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<br /> DEED OF TRUST �� _ . ���"
<br /> �OCJ��Q✓�'I ���3/�'.� . P:; ;'.;,:?�;.ii�
<br /> Omui;a, I�� �3?03
<br /> THIS DEED OF TRUST("Secwity Insm�n►ent")is made on Mar c h 15. 19 9 9 .The truscot is
<br /> Garq D. Luedess and Doreea A. Luedexs. husband aad wife
<br />- ("Bor�+ower").Thetcustee is Norwesi Baak Nebraska, National Associat�.on
<br /> {"Tn��tee").7'hebeaeficiaryis 13orwest Bank Nebraska, National Associntion '
<br />� W�ich{s arganized and exisang under thr laws of U n i t e d S t a t e s o f Ame r f c a .and whose
<br /> ��s;s 202 W. Third Street
<br /> GYand Ieland. Nebsaska 68801 ("Lender").BoaowerowesLendertheprinclpal sumof
<br /> � SEVENTEEN THOUSAND AND NOI100-----�-----"'—"'Dollers(U.S.$ �7,000.00 �•
<br /> Tl�is debt is evidenced by Borrower's nate dated the same date as t�is Security Instrument("Note"),which provides for
<br /> mionthly payments.with the ful!debt,if not puid earlier,due and payable on March 20, 2009 •
<br /> Thia Securiry Instniment secures to Lender: (a)the repayment of the debt evidenced by the I�Iote.with iaterest.and aU renewals,
<br /> extensions and modifications of the Note; (h) che payment of al! otber sums. with interest. advanced under paragraPh 7 w
<br /> � , protect the secudty of this Security Iastrumont; and (c) the performance of Borrower's covenants and agreements. For this
<br /> putpose, Bo�a11'�rrevocably grants and wnveys to Trustee. in trust, with power of sale. the fallowing dCeosc ty Np�m�
<br /> ldcated ir. .
<br />:; � . .
<br /> Lot 52, CasCle Estates Subdivisioa., Ciey of Grand Island, Ha11 County, .
<br /> Nebraslca
<br />,.,�
<br /> whichhastheadd�+essof 405b Buckingham Drive, Gxand Island [sueee.cisy],
<br /> = Nebraska 68803 ("Pmperty Address"):
<br />?%� �z�p coael
<br /> Y TQC',�THBR WITH all the improvements no+v or hareafter erected on the property,ersd e11 easements• urienances.�
<br /> fi�ctures now or hereafter a part of the propercy AIl rcplacementv and addiHons shall also be covered�y tlds Security _
<br /> � Instrument.A21 of the foregofng�s teferrad to in tbis Securlry Instnuuent as the"Property." --
<br /> — $pRi�pWEit CpV�NANTS that Bo�ower is lawfitlly seised of tlie estate hereby conveyod and has the ri&M to gnant and
<br />�? convey the Pcoperty snd that the Progerty is iu►encumbered, except for ena�mbrances of record. 8amower warrant�end will
<br /> Ra defend generally the dde to the Property aga�nst sU elaims and demands,subject to any encumbrnn�es of record.
<br /> THIS SECURITY INS'I'RLJMENT oombines uniForm covenants for national use and non•uniform covenants with Ilrinited
<br /> variations by judsdict[on to wnsdtute a uniform security instrument covedng real property•
<br /> __�r rt�.,.......e..�o.vt noewu ac fnllnwa:
<br /> UNTFORM C:UV L1VA1V 1 J.nor[vwGi atw a.�u..v..,.......».».----p---- -_.
<br />- 1. payment of I'rtncipai and Interest; PrepuYment aud Late Charges. Borrower sh�ll prompdy paY when due tite
<br />= principal of and interest on the debt evidenced by tha Note and any prepayment and late charges due uader the Note.
<br /> — 2.Funds for Taxes ead Iasurance•Subject to applicable!aw or w a written waiver by Leader.Borrower shaU pay to
<br /> — L.ender on the day monslily paymems are due under the Note.undl the Note is paid in full.a sum("Funds")for:(a)yearly t�xes
<br />-� and assessments which may auein priority over this Secucicy Insuvrrcent as a lien on the Propercy:(b)Yearly leasehoid paymeats
<br /> _ or grourtd rents on the Property,if eny;(c)yearly hazard or pmperty instuanse premiums:(d)Yearly flond insurance premiums. �.
<br /> � if uny:(e)Yearly mortgage tna�rance Qremiums,�f any; and (fl any sums payable by Borrower to Lender.in accordance with '
<br /> ._ the�pmvisl�ns of paragraph 8,in lieu of the payment of mortgage insurance premiucws.'fhese ttems are cal�ed"�sM°�'Items." °�
<br />_- Lender may. at any ttme,coilect and hold Funds in an amount not to eacc�,d the maxtmum amount a lender for a federallya �
<br /> = related mortgage toan may re9uire for Borrower's rscrow ac:oount under the federal R�al Estate Seulement Proc.edur+es Act of
<br /> 1974 as amended from time to Ume. 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 et seq.("RESPA").unless a�►olher law ihat a}splies to the Funds
<br />-;%� sets a tesser amount.If so, Lender muy, at any tlme, co(lect end hold Funda in an amount nat to exoeed the lesser amount.
<br />