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STAKING SHEET - UNDERGROUND <br />Company: OPTK Networks Exchange: Beatrice <br />CONSTRUCTION PROJECT NOTES <br />The State County, City oersonne' shall be notifed a minemun of forty eight {48I hours on advance of mr etal protect <br />=instruction <br />.,. The ubsity',on*pany and the eontractorlsl are responsible to have at least ore person on the po at all bines. that .5 <br />'S4e SUOervisog certified <br />3 The contractor shall adhere to the current permit and contract specifications <br />4 The locations of ah aenai and underground utirty facilities may not be indicated on the protea puns The contractor <br />is required to contact the Nebraska and Colorado 811 one call notification center {deal 81 t 1 forty-eight 1481 hours <br />prior to working in the city right of way 040 e,Cavateon well be permitted in the area of the Undergroor%l uteitllS unto{ <br />all facilites have been located and identified to the satisfaction of all partes The contractor shah be responsible for <br />protection of all underground and aerial utilities and infrastructure. <br />5. Whenever underground fa0Mies are ,n close proximity to the proposed pathway location or whenever the vertical <br />location 04 the underground facility is unknown, the contractor shall use special measures to determine the locations <br />of such underground facnbes <br />a M the oontractor is conducting the excavation by digging from the surface when en a dour proximmy to the <br />underground facilities. the oonfractor shall use hard digging. hydro excavating. or air excavating to locate Such <br />faokty <br />b C the =reactor is conducting the excavation by tethering or boring, the overact* shall determine the vertical <br />location M the underground facility by potholing or any other method approved by the director of public works and <br />utilities <br />8. project dans shall dimension new facilites being nstalled <br />7 UMess agreed to in writing in advance the depth of installed facilities in city and county row shall be at a minimum <br />as kaaows. <br />a. rorty-eght 1481 inches n sol+ <br />b Oorty-eight 1487 inches below a protected slope from the now lune of a ditch at a three 131 horizontal and one { 11 <br />v4Yh034 sib4 <br />c rorty -eight 1481 inches under a roadway measured from the surface of said roadway to the top of the installation <br />cl Sixty 1901 inches under a storm water or creek charmer design bottom or pipe, and <br />• Maintain a minimum of twenty-four (241 inches of vertral and hormone! spacing from exiling 17674,., <br />f Be located es fah from the existing or proposed curb line as possible t0 avoid p0tenteal future conneets <br />8 AN non -street surface materials that are disturbed by excavation and backfdtxny operations shall be replaced and <br />5estdred <br />9 City and county street surface m,atenals disturbed shall be backfilled. tamped and repaved by city or county forces <br />or approved paving contractor <br />10 tf sedewa1r, wheel Chair ramps or any porton M the pedestrian favorites are removed or Coed a pedestrian detour <br />shalt be established and maintained du0ng the tine of the closure and the entire pedestran faarty shall be restored <br />within seventy-two 4721 hours, unless the contractor provides a hard surface alternate mouse approved by the city ar <br />county <br />' t AN pedestnarl detours and any reconstruction of pedestrian facilites shall meet current Ameneans with Disability <br />Act {ADA) standards and specifications <br />'2 AN pedestrian oet0urs shall be part of an approved Traffic Control Plan (TCR/ <br />3 AN holes made n the streets for the purpose of performing vacuum exe:avabons to locate underground ubktes shat <br />be restored to their original condition vett, the reinstated core flush wsth and m the onglna1 onentabon as the existing <br />surface matching existing pavement surface appearance <br />14 When the =retractor is not actively working. WI equipment. fencing. debris. etc. Shalt not be placed within the <br />triangular area required kir sight distance of vettictes exiting or entering an adjacent property or intersection. <br />AN ereavabons shall be adequately fenced and covered when contractor Is not present or protect site left <br />unattefed. <br />1e No lane closures allowed on enema! streets durog AM and PM peak hours. <br />17 All work zone traffhe oontrol including pedeslnan 00m80, measures, shall be n complia+ a with the MUTCD and <br />ADA <br />18 The Contractor shall maintain a set. of "as twi1t' plans on site weth derensronrng These plans seer be presented <br />upon rerwest. <br />14.I Final "as -Ludt plans shall be filed with city and or county within 30 days of the completion of the project. <br />20 The contractor shaft follow construction standards pertaining to the lateral corridor facility placement and minimum <br />depth nequerements and clearance requirements of other rac,kbes. <br />21 A current State. Courtly.. or City permit shall be maintained on each work site by the contractor The oor rae4or <br />shah present such permit upon request. <br />22. Any deed adjustments to ensue/girth of fac4ibes. which vary from the pians that have been subfntfed and approved <br />during the pelmet application process. shall comply with the fotbanng. <br />a The contractor must stop work immediately and mrttxt the facility owner of the proposed Changes <br />b The facility ponens woresentabve Shah contact the city. county or state nghtof-way construction inspector and <br />proved. Chem with the details. <br />c. The ROW inspector will make a determination on how to proceed This determination may range from approval <br />over the phone or via era: to delaying the protect until plans can be updated and appropriate review can be <br />conducted <br />21 Stake mounted warning signs and marker posts (888537 to be placed where a10)000ate <br />24. Ali conduit and liber is to be Instated at the back of the roadway ROW unless otherwise noted. <br />25 Leave 120' loops (CO' tails at splroe parts( for mainline Aber n vaults <br />9ZtiOHOZ <br />
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