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<br /> -- �..- TL�L�T'HE.D!'JITH a!l the lmgioye�±u nnw or here�Rer crecteA oa the pa�oDe�Y.and all casemeata��PPu�teaances.aud E`
<br /> t3�tures aow or ha�eaflter a purt o�t�xe paropei:y. A11 repincements ond additioua ahall uleo be cov�red by tiiis zesuriry �"_:
<br /> lusuument.All of the foregofng is nfer�to In tbia SECUrIty Yastnunent as the"Propexty.' �
<br />• BORROWER COVBNANTS that �ommwer is lawfi�llY seised of the estnte hereby coaveyed and has the dght to graae rnd c__=
<br /> �- `��� ccsnv the
<br /> �y pmg�rty,aad t�t the prope�ry�is uncacumbered.except for eacumbranees of t�ecord.Borrower wuxtants aad wW
<br /> .. defend geasrnlly the dde to the Prc�perty e��n9t a11 claims and demnnds.subjea[o eny enambrAacea of r�:otd. �_
<br /> � �; THIS SECURPf'�'INSTRUMBN'S'co�bines uniform covenante for natiomal use aad aoa-uWform covenanta vrith limited f
<br /> ° ,�: variations by jarIsdiacion to constituu a unlform securiry instniment wvering real progerty. �:
<br /> -r.-��
<br />,,s:�: �� UIVIFORM COVENAN7'S.BorrovrW and I.ender caveaant and agree as folloas: 4-.'
<br /> �,� 1. Payment af Prindpal aad Inta�tt Prepay�eat and Late Ct+ar�es. Horrower ahall promPUY PaY when due the �:
<br /> ;,�� principal of and interest on the debt evidexed by the Note aad any prepayment and laLe chu�es due under the Note. N,__
<br />- 2. �� d.s fog'faxes aad Iesvra�a,Subjea to applicable law or to a wrlttea waiver by Leader. Borrower shail pay to =
<br /> Lend�r on the day monthlY paymems ar�du�under the Note.until the Note is paid in�'ull,a sum('Funds")for:(a)Yeariy taaes --
<br />'.�t� . . � s and asaessnaents which may attain priority over Lbis Sewrlty Insaument as a lien on th�Ftogerty:N)Yearly leas�hold payffients -
<br />�:�:�.'.;? .. �x,:� or ground rents on the Prog�cty, if a�r: (e)�+early haz�rd or property las�unuce prsmiums:(d)Ye.s�rly flood insuisuce premiums, _
<br /> "",�". if any: (e)Y�'�Y�n88lte inaur�noe�sremiums. if any:aad(�anY suma payable by Borrower to Leader, in accordance vdth
<br />---;,N �-'�r� ttie provlsions of pazagraph 8,in lieu of the payaient of mortgage iasuraace preffiiums.'lbese it�ms are called"8scmw Iteaos.'
<br />,;'":4��`' L,euder may,.at a�,ti�e. coIlect and hdd Fuada ln an amount not to exceod the maximum amonat a lea.der foz a federaUy
<br /> _:;��
<br /> �-.?r::.. : t
<br />_, :ti,7�„x nlated mo�tgage loan r�ey r�ira tor Botrawa a e�roi�account uaasr tha feA_�reD �teal F.atate Settloment Prooednres Act of ,
<br />--`~ ��� 1974 es amended fmm dme to ttaae,l2 U.S.C. 5ection Z601 u seq.("RESPA')�unlegs aaother law that applia to the Funds
<br /> �"� sets a lesser amount. If oo. Leadee may,�i u►y tlme. coilect and hold Fuads ia aa amouat aot to exceed eho tesaar amouat.
<br />-:a�-:;�,,,� Lender may e�dmate the amount of Fundt �ue on the b�ats of cutrent data and ntsonabla cstir�ates oi e�scnditures of ibtuna �:�
<br /> . ==F�q�j,`— F.scrow Ittms or othctwl�o in�ccord�pca altb qeplicable 1tw.
<br />.:��,�____ The F�unda ahdl ba hc(d in u► inut�udoa whoso dcpoaite are lasu�A by t fedcral wgen�yr� Inawmentaliry. or endry
<br /> �--u�- (iecludtn�l.cadcr�!t l.cnfler ie suoh u� fwti�tutlan)or ln any Aeder�l Home Lo�n Bmk.Lender ehdl ayply tl�e Funds to pay the
<br /> r;-�._.. 8scrow Itenu.Lender m�y not chacge Borrower for holdlag aad app ly l u g the Funda, aanudly anal yzla 8 the escrow accoust,or
<br />-��""� verl�the Eooraw Items.unleaa Lend�r tsaya�orrower inunat oa the Fuade aad appHable law peimits I�enda to matce auch
<br /> ---- _ a chuge.Howover�Lander miy roquire B�isower to pay a onatime charge for aa iadependeat t�al estau tax nportinB se�vla
<br /> _�-°�'� usod by l�ender in conuectlon wIth tbi�loan� ualess agplicable law provldes otheia+lse. Unleas an egoeEment is mede or
<br /> , �c:Lts ta.r r�3at�t sa bt�s�,��c Q�!u,r tx*cquired co pay Borrower azn+inunst or earninSa on the Fnnds.
<br /> - - - Bortower and Leader may agrce in wridog,however.that interest sball be paid on the Punds. L�eadar shall give to Borrower,
<br /> �-_-- without charge.ea enaual a000undng of t�e Fu�ds. showing credits and debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each
<br /> - - debit w the Fuads wes masle.The Fuads ac�piedgcd as addidonal sce�ttity for all sums sc�ured by d�is Seaulry Iastrumeat.
<br /> - -_
<br />