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2 The utility company and the oontraciortsl are responsible to nave at 4351 ore person on the l0 at all bines. that +s <br />'site supervisor' Certified <br />3 The contractor shall adhere to the current permit and contract specifcations <br />4. The locations of at penal and underground utility faotetes may rot be indicated on the prefect plans The contractor <br />is required to contact the Nebraska and Colorado 8 t 1 one call notecaton center .0.a1 8. 1 / fory-..ght 1481 hours <br />tine' 10 working te the City NM Oe way. NO e,cavabon wet be permitted .n the area of the underground taro -es until <br />all faphtes have been located and elentrhed to the satisfaction of all parties The ccintractor sisal be responsible for <br />orotecbon of M underground and sena ublibes and infrastructure <br />5 Whenever underground facility's are in close pro*ninety to the proposed pathway location or whenever the vesical <br />location of the underground fadrey is unknow,. the contractor shall use special measures to determine the hocaarhs <br />Of Such underground fadrbes <br />a 11 the contractor is conducting the excavator by digging horn the surface when n a close proximity tc the <br />underground raalroes the contractor shall use hand &gong hydro excavating or 30 excavating to locate such <br />facility <br />b if the contractor is conducting the et cavaton by tunneling or toning the contractor shall determine the venni <br />location of the underground facility by potholing cit any other method approved by the director of public woks and <br />05'rthes <br />5 proj.el pans Sha. d.menson new facilities being installed <br />Jnless agreed to .n wrbng n advance the depth of installed terrines in city and county now shall be at a minimum <br />as follows <br />a corky -eight .481 inches in 5041 <br />b corty-eight 1481 inches below a projected slope from the Row line of a ditch ata three 131 hortzonta and one t11 <br />venom slope <br />c c.orty-eight 148) inches under a roadway measured from the surface of said roadway to the top of the installation <br />d. So -1y 1601 inches under a storm water or creek channel design bottom or pipe, and <br />e Manion a minimum of Twenty -lour 1241 .5ches Of vem4al and ticrapntal spacing from ening 504,4.,. <br />f Be located as far front the existing or proposed curb brie as possible to avoid potential figure Conflicts <br />8. AN ton -street surface matrtars that are disturbed by excava9on and backf#tng operations shat be replaced and <br />restored <br />0 City and county street surface matenals disturbed shat''. be ba khked. tamped and repaved by city or oo.Hy forces <br />or approved paving contractor <br />x 0 t sidew.Nk. wheel char ramps or any porton of the pedestnan facilites are reproved or closed a pedestnan detour <br />shall be established and mantaited during the tine of the Closure and the entire pedestrian facility shall be restored <br />wlehin seventy-two (72) hours. Inness One contractor provides a hard surface alternate route approved by the city or <br />county <br />'1 Ae pedestrian detours and any reconsbu4ton of pedestrian facilites shat meet clrrenl Americans with Disability <br />Act IADAI standards and speasr.bons <br />'2 AN pedestnan detours shall be pat of an approved Traffic Carted Plan ITCp1 <br />• 3 AN holes made in the streets for the purpose of performing vacuum excavations to locate underground utilities shall <br />be. restored to their ona,na Cordegn wth the reinstated core flush w'lt and in the ongnner onenta3on as the existing <br />50rlaoe mato-wig existing 43045514,41t surface appearance <br />• a Win the contractor n nil actively worting. as equ,pn tint. *ming. debris, etc Shall not be paced teethe the <br />nangula area requwed for sight &stance of vehicles erring or ...Senna an adjacent property or intersection <br />All excavations shall be adequately fenced and covered when contractor .s not present or protect see let <br />unattended <br />ADA <br />18 The oontractor shah mamtan a set of *as buck" plans on see wen dtmensanmq These plans shall be presented <br />upon newest <br />19 Final 'as-buK pans snarl be Rita *WI city .sd/or county within 30 days of the concretion W the protect <br />20. The contractor shalt follow construction standards pertaining to the lateral cdxdor facility paoemery and minimum <br />depth requirements and clearance regtnrements of other fenktes <br />21 A current State. County. or City pem•t shall be maintained on each work see by the contractor The contractor <br />shall present such permit upon request. <br />22 Any Red adjustments to entababon of facA,bes. teeter, vary from the pans that have been submmed and approved <br />during the permit apphcabon process. shag oo.npty with the fodoaiing <br />a The contractor must stop wok immediately and contact the facility Owner of the proposed changes <br />b The facility owner's representative shall contact the city. county or state nght4-way construction inspector and <br />provide Omen with the details <br />c The ROW Inspector will make a determination on haw to proceed This deter inion may range from approval <br />over the phone or ea email to delaying the prayed until pians can be updated and appropnale 0401.0 can be <br />convected <br />23 Stake mounted waning signs and marker posts (84053) to be placed where appropnate <br />24 At oondtk1 and fiber is to be installed at the back of the roadway ROW unless otherwise noted <br />25 Leave 120' loops 1i50' tails at splice points) for maniere fiber in vaults <br />STAKING SHEET - UNDERGROUND Company: OPTK Networks <br />Exchange: Kearney <br />DETAILS <br />Composite Splice Vault Unit HBFO(96)J <br />_n=ap ;.3h?• ^tat! 0161 <br />3048 Polymer Concrete Serres Tier 15 8 22 <br />Lsted Product <br />COVER VIEW <br />8Zt7202Z0Z <br />
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