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�-- - --_ _ _ _ _ — .�,.: <br /> - -- —_. __ <br /> , _ - ,,. <br /> .. _ .. . � � ' . r . . . - . � - �'? <br /> - -- - -- - --- - • _ -� : - - � .4 -- �-- - � ,�, <br /> , -- . _. . _ V`,. . .. . _. . . ,� �� '` <br />_°_ _> �������� � � � ' : ard_. ,... _ _ <br />,� �Irilie�ritla�t�e�ier. � . _ �,' . . : , <br /> � Y ie�d i�odi tiors c�f Orc.Aope�iy.t6e•pc+c�da•ii 6e applie��o tl�e s�s aa�ured 6y di�:Sec�rity. � <br /> � i�e�wMe�i�+r a wat is d�sri�4 ah►s��oess p�rd'it3 Bato�er. ta t�c��d a prtiv't�kin�af�he Pt�ipe�eg i� �� <br /> � . ' M6iclr ie t�ir�r�eket rabe die Prapat�r i�r�re6t�elY 6eio��it tati�is eq�i 1a a�Seaer td�d�e�awt af We s�s. <br /> '� �ecaed ajr iis Sac�iry 1Ml�iieNt i�edi��ely beforr dit al�i�.wJe�s�a�a�aF ad I�mder abe�ise�aroe ia wri�ia� ' : . <br /> ilit sl�s�we�by iic S,aCiitiity�Lwnraefd sl�d be�d�rc�d 6y t�ie aaariR+af tre pciooeeds muliiWied bY tbe fdb�►iqe .. <br /> :- Lz :. �i a e b e� (a}i e b W�o�w i i�f ttie;�a�e�.tred i�e d'w d y�1'wa tho t a t i o�,�a�ided b y t1�?t6e lair s�tst value dtbe . <br /> pl�opea�.i�+i�6efd�e 16e 1aki�. Aw�r 6�c�e iar bt paid w 8a�o.�er. to tbe e��eat at'a pntiil t�tioa d tbe � <br /> l�y r�wliclt Il�e#�ir tNw�k�t vaWe d't�e lro�ctty'saied'wdy Lefare tbe aki�g is kss tb�a tbe aa�oir�t d tl�e sums <br /> ��►6d'ae the tatii�.u�l�s 8onow�a a�d i.ader otheY�inse agroe m v►�iuq�or�otess applicabie lao+ <br /> a/�ewo�„�ie p[aooads sWll be appiiod t�1tie s�s sa�r�ed by�is Searity lnwuaeat wbadier arint�be s�aas ane <br /> ��PIOpl�Ify It i�0�+�b�t 80[(OM�IT.Oc 1�a�k!t1ot10E by�Z�E 10 Bo1►Owief�Ift t�C�01ldt�lllOE f7��ls b aH1ct <br /> �i�Jl�Q iC��G�C�fOt�i�.Bd1�IM'I f71�f b RSp00d ID�.C*11�Cf M�11�111��S�tf t�lG�IG 1�IC YOlIOC t5�l�tlp. <br /> �.lMdLT I!�1�10 COQE�CI�a�„y I�G PODER�i.�IfS Opf10K�l�C�10 tCSiO[711011 Q tC(MI�Of i��!f[�I O[�1bC <br /> - �7Ei7C��f I�i.fi0.7Kj���i�Of110L1�d11�1C� <br /> UM�lf6 Li�lf'7��QOIYft C�IM��SL'�lyd MI M�.]�i���EO�iO�S�110[Eltll'!Id Ai <br /> po�io�r tlie dredre af ia rvaad�Y P�yme�ts re�ed to o par�n�hs��p�¢�achan�e t6e ama�ot,oFwcl�payrneats- <br /> IL l�e�� Pi�t EekMei:Firia�a�+e �jr I.eaier N�t a;� F.�dawan a[:iA�,'�me fior.p4ymait or <br /> soddx�tiou af a�oni�ioM of 1�e sums sec�ed by H�is Secrrit�r Wsaioi��C:ao�e��`� �:iii a�►'�a�t'�aest <br /> t� <br /> --- - -- •�. �1v►w.Gwsr►dM-Ii�'Ijhr1lE�Gafi�pli[-BO11o1iP![`C�[, .. �-.-�61t.�1If5���ICStt�- - -. <br /> �"': <br /> sbr8 tlot 6C I�O�ld tn�oe�eaOC�a�t a�r�co��or Iu t0ld�st�r:. r�rS,,e�ac�tiele fQ paynr�t af <br /> airnri�e�o�ify a�ortit�ia�dd�e�rmc�oew�ed by t6a Searity 6�savs�aee by�easaa�!in��.�ade ty We aipat <br /> •'��;.� ,,. Haro�r oc8a*nw�er�s�as�o�s a i�r�st;;..�ny fo�6arane Ay l.eader ie exeneisiea•asy ri���iaed�r sWU aot 6e a - <br /> _ ,::•.,;�,�•,.,. ...;�..;,:;:• , . <br /> :�;, sr�i�fafarpeciYdedresarci�euf�aYn�Kai4i�dY•, � :�::;.� : ,; <br /> <:;�;:; : :'•.t.!Y. S�coeMrs a�i A�i�wrr$liiit a�i Several tlsiMtJi C��Tperz 71�e covemrits�od ap�eetw��dus <br /> - ';'.;:i ._�y�eat sbnll 6iad aod beoet'R�re 3uooes�iis aod usip�c of I.ender aad Bonowa.w6joct to.t� af <br />. :��;�i-`:�`''�ira�r�6 1?. Ba�o�er's oqreranls and�eaqaits sbap be jowt_aod sev�al.My Baro�u�er wbn c,o-siPtslli4s �� . _,<• - <br /> :' dsortimeat 6at das not exes�e tbe 1Vciti�i.�a!�is co�si�ima this S��aolY��€aSG��nd rmvey,tTait-:> . <br /> '�'°�,: Banow�er's ie�eiest b d�e Property aaMkrl�!�,�ms.of this Securi[y I�onimie�tb}is oot Pe�sunallY d�8�a P�Y�� ���` <br /> se�o�ed by�is Sec�itY IasOau�aaer�nd(cli�►�rs ihat L�dt:r aod arty oiti�rBma+�t�.�naY aS�et to extaW.modifY.fotbea • , , <br /> ` � �ar m�tce ay�.'�Sf6r`iep�d to the tenns of this SeattUy L�mpa[`��`ihe Nate w�tLout t6at Bo�rower's <br /> O�M1S!'IM. ` :.'-�::.r,:::k:U:'.1 , _ . � •'.i:\i'4' <br /> '" �. ���� ��:�E11,•:�":f�lkid�I I�1LS$OCOf1l�1�QLRI[lS SIIbJCR't;.�t►'�.l�2Y�`.�Y�tC�I SGTS n1ix1111Y111�OOI <br /> l�L�lf.�1��i�Y�t flllf��l�CI�(��IIi�t�1C YlflTCSt Q d�l:�t�C�l�$t5 CO��tC'fCd Of�}!':L'f��IA C�OCflaft � <br /> :�ith die lo�art exoeed die pe�miued linnts.l�n: la)any sucl�iova char�e�aU be ieduc+ed by tl��1ii�uun[nooessary to`iedoee <br /> .. � '.�re�e to tUc pedaWed Wni��od(b)a�r s�m�alRady coUec�od frdiii#3arinwer wt�ich exQOad`e�]�tmritteA IiaAits will be <br /> - '-:iieE�md�d to B�aowtz Leeder may chnose to m�fce tbis tefimd b}cedacsug ttx pt�iqcipal oaa!muier thc Note or 6�'makmg a. <br /> �'''dncc�Paym�nt to Barawa. ti a nefw�d�oduces prirtcip��e�eductia�wifl be ut,a�td as a P�tial ppepay�q��Ff��out 8°Y . <br /> PrcP4Y��under the iliate. ,��i ., ,,.' <br /> :-�.;:•..: <br /> 14. Nofket�. My nopce to Bortower provided fa in this Security Instnunrnt shall be giY,tar:.t��delirering it or by. -,r,;;' <br /> m�Wi�it by fu�t clacs mail m�kss applicabk law roquues use of arwthet rt�ethod.The mtiee si�:l�necced to the Pm{xity y:�;�:...',,. <br /> Addness or u�y o�Let addrecs BorroWer designates by notice to l.ender. Any notice.�a:�efi,�aif;�e givrn by fitst class <br /> m�il w lrrnderk address s7ated IKCCin or any aher address l.ender design�tes by noti�;ir;i�'�r'i�y notice pmvided for ', <br /> � �in this 5enaity IRCtnmKnt shatl be deemed[o have ban givrn to Barower or,�+�.'►i�atl�a�as prwided in this <br /> P�P� . , .. �.:, �� . <br /> �r,:;;=.:.,r. <br /> --- - . -. 1� GeYes�.Ls�;Severa6Httx 17�is Security lnsuument shall 6e goverrKd by feck�l:;;4i'Yr arxt ihe law of the .:,f�, _ <br /> _ jurisdiction in wfiich the Ptnpe�ty is located. ln�he evrnt that any provisivn or ciause of�his Secl�t�t�_�tn�ment or the Note••;;:;;,: <br /> eonflicts with applica6k law.such eonftict shalt not affect otlxr pnn�Jdac of this Security It�trumrhi or the Nde which can � <br /> ee given effect witfwut the contlicting pmv�ion. To t6nsr�tUe,-piasisians of this Serurity fnstrument�!the Note an <br /> dect�ed to be severabk. . ;, `� <br /> 14,aarower'a Capp.�bomawer st�aU be given oii�ca�oirri�i�`.i,;iv�y of the Note and af this Securiry/n.mumen� <br /> IT. Tr�dUm Prapert�ar a Be�e�iciW i�teresi in Ba�`�ii�. If atl or any part of�he Pcoperty a aoy inter�t in - <br /> ' it is sold a transfemed(or if a brneficial intercst in Sortower is s'ot��+a�r trrnsfemed and Borrower�s oot a natural peison)� <br /> , wiQwut Lender's prior wri(ten consenl.L,ender its option,require immediate payment in full of all rums secured by <br /> tbis Security Inswment. l��ever,this optian sh�ll aot be exercised by Lcnder if ea-,�rise is prvhibited by federat law ac of <br /> the d�te of this Security Ins�nt. • '..�:�.: <br />. if Lremkr oxercises th'rs ciption.Lender shall give Boanwer notice of accde�at6�7�The nwice sl�ll prm�ide a period of::.. .. <br />; not less tt�an 34'i#��rs from the date the notice is delivered ar mailed v�jttvn whicfi Borrower must pa j all sums xcurcd by th'rs � <br /> Secudty Insti�'�i�. If$osrower fails to pay these snms priar to���irntian of this period: I.cnder may invoke any _ <br /> ,.•,�rs pa#crj����:�y�S�riry Instrument without furt�er natice u�s��nd on Borrower. • • <br /> °;, .,;:;;;'�_:;;.;, !S. �ds�;'�';'lr.�;:�Rt�tsstale. If Banua��xzeets cettait�,rottdilicm.�. Borrower�hall have the r�ght ta have _ <br />��',;:',�.,;f;:�.,::�cjnement'{a�'i°�f�':&�af�.ltiswment discoMinued at ao�time p�iot�td the earlier of: (u)S days(or such aher periad as <br /> :,�;•'..,�:•::; <<; ,; � . : ;s;�:c , • : � • <br /> 'Ii,",:;:�1.;.;�;i.'t:l' ;.1,'`,:^':';:'�`' SingkFamily»FaieNadFirtlielqacl,'�"IFOB�['i,1�S771C�tIi�T--UnifmmC�nds�itiy�,�,Y� ryHtKrQrJb�r�ugeu = <br /> Sv A;:� ' �,t ' c `. <br /> , . . , <br /> 1�ir ; � � • t 4 a�� yr .t' 4 ' . ., c'_ <br /> ���!� �� ' l 1 �� i ti ,_ � , ({� . . �<� t1. �, . .`C n���� � � � .: <br /> •/' Vf - t •r�It� .tl n .� � <br /> �'� �SY;'�is�_ � '�� ;��s ` . . � .'t� '•� �� . �'r: . � � .� �,t. � y.{ � . _. <br /> SS.i1 �F ��.� , . . .1' � � � . • 'i.' ;rr r4 t ' .. <br /> '� r, r r ':.r.. ,t,' '� `'��'7�`''„e �.;..' ra .•i �i rFii; f1 -. <br /> �._�__L � L `� l�`_ - �� �-r-+.�..=..,`L��,i�+� '' i r t � - - <br /> v�'. <br /> ��i] �sr�+�,..- M��rr� .t�:�Yf�.�nc ��'.'� ?� .., �'. M! 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'�� . <br /> .�,�iffi.�'t'3 • � �- '=�:. � �., .. .r_ � ..:. .:° ,ii': . ,�... . , -. <br /> ..��.���� i.�.�'�'aia.i�. ' ax� . t1. � .bs.f.�rr� � <br /> ..�. -- .a�ae��.— �r.i�axr�ylJl_: _ .. ._ _ a . .. _ ,.. - _ . ��. .`.K'�.._":f r YI.G' . <br />