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<br /> - ' ----°-°° Spa+aoabavethiaUnoforroacrd
<br /> �� . ` ����1 11r10RTGAC�E—Collater�l �
<br /> :- ._ � Fe�tst�l Bar�tc Re�l Estate IVlortgag�
<br /> .. � In' intctest R9te •
<br /> tnan Amount Mawrkl►Oata 10.000 --
<br /> t,iatun ot indebtednuua 33e637.00 �3�25�46
<br /> �0113UfMt���O�ifl -
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<br /> ' `" herehY fl�Commcsralai�od�s18ank o Federai Sevinga Bank('Commereiat FedereP).wAosa eddress ia atficr with att impraverteenm rtavwor - -
<br />, ;�� Q� �j 68101 a mort9epo.wHh P��o!aala.ot the failawing PmPeKY�A __
<br />_?-.*-?�"c' hereaftot a[octad on tho P�Y•end a 1 oasenenta.dBf�tsand aPP�anees thoreto: —
<br /> �� (1) ���� ���i � �
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<br /> -�:,iJ;�",�. H nwre tRt+n ono AQ�aigna thia Mort£a8a thevwnJ'I'means'VYe.' `
<br />'�;%,�`�'��� This Mar�age sonules a loan mado by Comme'reial Federal evider+ced � �Z�Y_AA .with tnterestat tM initlat rate ot�%
<br /> :_'r' Anotedsto�thasemedateaatl►1sMortga�a'"�+earre�nteoQS�R
<br />-�n��"="',;,� per annum conminn 1ho temu for repaymert oi tfiattosn.if thatoou b ever changed or repiaced M►a�ew�ote.it w[U 6a secured hll thia oripakia
<br /> �=«�.�. .
<br /> �•r�a i promtae tho toitavhn8 fiinpx
<br /> ,_,;.ti,�,� 1. AII paymenvsa�enY note or other de0t securedl W thie MortBaBe wiil be Paid when dua
<br />. ?'�"��� 2, qn Inauranao poliayfor Sro nnd e�n d°d cov�°9e M"li b°k e P�in forae on tl+e propertY in an amount at toest eQuu1 to tl►e debta sa�ured by thts
<br /> es I'itted(n parapraPh 8 be t aw Tha inaurance comPanY must be aat!afaatoryro Commerciat Fedxd.and
<br /> ��;���g;�r�g MartgoQoR��e^Yotherrtw�teee
<br />__- -_}�� �n�e�Fa�Fqdant vinll bs a namad inau�ed o+�the pdicy. -
<br /> -L.-'-- g. Aii wxea and assesunenta on the prape�tYwip be f�td beiosa they beeonxi delinquent
<br /> -4—°`� 4. No vraste will b���°��a property,nnd it vvili ba kept in good repair.
<br /> - - - B. Tha Propqrty,wifl not be sold(tnctudNp by Iend ea►trsct).teasal.e^d no intweat in it will be assipned t��-�L ��
<br /> - - 8. 1 own ffio pnoPeitYfroe snd eisar ot enY othx mortsa9e�or eneumbranees DLCEPT
<br /> _- - 7. No.othm n;atllnoe ot tten on the pmperiYwi�l eve►meatiowad to be In default or ba toreclosed. . .
<br /> '�?:,••_.�•��� If 8n1J mF thoun Promicea are not kepL 1�en Cannum�i Federal can deainru ail oT the debt immediateIYdua and PaY8bbwithout advance mflae. ___.
<br /> � Exeeptio'nar�aY�w ro4uirod by I0w The intaeat rate will Inareaae to 18.009b or any tesser a1 die mmdmun^�ate altowab�bY iawat thet dme,und thia
<br /> - mortp�po�eah!io ioraclaed in aeeadancexithapplicable taw.H the debt ia aa�terated,then t etso e�a}gn any�ent aother irteome irom ths m�Y m
<br /> -- - Camnbeatat Fodoral.THE PAHTIFS AGflEE iHAT THIS CONSifftJTES A COlLA7ERAL RFAL ESiA�'�M�O pin����a h�n d�s Moripape�e
<br /> —= =FOR SO.OAKOTA BfzSlDENTS ONllf). ti�Provided bY rtawte�or�d+e rules of p�ractkx rct��thamw.and mia psrapreph ehafi bo deerned a+•uU+°'+anp°�
<br />�.�,� taecloaed b!I ratFnn.or by edvertissme^
<br /> --_ 'n a powat o!+�Ie as men8onad in said natute or ndea and any nmendrner►t thereto and maY retain atntutaY costs and ottome'SI tees(SD YVY,MN.
<br /> _- = p�Ml�rscidonb oniy�. thia MortgaBa lneludi�pu►Y.t�a I�e��m*�9 the
<br /> - �_� Cettaln nmautttt csn be pa[d bY Commereiel Federo�aitd eddad to tfie deDt secured bN at a� l at aatior+6rou0n .
<br /> _ -- psy put tail to Anybtt�omsY�aes or a°��4'�nses Commardd Fede�l paya if it is made e pariV Y e9
<br /> p sy teas a eourt expenses whieht?�biew mi6ht alla�v H Commoreiel Federat has w Qo to covt agtlnat me to colU�ot the debt cx
<br /> -_�� for��ase th n�rtwRg�Qan.if anV of those things haDPo�.�hen the addidonal debt wili acc►ue inmrast at the eame rate es st►e�est of the debt and must be peid
<br /> �'�.�«.� ImmedteteSll• tor publia uso.eny P�s oi thetalcin0
<br />"`�l'''_�'•" Ef t3�in p�oPflrty is erar eande+nnod under tho Fo�of omineM domain ar any oimilar n+ethod oT takirtg proAe*q
<br /> ::�-�� will be�,'�BId to Cor�mtetcia�Fedntal up W the fu:l nnauM of tho de6t avcara9. d'naibuUvo ahnro end dwuer.
<br /> -�� gprrew9r'waivaa•aiV rFght of homeatoad enmmPtw^irs the Prnpa�Y and/uhir8 waives alt rigfits ot redemption.eocemp4a4 to 4afw Sta
<br /> e mm p of atl�ea o4ara tha HI
<br /> :��;;', 04 s8�has bMn rat�d in thla � r
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<br />_ � ° COUNiY OF HI�+ S � ,ts 99 ,6orom eto.a notnrY pi+b�a.n ana tor eatd eounty.pe�s�N e.n►a
<br /> On thlo 26 dsy of � to ms knawn to be the idontEcat person ar per:ons v�!taso
<br /> ' � �+ � � �they hohhe/thel►aewretty ncknowled9ed the eatd tnauumont and tAe executfon theroof w bs theU
<br /> � nanw Is ar ars atfuced to tho�bove ma'cSaQe•
<br /> � Yotuntary ent ond deed.
<br /> -. yy1TNE85 my hand and no
<br /> Mycommfasionm�pirex � 1�� Notnry itosSfBnawre DiW1077 (07/97)
<br /> NE-IN-WY•IL-SD-Mi
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