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1 <br />202603786 <br />ORDINANCE NO. 9938 (Cont.) <br />Business Park Subdivision and any adjacent and contiguous right-of-way or easement for road <br />purposes not previously annexed as set forth in Exhibit A and such land is hereby annexed to the <br />City of Grand Island. <br />SECTION 3. The subject tract of land and the persons thereon shall thereafter be <br />subject to all rules, regulations, ordinances, taxes and all other burdens and benefits of other <br />persons and territory included within the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. <br />SECTION 4. The owners of the land so brought within the corporate limits of the <br />City of Grand Island, Nebraska, are hereby compelled to continue with the streets, alleys, <br />easements, and public rights-of-way that are presently platted and laid out in and through said <br />real estate in conformity with, and continuous with, the streets, alleys, easements and public <br />rights-of-way of the City. <br />SECTION 5. A certified copy of this Ordinance shall be recorded in the office of <br />the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska and indexed against the tracts of land, set forth <br />in Exhibit A. <br />SECTION 6. Upon taking effect of this Ordinance, the services of said City shall <br />be furnished to the lands and persons thereon as provided by law. <br />SECTION 7. That all ordinances and resolutions or parts thereof in conflict <br />herewith are hereby repealed. <br />3 <br />