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i . . . � . ,. <br /> . . ; <br /> ' ) i <br /> ; ;�� . , . <br /> '�'' .. • ., ., <br /> � �,+s...r.._ . ., v;�r . � . , ' � ..._ . <br /> � . .. �ck�7lf�y+w.�. , , u , .• , . .. . ..�.,�,u.ib,..�rn..�. a,�4�IIt, _ <br /> �.,... ....v�� ,.:, ,-. ,� . -�°--'--- . _. _ <br /> . ° ' �+1s'';Sti..:'.,�u, ., ' ... �.r=�__..___.__..�.._._.._. •-- - ..._.___..�. . - -- - - '--- -._._.,.. <br /> °' � „ ... .._.�..... _—. ° ._ <br /> _ � �.. .. .. .. .....:._._ _ vaaa a oa a <br /> . m..._.. __ .... ._....__ 9 _ .. <br /> '� o AlDDITiONAL TERMS � <br /> _ , �.���� -- "` <br /> --��-. »�a.. t6o ernraec 11YliTlL 1 � <br /> --- -- ttt�iT�U t9E�RRA4iiV: tty solo an�axclusiYe rameAy against ynu or�our aaslgnee sAati Es It�rttao to mr rignis a� �omoo�oa a���.. .». -- --- -�-••--- _�- <br /> � � WAAAANn ruu e�tend to me at the time t aign thia Contrac� My er�clusive �f�hta �d remadies uRaer tha Wfirrenty�hail ho (n Ilcu o! ai�athor riyhts c�:_. <br /> or remedlas, at !aw or in sauiq, where psrmlttoQ Dy appticable sl�to law. YIAFRE PERMITfEO BY STRTE 1AYl. All IMPUED WARiGNTl�4 ARE Ei(CLU�ED. �.,, <br /> IlICLUDiKfl ANY(YPUED YIlARA�Ji11'QF MEACHANTABIlI1Y �NO A8Y!li1PUE0 W�tiRANTY �F FITt1ESS f�R A PARTICULAA PURPGSE. __ <br /> p�CESflTER CORP�AAilON�AliO lVNICN��lld�il EDRWAAR"I�YN�NAS�EN ELIYEREDRTd fACH RESFfCTf E OHY��Ib COYVECTIU;3�E'A11�Tf1 TN S&AlEP.RDDIICIS OF YNE _ <br /> r py�e►1'A9EAf'f AAIA ACCRYJAL Or T�HC C7NANCC Ct€AliG�t Even thoagh 1 do not have to pay more than the tegulat scheduled monthly pnyment.l havy L_, <br /> •� 4 the r t to repa}r thb whole nmount owing so you in fuil at any time or in pa�t fmm time to time.If I make n partial prepapment,i must conunua to make m <br /> � .. � �gulw�paytnenuUntll 1 hove paid all nmaunu owed.l know that the Snanco chatge will be computed doUy,so it wiil be less if 1 make an early payment nnd higher <br /> � ` (f 1��y Iate.The amounts shown on page 2 far tho Pinanco Charget9btel af Pnyments nnd the Totnl Sale Price ere based on the assumptlon tfiut you wiU recetve <br />, ,-,_,�� encb of:the payments exnctly on itg due dnte.l know that thoc�wili bc no refund of Finnncc Chnrges if I prepay,because the Fiennce Charge is colculated on o <br /> �%*""""� � simpleintetestbasta.InlsounderstendthntnorefuadofonemoantlesstAen$I.00vdllbrmade.andthatlmoybechargedaminimumPinanceChargeof$l0.00. <br /> -. �; ""�r"��• gpp,Cip�,.pgDgR Gt�DSs I know thut you huve meacured my house ssnd its openinge so thut you cam m�[ce the Producta w fit my p�dcular house and that the <br />�• � R goods probubly wtU not fit any otAet hbuses,so 1 krtow that I cennot caacel�his contract at any Nme after the pedod of dme given to me by luw in which to cuncel. <br />- . „�, ARer that lega!periud of Htrt�.1 knoLV that 1 have the obligazion to pny you in fuU the emount wved. <br /> � .�' CpMD7GNCEMENT OFTNE FJN�lNCE CAARGE:7tia tnance c6arge ia esdmaud to stert within 30 days of the dute of this rnnuact,except in tha event thut <br /> * you complete the inswtlutIon of the goods end ae:vices on another dzue,tRen the finence cherae wlll beIItn to tun on the date ihut I s(gn the Compledon Certiflcute. <br /> • ",;3:, • The anount of finnnce charge may bc mo:e or less then the smount diuloscd depending on the amounu I pay you and�y 8meliness in making payments. <br /> DBFAN.7![wUl be in default u�er this contmct!f:l.1 don4 make i{eayment when due:or 2.1 break any promIse I msde to you in Uila conunct. <br /> ' , . �i� � C�Ll,ECdION COSfSs If I um in default under tdfs Comract.end you hin eA ettomey who is not one of your mgular saleried emplo ee4m assist you in coltccdug <br /> yee. <br /> the nmount I owa I ag►ee to pay ron foz your reasonable atwmayrs'fas rs weU ns any other Rlated expenses such as wurt oosts.Uae sea�kes nnd amotmts you <br /> � '`,�' ex�nd to protect your secutlry,ityon are ultowed to cofiect such amounta by taw <br /> � � � 113�i�RY3:I Imow th�t you wiil ose y t�r�t efforts to 1n��11�e�*�'I j""P��s on my house,but t ulso underswad that in soma situaSons you may <br />_� � , : encaunter delays that nre caused by s�es,weather eonditldns,delaynyou have in obmining matednls,ot for other�easoro U�t am 6eyond yaur cvnt�ui.I wit{aot <br />- -"��':•, hold you liabte for such delays. <br /> ItC(pi1L+S°P FOR FULL PAYML'A1T:If I em in default under t�1s coaaact,you can dectare all that I thea owe you under this conaact paynble nt ona.I a�vec to _ <br /> - � r , R�Y>�{ntaest on that amount at the Annual Percentega Rate shown oa page 2 unHl the araount I owe Is paid. � <br /> tae <br /> ''';f`�'::�``� -_ <br /> apIXAQiE VALUEs I know that the windows.woodwork.sidL�g.bric�c and other mateaals that t�ave w be r�moved by you for this instuUmion hme Il0 salvage �:: <br /> ,r� valtx.VYhen you rtmove may dtspose of dtem. �* <br /> .�... <br /> m <br /> - +�•�.�. S'pgCIAt,3111TATIONSsDuerotheunfqueneasofsomeofthePmdunstharyousell.Iunderstnr►dthatinspecialaltuations ourEtegtonalOftioemaYhaveto�eview <br /> co�ct informaHon im t w this <br /> � . ,,. ;,:'. and upprove this conuuct.l also underscand that this st�le accussed in my home and that you and I may aot have had all Po� <br />�:"- � teansacflon at out fingertips:�8ive You my rnnsent to cortece aay obrious errora tkat may have accuRed when the blanks in this contract weie comp]eted. <br />_�'' ��'�T '• �'{ty,ID PROVISIONSs If any pmvision of this coauact violates the law and is uaenforceable.the test of the contract wiU be veitd•U etry Pa�t of this contract <br /> �:::'r'�•�..r .: �cequises paynnent of moie Rnuna ehacge thnn the Ina Pe�mits.then you wiU only have the rlght to rnllect fiom me the amoiwt of Rannce charge whfeh Um law <br /> '�`-=,'''�� allows yau to collect. � <br />_';_..�eh. • � N011CB � <br />_,�=����_ . . . .. <br />�-,=-�n��-�"� ANYH�LDEROF't�tliscsii�ibiii�en�iie�;i't�A�!'t°�!!L'.lEL'TT?�!!.�'�s��pNi1qEFENSESWHIC�ITliB <br /> '��'"`° DE�TOR COUl.O AS6ERY A�AIN$TTHE SELLER 8F GOODS OR SERVICES 08TAIN@D PURSIlI1NtH�RETOORafi�lTH <br />_ ,y•.'�';7 . <br />�'�`�"`r`�'��'"' 7HE PRO�EEDS HEREOF•FIECOV@RY HEREUNaFA BY THE D�BTOR SNALI.MOY E7(C�ED AMOUNTS PA1D BY4HE <br />�:a�-., QEBTORMEREUNDER. ' : ' _ <br />_� sii� ' <br /> ' WSH�2ANCE:CANCELT:ATION:I41haveiequesYedinsuranainthisgurehase.Imaycnncelsuehreqwsstfaiinswuncqforenym.awnwitAinfiftanllSldayekom � <br />�`���:yE !.i -- <br /> _�„�,�,�;�;, the date of thia convact by notifying you ar the holder of tdis conuad isi Wttting.I to►ow that the cancell�tian of my cavuege wi0 b�airangad wIth the Ina�uance <br />_;=_�-_r,�..l': cmrFe�(s)and a full mfund of my prem[um(s)wSether with appUcable finance c6arge wUi be credIted to this contrnct. <br /> _ �.�..,�,�„ <br /> „':v;`�r�-a'�' PLEASS NO�I'E:If 1 have�q uated insu�ancc in thi�purchsue.I will�alve withtn thiRy(30)daYs a certif`cate of insurance mote Poliy desaibing tl►e u�an�e <br /> s•'_�:=t�.=,Y;;'�� covemge.I kaow thnt if there is any conflict tn the covetage or the languege of the atUficate of insurana and the following Notica of Propose�TnsutF+noe iftat I <br /> i,""'r'.^..'"'.`;'�j! am covemd onty to the extent steted in the following Nodce of Proposed Instuance.I also know ihat I have Inswance wveiage only tf I hnve bcen charged for it. <br /> �s;,s.;,��-� NOTiCE AF PROPOS�D tNSURANCE <br />�� I tnke noi[ce that either C�edit Life or Credt[Accident und Healllh Insurance,or both,will be appllcable m this Insmllmec►t Sslea Connact onty if i havechosen <br /> — <br />