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<br /> � � w ' 1'OG�'T��BR�'liTH zill the ivspmvements rmc,r or hereafter erected on the pra�rty.und u11 easements,npPurtenances.and f-
<br /> - fixwres auw or hercafter a part ot ttae property. All repi�cements tiud addtuons ahaU �iso tre covered 'oy aus Sei;ur�iry -.
<br /> i Insuumeat.All of the foregoing is referr�d to Ia tiais Se�urIry Iasaument as the°Property." `;
<br /> ��� SORROWER COVENANTS that Borrower ta lawfully seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has the d�hht to grant aad '
<br /> .;;�,_,Y�,� convey the Property and that the Propeaty is unencumbered. eacept for encumbrances of record. Barrower warraats and wUl —
<br /> .. . --- - Qef�ad gc$�iaily the Hde to the Fro�eny e�ainst aU claims and demands. subject to Fu►y encumbrancea of record. _
<br /> � '1'HIS SECtJftITY 1N5T1"ZUI+/��NT ccsnbtaes uniform coveuants for natloaul use and non-unifarm covenanu rrith lim[ted �'
<br /> �
<br /> . . varlationa by jurIsdlcdon to consdtutc a unlform cecurIty insuument coveriag real pmperty.
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANT3.Bocrower and I.ender covenant and agnee as follows: �
<br />:=°;"�� 1.Pgyencnt ot Peindp�l aud iateresh, Pi+epaymeat an�t Late Charge�. Borrower shall promptly pay ahen due the
<br /> priucipal of aad intenst on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment aad laze chargea due under the Note. _
<br />-- .,-;, 2.F�mds for Taxes an�Iaswan�e.Subject to applicab:e law or w a wdtsen waiver by Lender,Bomawer shall pay to _..
<br /> -� Lender on the day montlilY payaQents are due uader the Note.until the M�te is p�i�In full.a sum("Funds°)for:(a?Y�Y�� �
<br /> _...` � aad assessmeats which may attain prlorisy over this SecurIty Instrument as a lien on the Property:(b)Yearly leasehold pay�enta
<br />.;.,�.{:..` or gcound rents on the ProPertg'�if anY; t�)Yearly hazard or pmperty insurance premivais:(d)Yeazly tlood insucanoe premiums,
<br /> �;`t�.�:A if a�►y:(e)Yearly mortgage insutagex premfnmv.if any:and(fl�Y�PaYabie by Bomnwer to L,ender.in accardance with
<br />-.r.-�'� the provlsiona of par�ragh 8, in lieu of the paymeat of mortgage insuraace premiumg.l�ese items are called "Escmw Iteins."
<br /> '_°�`"••�o Lender may,ai at►y tlme, wllect and hold Funds 9n an amount not w exa�d the maximum amount a lender for a federally
<br />'<=_�y'� related mortgage loan may require for Borrawer's escmw aocount under tbe federal Real Estate Settlement gmceduns Act of
<br />:;.n;,r� 1974 av uinended fnom t�rna to tiuie,i2 U.S.C.Section 2601 et srq.("Yi$SPA"),untess anotkec taw that applies to the Fimds _
<br /> - sets a lesser amount. If so,Lendar may.et any t[m�. oollect and hold Fun�s ia an amount not w oxc�ed the lesser an¢ount.
<br />�`�'�t;, Lender may esdu�te the amount o�Fuada due on the basis of current dntn attd c+easonable estimates of eapeaditurea of futune
<br />--�� Fscrow Items or othEnvIse in accondanoe with appHcable law.
<br /> The Punds shaU be heid in an inadtutIon whose deposiYS aze insiiired by a federal agency. iasuumantality. or endty
<br />:T==� (iachcdi�q Lsader.if Leader is such an�insdtution)or in any Feileral Hohio Loan Bank.l,ender ahall apply the Funds w p�r the
<br />___��,_,� Escrow Items.i�eader may not charge Bonower for holdtng and applyIag the Fimds.annually analyzing the escrnw ac�connt.or
<br /> ,�.� verifj+ing the Sscrow Items.unless Leader paya Barmwer interest on the Fuads and applicable law permits Lender to make such
<br /> ..,,,�� a cP�arge.However.Lender may requlc�e Borrower w pay a one-time rharge for an iadependeat real estate tax reporting service
<br /> � '� used by Lender ia ounaectioa aitb�hia loan. naless applicable laiv pmvides otheivuise. Unless an agreement ia made or
<br /> -�J� apPlicab!�law nquirea interest w ioe paid 1�eader shall aot be cequirecl to pay Borrower any interest or eamings on the Funds.
<br /> --_
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