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J��`' �i�:f�. ,:�:�; <br />..__ " - r '•v�n�5� i ` �r;' _ �{:r. . o. ll,I l�Y�• `�-..;):;. . <br /> , , ���)r 1 � . . . .+,�:� . ��yS��f;c,�( <br /> � ~1 . ' ,".,y:��,�,,. � <br /> ., - -b� ' �'3).`c.i . � <br /> . �� - _ . � � ., r.. �� - <br /> .�rworMl� ' - <br /> i -rt�1lM�.•.r. ,. • .�� ; .�:<—...::y+r:-.. .. <br /> `"r �.�c5�i�',';. «. . . .. �3 . . ' , .,'."rt�i�. <br /> , . <br /> � <br /> .. . r��a'B'7q'r.+",}a;,;.,.;�. . • ',i - . � ' , ..� .. aeurfdYa�io.,- <br /> .- <br /> � . , . ' "' <br /> �� .�M�.�:�elAM . � � . . . ' . . .. _. . . _ _...��_.�.f..�.....�.. <br /> • . �. i • <br /> � <br /> ' . •H� . -_.�.--.......,..-..l�......_ ......"_"h._.._�._.._.....'"'...�_......_. .._....._.. ._. ..._.. . ..._._..,.._ '_ "" _".. _ __ <br /> .`6i�iwQi�9��lie9RllIT�� <br /> *�:". <br /> ��knrati:... .S nPAtlB�OF! - <br /> • y� �!y.s ��R��� ennsrinwe�TRRLl2 c,� �. <br /> ���- [�'n di,�P�iiS�L rLi L� _- <br /> lll�lTEU�tAftRlliilY:tdy snle and excl�sl�e teu�eE/a�afnst ynv at ywr asst� i�all tie Iimited to ny dg5is and temadies unGaP the o�ress LIMITEO WAR flJJY __- <br /> Y <br /> ' � or in�quit�,aAeret er�i�itcd�$s�fica5te st te ta�ezctuairc rights sn ramcdles under tha�rar�anty shait De�n Ileu of all other rig�ts or roa�edles,a !sw' w- <br /> ,_- ''.,�� BllYER� RF1lD iHE SEFARAT� "1�I�i1ED I�AkkAtf�" V�1itiGA iS A Si�itkATe�ikiifiEN iK°sTiittiiwEfiTi REktA{WRG StI1ftY TO ��`�T#l�E9 PAQ�l:�TS RF T� �__ <br /> PACFSER�Et CORFORATIOH AIiD WE11Ct1"tIN11TED IMARRANflP'HAS BEEt�OEUYERED Ttt EIIGH RESPECTIYE BU�ER I!1 CONNECi(ON IY�YI!TN1S SAI.�. &;_ <br /> �.'} pR[;YAYMENT AND ACCRUAL OFT�FINdNCE C�A�RIiEt Hven thougb I do not have to pay raoro than ide regulnr uheduted monthly payment.I huve tha eight � � <br /> W prepay the whole araounc owing to you ia fuU nt any Hme or in pa�t from dme to flme.1 understond tltnt the tinenca charge le computed daily. I know my <br /> IIntnse cbarge wiil ba leas if I meke an eurlypqyment.nnd it wlli ba hlgher if I puy Iste;I Wso recognizo thnt any neceasary ndJusunent to my totni ttrtance chatgo wlll <br /> � ,.;:•#"?'� . be netiecud ia my final biU;I alsa Iwnvr that the aawunts shown on page 2 for the Finnace Ghsrge,'[btai of Puymenta.and the 1bte1 Sale Price o►e esdmaus based on <br /> .�..� ilso auumpHon thut you will recei4e eacti of thop�yments oxactly on its due dete;acd I luww that theie will be no refund iP 1 prepay becnuse there(s aoU�►g W�+eflu�d <br /> ,,,�r� whxn k.:m chncged on s dnUy basis.6[.-�ow that if aU rebutes,►efnnds and credlts to vihich I mlght be entlQed ec�e less then one doilur(SI.00),no mf�nd will t,e made.l <br /> may sn!*stmiip p�epay the amauat E�u�you,in fuU or in part,at nny I m�ke a purtiai p:epsyment.I must condnue ro mNce my re�u1ar payments undl I huve <br /> _ �, pa:�9rYt r.xasnu owed.I{rnow c*;.9 I�vepay the whole emoun4 yau ueay colleM or reteLi from mY a csaimum cherge not greaur thun SIO.bO. <br /> ' • gs�i�'Q.T,A6.+�,�^.ca,q G'1L7QX13:i icxaw that you have measu�ed my�n•:s�zad its openinga so tb:.t yQ:,t cun make the Products to fit my pnntculur housa nnd thnt tke goods <br /> . 3 <br /> ,.,+,�: g�};�:y,�;'c1 cex fite tm}�sther houses,so I know thut I pnnot ce�9et etis contr�et at eay dme after L4:�erlai of tiau given to me by law in which to eance].After that — <br /> , i��±�ae�cf_cEC;:�;$3cnoN that I have the obllgaflon w pay yau i�f�.;11�amountowed. _ <br />-• �j�.�{��,'�.1�,.,�(�'�1�'1'HE�+N1ANC6 CHAFiGE:The 8aana s3n�a is es�iaeted w statt within 30 days of the dato of this contrnct,wcoept in t�he event tttat you -- <br /> � campl�t�the ipstallalicin of We gaods.nnd se�vi�xs on another date.cbea the finance char�e wi11 begin ta run on tha dau that I sign tha Completioa�ert[Ticate.'The amount <br />-_ of'flniniica�at$e m�y be more ot leas ihen the ernount dlsclosed depending an tlie omo�uus I WY You nnd my timeliness in makiag paymente. __ <br /> �� DEPAUL'1:I wiU be In default uader this connact iE 1.I don't mefcs a payment wtun due;or 2.I bmak eny pmmisa I made to you in t6is cont[raet. <br /> ^.' :i�y��^ COLLSCfiOM i�5"�'Ss IPl am in d!fa�!It.�t�nuaeYend you demanA full arnymB�t,l e8�ee to.PaY You fornasanable aatomays•fees a�d£or other nlatsde�penscs <br /> s <br /> fi���` sueh es ca�ut costs.Ntle searches aad mnney you expended to collect the amount dne p!to pmtect m�house.if yon ene eUowed w collect such wnmmts by lu�a <br /> - � de1aE ysythat an caused uy+saikes.w�ather cutadiHons det�uYs Ya►6av�e i�n oibtainfn8 e�tedelsnor for orhorbureasons��beyund your cona L I�w1U not ho d you 1[able -' <br /> ' for auch detays. �' <br /> �°;s°w::�:'-- REQUFST FOR FULL PAYMEN7Y If I am in defuult under this wmraet.You cm deciaie aU thnt I iden owe under this coatract payable nt once.I ag�e ro pt+y you <br /> intemst oa thnt amount at the ma¢imum contracWal tuta ellowed by law untll the anwunt 1 owe you ia patd. „ <br /> n'��,_t'n SAWAGE VAL[l��I knov+that tha wiadows,woodwork.slding.brick and other mete�lela t6at hava to be:iemoved by you for Ibis instaltaflon have Na saivege value. <br /> ...?K� When you removo than,You m�y dIspose of thom. <br /> ': .,;,�..�.: gpgCYpI,61TUAT(ONS:Due to the ua[queness of some of the ProdacU that you�elt.I unde�stend that in spec1N sItuaHons yonr Reg[onn!Offia may Aave w rev}ew <br /> �t' and approve d�ia contma.l also undetstand that tLia sale occuned in my hooie snd tMet you and I ma��aot have i�ad all the comect lnformndon imposte�t w this transacdon <br />-.;:rsrN ai ow fingenips;I givs you my consent to comecc any obvtoua errors tbat muy have a;cwsed when the blenks in tdia conuact weie completod. <br />``'==�'" IIWALID PAOVISIOAT3:If eay pmvisIon of thls contrace violates the law c+nd is uqeaforixabte,the rest of the conuact wlll be vatfd.If any patt of this tontract�equiaea <br /> _„��'`� paymentofmmefineacechnrgethenthelawpem�iu,thenyouwilloniyltavethed�httocoliectfrommetheamonntoffinancectmrgeahic6dtelawellowsyoa)ocotlect. <br /> -��fr� . �tsi7iit'r�i . <br />�•����`�� ANY HOLDER OF THI�,'�ONSUlNER C EDPT CAi�i'�'RlICT l8 SUBJECT�0 AI.L CLAIMS AND DEFE[�SES WHIOH 1tIE. <br /> ���,�� DEB'IfOR COULD IISSER?'��AIRS7 THE�LLER OF GOOD� ap 8ERYIC�8�BTAINED PUF�SUANT'HERETO OR 1iYlTH. . <br /> =-��i� THL�:pROCEEDB HEREaIi�t�C01l�RY H�REUNDEH BY'�NPs DEBTOp St3ALL NOT EKCB�D AMO!lNqS PAID BY Ttl� �• <br />:.,,.:M„��� DEB�'�R HEREUNDER. <br /> �:sr�tfi��� INSlJRANCE CANCBLLATION:Jf I hava iequested insuranx in this purthese.l may cancel sueh�quest for Insmanoe for any ieason within fdteen(15)days fmm <br /> --- dro datuof t63s coqtlact by notitying you orthe hokkrof thls oom:sct in wri8ng II imow thuthe canoetlatiun of my oovecega will be ananged with the insuraROecama(s) <br /> -�'�=4� and�.Yull zefund o!tay pnm{um(s)w6ether with applicabte 8aence chosge w[ll'he aedtud w this conUact. . . . <br /> ':'�'�'•�'� P1L�81VdfLilfIhavenquestedinsnreaceinthis pu�hase�Iwdln�oetvewitlilnthiriyt�)daysaceadficauot[aswancemorofultyd4tet1bin8theinsuniacecoverage. <br /> `:•-.�r.;� I know thut if tlicce is nny oonfliec in the eovMage ar the CanguSge oi thd c'ectiticate ot inwiance and the followin$Nod�e ofPluposal Insp(dtKC tmat I am aovacd only w <br /> --�,W_,�� the extent stnted in the followingNotice of Ptnposed lasu�ana.I slso know that Y hsver InsnCanoe covetaga only if I hnve beeu chatged for iG <br /> �.-;�Ly� ' PiOTiCE OF PRCaPOS�b I�ISURANCE � <br /> -- - I take aotEce that eiffierCledit Life nc t�+edit Ase[de4t and Healtd Insutan� bqth:wUt ba npplicahlc to this Iastal[meniSales Coauoct only if I h9Ye ahosen tt by <br /> ---."'°"� signin8 the request for such ins�unce.lhis Insurence wUl oniy'ouver the persoA dvninx the�equest at the cost fos eacd type of insuiena show�.5ubject to <br /> _, by����mp�n�e,the insuiance wiU be effective es of wday az�d wlll con�aue only for the tmmber of months after the effettive date equal oo the a�f <br /> �th1y p�ymcau,I uncle�st�M tlut thin�aztic�iar insutaax may not ptovidc cavaase for my last few pa ts.end that during that per[od o�timo I wilt��ot have nny <br /> .-'— [nsuwnce coveCrge.A11 ben�t?nnd prooeeds of the inswence will be paid to paa w w a 8nancial iastitu on if it puc�hesos the Insmllmont Sales Contnct to the extent <br /> of lts in'teiesta aad any baTence wlll be payable to me.ltte iniHnl amount of(.'�dit Life Insurance b the amo�nt se�uind w rcpay tbe'[bW of Paymat►te�thettatter.tiia <br /> -T�.�.� insurana dr,crcaus is�r tAe amourt oY each monthly pa,yment on a sclKduied 30 daybasis.[t I am ointly obllgated on the Insmllsnent Sale9 Conu+ect wIth aCo-Buyer�u�d <br /> ao have both si�ned tne�q uest for Cre.�lit Lifn Insurnna.deathlxnefits will"be pa�e only wi�nsPect to the iicst one bf us to dte:Subject to bxcluslons.oliminations <br /> �r waidAg perio�staLed in the insuiana►pulIcy or ceRiflcate.(Yedit Axtduu aad th Insurance i�for the benefit amount of i/30th of eacD month's p�yment for each <br /> -- -- dey that I am t6ta11y disabled dve w an1r�ury or aickness w4Ue I owe eny pay�nent w you;however,l undets�and that I 6ava to bep�evtp2ed fmm w�eg due ta sush <br /> ._- �� wtel di:ability for moie then fourtcen(14)consecutive days befo�the�e beaefit is oafd back to the first day ot my Wtet dIsability.I aieo Imot�tlut I canna! <br /> - obtain�ny inaaranoe 4k�om yon t?1 em over 65 y r a i s of�ge WdaK pn8 I aLw knaw thnt tLe���nr„�g�prov[ded tn me msy conb�Sn�ma�dmwn uboaat <br /> - ---- ��v�rage wl�c6 will not pqy(n eome cases.t 6 e ea t i r�amount tLat I owe w.Dae ro the msucimum an►ouat M cov a stated in the insura�e policy.I lmow t�at <br /> -=- - atry unpaid amonnt in exoess of the insutana cotiti�eiage will sdll have to bepn�d if the Installmeat Sales Coatfaet is ps�d In fu11 prior w ttse last paymeat date:+mY <br /> co <br /> _.. _ _ �d insucana ptemiuma wll1 be ceftiaded to me in the manner pnsaibed yb laxW�n thiity(30)�ays•1 arilt mceive artiflcau of tnsurana monfl�Uy descrIhiqg <br /> _T v my ins�anx ooverage.I4 the Ensumaaa Is not accepied by t6e insutance company,!wW reoeive u iefind of die insure�tce premiums 1 hnve pa(d. <br /> --_�� , . . <br /> --�:s;�:�s+� <br /> :;x..�,..,,.�� <br /> r;��n� <br /> -;-r,�-=Ts��� • <br />--T.�i�. _ <br />_ —..'!�cr:jYa��_ . . <br />__— F;il�'-i , i. . <br />.. - _:ti"'" , _ . . _ <br /> �- �':'�C`. <br />..�V�.,•.�-�..•�..�• . - . . <br />'id.,�,.. .>_ <br /> ...-i,y,,;,_ ' 7039 SM•10t-NPrMl7 PAaE 4 ' <br /> • ..4.._VJ1 . _._ __._.. <br /> � �-.q _. . __ ._._ . . . 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