlu lien to
<br /> enforoementof the lir,n;or(t)secvreafram the holder af tLe tiea aa agre� �r^ o' m+er
<br /> t6is 5�cui�.y Tnstrumeut.If Lender determine+that a�part of the Ptaperty is sabjed W a lien wbi�h may�.a�ia�ni z�
<br /> tihis Secari3Y Ins4��+Lender may g�Boirower a aotice iden��,t3�e tien.Borrowersha'��;:r�7 tl�e Lien br take oae ur
<br /> _ mare of th�a�4ions set farth ab�ve a�10 days af the giviug of n�. F,�ao28 �
<br /> �— ��RptE1�2�no2
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