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R�R�CORDED � <br /> � .• �• � 99- �a��z --� <br /> . o R-: <br /> _ :�= 6�_4�,t���n R <br /> aei—�s ver�m4, �--. <br /> ' 1•4 F�►MI�1F R90ER L.� <br /> � (A�aignmen4 of Fien4s) ���= <br /> � s THIS��4 FAMILY Rto�fi ts mada thks,�flt daY ot ��Y86i . 1°�99___.,end ta Inomporated into end shalt be <br /> r deemad to amend end�upplsment the MortS0.qe. n�d ot rn,T�secu=� +�O�,���.��aNp��& 'fpUgT COMPA bY �-° <br /> �� thfl UIIdBlSlgttBd(1hA"BOROW9f�)t0 88CY�0 BOrtONf�B fl10t8 t0 ,■ •F (�19 `L811d9T°) Q;--.,• <br /> E.-_;., <br /> of the seme date and oovedng the Properiy desor�ed In tho 3ecu'rty �nsWmeat and located ux �•.- <br /> �� 708 N.Broedv�eil Grand IslaneL Nebra�68868 b8td03 = <br /> ^�°�'�i (Ptoprqr aaanaa� � <br /> ` 1-6 FAMILY COVENANTS• In addidon to the covenants and agresments made In the 3ecurity Instrument,8orrowa and lAndar <br /> � turther Covenaat end agree as touows: • � <br /> A. ADDITIOIdAL PROPEFi7Y SUBJECT TO THE SECURITY INSTRUMENT. In addtUon to the P►opert�► desarbed <br /> fn the Socuttly Instrument,the toitowing Items ere addad to the Prop�r descratton,end shall atso constNute the FroPertf� covared by the <br /> 3ecurny Instmment: buttdYig mstertes� aPDIlartces end 9oods ot every nature whatsoevo► now or hereaft��ocated InhonorQdistr�ut�e <br /> '� intended to be used In conrteatlon WRfi the PropeAY� Includ(ng,hut not Omited to, those for the purposes o4 euppb 9 <br /> .;: u.� heatkig� cooiY►g�etecbiat�l�8��N►atar. at and Ilght.tb� prevenUon end ext�8u�hhg aPParatus. sea►rR�►csnd access conbol upparatu�, <br /> � � plumbhg,b8th tubs,wAtet heaters,v+ater oloseta�sfiks,ran9es,stovES, <br /> cetriger�iScrs, dtshwashers. dbposals,erashere, dryers.awnhgs, <br /> caphets paneWng end atte�ched floor <br /> stortn windows,�tottn doors. sereens,4lhds.shad�,curtains eed curtaY► rads. aStsched mirtors, . <br /> '� 1�� aovedngs now ar hereafter attaahed to the Property,all of rshtch, tnc(uding replACen�nts and addRtons thoreto,ahelt be deemed to be <br /> ;;{'�;,, �, end remaln a paR of the Property covored by the 3ecurity inst�umant. Ail of the toregotr►g together with the Property desalbed in tho <br /> Seaurity InsWmerK (or the Isasehokl sstete H the Securtty Inatrum�nt is on a teasehotd)ere referted to In this t-4 FamUy R�dor and the <br /> '''�(;: `' t Securttfr lnetrument as the'PropeitY'• - - <br /> ' 8. USE OF PD��PERTY; COMPLIANCE WITH lJ�IfE/• Borrow� shsU not seek.s6reo to or make a ahan8e h the use of <br /> . .,,, the Property or Ite mntng c{asstticatmn, un�ess Lender has a8reed '�w�4�8�ro��' <br /> Borrower 8h811 oompy with flll laws. <br /> '�;.,;:,.; ordhencea.re6uiatlons and rew��n�ot any gov�nmenml bod�aPP <br /> :�;;;ii ' C. SUBOROINATE UEf��. Fxcept es permfqed by tederel Iaw.8orrower shall not c�Uow any li� hfedor to ths Security <br /> ��'�`��'.`, � . Instrument to be P�d g8si�s4 t1a S'roPe1'h�wRhout Lende�'s prtor wrkten Pecmissbn. <br /> '�"'`�``'� 0. RENT LOSS�NSURANCE.eo"o"'er sh�t�'"aht�"�n8urence egatnst rent loss tn addfdon to tha other ha�rds tor whbh <br /> hsurance is�N�by UnNom►Covenent 6. <br /> �'`'` `'• E. °BORROWER'S RIt3HT TO REINSTd4YE°DELBTED.UnHorm Covenant 18 Is deleted. <br />;'::,.,�. ': <br /> %;,:: �. �ORROWER'S OCCUPANCY.Untass tender ane 9oaower otheiwise asree in wrRhe� the firet sent� b� un rm <br />`:�;t:�::;+°•', Covenar�t 8 aoncamhg 8orrowers occupeneY oi tha Prupo�i�4�a�l. A9�Mln�R!+�anants and agreements set toRh 4�UnHortn <br /> ;.}�:;:`:' �.� . � Covenant 6 sha0 rematn in ef[eot. <br /> �.-�`:_`'�.'�.=° G. A.�SI3NMENT OF LEO►SES. UDon Lende�s reques4, eorrower shaU aselgn to lsnder ali teases ot the Fro��try end aq <br /> '`�`���=�.`,._ seourilyy depos�s made in carmection wRh leases ot Me Properiy. Upon the ass�n►aeeb��sha�have tha rlght to modity,eodend or <br /> - a�g4-`:� r <br /> rtri:��,�^'�xe; termhate the exlstNe leases and to execute new bases� in Lenders sote discrstton. As usod in this Pe�f�Ph d� the wad "Iease' <br /> .:.,,,�r ,;:..: . . <br />-:�r�,�.tis�,:;;;.,• shell mean subisase [f tha Secu�tll Instrument is on a Ieasehold. <br /> �:��,;�;�';;:���� H. ASSIGNMENt OF RE�1TS; APPOINTMENT OF RECEIYER;�NDF.1� Of�1 POSSESSION.eorrowarabsctuteh <br /> � and uncondkbnatty assigna aed t►ansfers to �e^de�a0 the rents and�renues("Rents')o!tha P�dteAy�rogardiese of to whom iha Rents <br />---:.y,,r;r�`, . <br /> :_.�-��� of the Properyr are paya6ia. Borrovr� authorhes Lend�or Lenders eger+ts to coUeat the Ron4s, ertd epreea lhat�ach tet►ent ot e <br /> �J.:� Propetty shati paY the Rents to Lendar or Lender's agents. How�sver.Borcower shait recefve the Rents un�d(�lender has Glven Borrower <br /> ''�-��� noUee of defauh pursuant to paraQreph 21 0!tho Sacuri�r Instrument end(tq Lender has gtven noQk:e to the tenant(8)that the aanta� <br />--:..�.��,;,� to be pald to Lender a Lsnders agen�. This assipnment of Rents eonsdtutes an absobte essignment rtnd nat an esstpnmen <br /> "` addRlonN sacmdf► any. <br /> - �•-��`��� �f t,ender gNe�notico oi breaoh to Bomower:t�a�Re�►is rc�ived by 6ortower shall bo held by Borrowet ss truatae tor t►�e tie�eftt of <br /> ._=y:c``�-.�,� Lender be ePPiied to the sums secured bY the SecurM�!Instrumen�M lender shaq be enttUed to coStect end �eceSv.�at1 of the <br /> '--� Rents of the Progedy: (�Bortower egrees that esch tenant ot the PropExty sheU PaY sll ReMS due and unpatd to Lender ot�.�nders <br /> _ -=_�— eQeMa upon Lendors wrAten dExnar►d to the tenen� (N) unless ePPqcabN taw provldes othe�w�, �8 the Rents�Inc�udr9 f but , <br /> --"�'..� lenQers agents sheD be apP�ed Wst to the costs of teking control of and mansghg the Properiy �rtis.taxes. ' . <br /> � not IimRed to�attomey's tees,reeaHe�s fees� Premiums on receNers bonds�repaM e�►d malntenance costs� hsurer� prem <br /> :�*•��:;;� assessmsnts and other chatqes on tfie PropeRy�end then to t�a sums secured by the SecuNtY tnstrumen� (vI Lsrtder.lenders apents <br /> ;._riiy�.�€� or eny Judtolalry aAPohted receMer shell ba Oabto to aceount tor onry those Rc�nts aotuaiy recefired:and (vq Ler+der sha�be entRbd to <br /> -���°�� havs a receker ePPointed to teke Oossessbn ot end manage tAe P�oPe�Y and cotleot the Fi�nts and ProtRs derMed irom the Properly <br />_����� wkhout any ehawing as W the hadequaoY ot the PropFMy as seeurky. <br /> lf the Rents a1 Me ProPenf► ere not sutttofent to cover the oosta of takinA aontrot of end manaahp tho PropPRf►e�d ot caOeoUnp the <br /> � InsW�ment pursuant�o nNarm Covenant�7.auch purpoaes sbe9 bei.bmB indebtedness of Bomower to Lender aecured by the uecurflY <br />- �° Borrorrer rePresents end�vanants that Bortouer hfls rtot executed anY Prfor assignmer►t of the Fients end has noi and wID not <br /> -----.-.=-=x� psAottn enY 8ot tis�2 uuouid pre�vent lender irom exaoisMg Its dBAts undet tAk P�B�aPh. <br /> —:_. r Lender. or I.,�do�s agents ar e judiafaRy eppohted c�ecel�r. aha0 not be re4uted to e�te� upon. taka corMroi oi or mehtetn the <br /> =�"•v��,��. <br /> Properry bsfore er a�eor glvinp noNce of Oetauh to Borroweu However.Lender. or Lendors agents or a judl�3eA�l aAPofnted receIver�m�r <br /> ` do so flt enY Nme when a dotauft oeare• AnY&9P�n of R�nta shall not cure or watw any detauh or i�validata sn9 other d8ht or <br /> �;:p�,..'~;�. � �gdy p}londer. Thl9 esslg�tment ot Rents of U18 ProP�Y shaU tetminste when &II the sttms SBCUred Dy the Se¢uriq ltlsbument 8r6 <br /> - . pafd tn tuil. <br /> 1. CROSS�DEEAULT PROVISION. eorrowers detaurt or breaoh unQer anq oote or agreernent in v+hich Londar has an <br /> ..� hterest shai�bs a Dreach under the SeeurFty in3UUment end Lendor may bvoke eny of the remsdios permRted Dy the Seam�h►Insb�meM. <br /> .: U <br /> - ' �:.:�:,:=� BY S►ONING BEL.OW� 8ortower accePts and agroes to the t�ms end Orovislona n irt tn th 1�Famihj Aider. <br /> - - �- _ . - Isea�] <br /> . �. ;� 1 . O <br /> _ _ • eotro��r <br /> . . ,�ctvf"� / / ` /" e / <br /> ; . �'•3t�..�,- r �S� <br />- � ��..� a <br /> � t�n <br />- •� <br /> — ��� <br /> ' > .. 6orto�sr <br /> , MULTISTATE t-4 FAlNILY R10ER-Fnnnb Mse/Froddis Mee Untlorm Instrument <br /> FOrm 5170 9190 <br /> .. Ftes2.LMO(elo� <br /> �� �• G6000 . . - <br />