<br /> `1 .,'"�`� i
<br /> , _ ..��r - '
<br /> • ... • „ . . . . �.�M,.,.,�,+,.�
<br /> �.... -
<br /> .. o „ �
<br /> .. ..af41lR�'1�M�!^:.r,. �, � . ., . . -•• ' - n �"-"t`M�IIMy � .
<br /> cov�uae�ra ��• :`o��� ::°
<br /> _ ,.-�--- e...._..... _...� ._..._. a...� .,.�...,� �.,,. ��=
<br /> �, p�y�n�. Borrower agreea to m8ke aG paVmonta on tho securao dooi c�itic���•�..R� �•-••� �� --�~ �-- -°•-•-••-- _ _
<br /> exclustve�Of IMdrai{t oi pilncfrlpel second to intfetoa�nrtd thon to R m�Po'�•�D�'41 P►a'P9V mraitnot tR0 ao�to8 dabt oC uro f r any Toossonditd�b�
<br /> not toduco ar oxcsiao any achadutod paymeM unUl tho socarod dabt Ie petd in fuli. �,;_;°;,.
<br /> g.p=!m3 p�elnst Titt�.89rrower wt11 pay all wuoa,assoaamonts,end othar ehorgas emlDutabto to Mo proR�nY w��duo und wiil dofond titlo
<br /> to th0 propn�y e �Inat any claims tilsteh+:tat�ld!m�"it the llen o!thia deod ot Wat.Lendar may requUo Bottowor to auoign tsny Hflhto,etnlmn or �_`�.
<br /> r. dg}e�gQS whlch�rcower mey heve afleinst partEea who supply labor or mstariele to imptove or mefnlein tftb prapertY.
<br /> 8,tnturanc�.Bonower wtii keap Ufe WopertY Iruzurc5 und:r tcrms acccptr.hto to Lendor a4 8orrower'o oxpartao and.tot Landor'o bonafit.AII
<br /> Insurance poiictea shetllnc►uda e ttsadard mortp�pe oleuaa tn fevor ot Lender.Lender wiil ba nim°d na tosa payee or eo tho i�aured on any euoh ;,,,:
<br /> or to tha 8o�eu�red dM�1f i-ender re4u�treabmortg go inauranc�o BEorio�ei�agreos�mulntain sueh In uienco tor as tong�oa Londorn(oqulreo�p��
<br /> r�r°"
<br /> 4,pro�riy,8orcawar wtll keep tha propsrty In 9ood condhton end make ati�epaira roeaonabfy neeosoory•
<br /> •�"""'� 6.Fspsteut.Bonower agreao 4o pey ell Lendor's o nsas inciuding roaaonabla attomeya'Tooa,H Borrower braako any covonnMS�n thia daod ,r
<br /> , of trust ot in any o6ligetian eecured by this daod of�st.�onower wtli pey theso amounts to tAnder eo provldnd in Covonant 9 of thls daed of N
<br /> trust r:'--
<br /> � g,pda g�eu�(�y 4mnse�.Untass 8ottowor Rrst obtaina Lendor's writton aonsent,Borrowa�wi0 eot make ar parmk eny changea to any prtor t�rt='
<br /> i ;� securhY IMansts 8otrower will parform aii o!Bortowe�'s obti8attono under any p►tor mo�tgs80.deod of Vust or othor efnw�ity agreemern. !!,
<br /> inciudin8 Borrower'e covonents to meke peyrt�ants when duo. ;�,
<br /> ?�asst�p}gqm�nd p�ofit�.Borrowot assfgna w Lender the rente and profits of tha property.Untaos 8ottowor and Lortder heve egread -----
<br /> otherw sa�n w►itfng,Bortower may coiloat and�etein the rents as tone ea Bonower is no3(�deteuk.It Bottower dotaulta,Lender.Lendefs ___
<br /> • �. aQent or a coupt appo[r►ted raceivec mey take possession and manoge the propsriY and cc+l•cct d�e►ents. Any reMU Lertdat colleato sheil be :,r-
<br /> appliad NrBt to the costs of inenaginp the proparty.includirtg court eosts and attomcsys' Qess. commiseions to rer►tal a urna, and any ottv�r
<br /> � neeeseary releted expenae8•The romaTntng amouM of reMa wil►then appty to paymeMS on tha sacurtd debt ae provfdod�n�vunaM t.
<br /> . y; 8.����i�����:p��U�DwNopme�ts.BoROwer a8reea to com ty with the Provlsiaru ot omr Io�o{f thle deed of trust is on .
<br /> � � a teasehotd.If this deed of trust�a on a unit in a eondominium or a p]anned unk Sovaloprnent, 8ortowar wili perform alt of Borrowe►'s duttes
<br /> under the eovenartts,bydewe,or reguletfona of the condomin[um or plenned unR devetopmsnt.
<br /> g�A�ty a}�,�K m p�Pann for BoROwer. tt Bot�owor fuils to pertorm nny of BorcowcPu dutEes under tfils dood mf trust tsnder may __.
<br /> ' perform ths dutiea or eause them to be Pertormed•Lender may stgn Bortower'e namo orpa y any amour►t M naceanery for parformanee.if any
<br /> � � � �, conatruatlon on theproparty is dlaeomtnund Qr not oarrfed on[n s reasonabls martner,
<br /> Lender msy do vrhstever is neeeasary to proteat Lertder's
<br /> sscuritY interest tn t1►e ProPeriN.'fhla may i�+dlCdo completing the consuuatlon. _
<br />. � ��.':. �;�r
<br /> lender'o faUure to perTOtm wip not Preciude Lendar irom exercisEng eny of Ite other ttght8 undet the law or this deed of truut.
<br />, ' . , Any omourrts paid by Lender top�oteot Le�der's eeeurfty intarest wiil bo aeeurod by thb dood ot uust.Such amou�wiq ke due on demarM --
<br /> and wiU beat IMereat irom the date of the payment uMtl patd in tuli at tho IMerest rate[n effoct on U�e securad debt. _
<br />� ,,� . � 10.Datwit aad AaeteraUon• �f Bon°wet fails to make any paymeM when Quo or btea&a nny covenarns under thln deod of truat or any _
<br />; !"'� obiigation seeufed bY th18 doed of 4rust or any ptlor mortgaBe ar deed of wst, Le�er may nccelerete the mawrky of thn seaued dabt and
<br /> �`�,:� demar�d immadiata psyment and may invoke the power of sele nnd any othar romedtes pumittad bV apptEoabte taw.
<br />�'Y�:�;~•-�>,:�; 17.RsQu�st for Node�of D�taitt.It ia heroby roqueated thet coptes ot the omicea oi d o:au�:s:O i S o�S�o o��S L L II C S C�S�����!JtSC�I4 p�T�
<br /> �;��,'•.: " Aereto.at 4he ad&ess of eacA nunh peraon,as set torth herein.
<br />_�:un�..,����
<br /> � � 12.Powu a!Sds.if the Leralar invokes tho power at sate,the Trustee sheU flret recoM in the oNtee of the regiater ot doeds of ea eounty
<br />�?i:Y�-�
<br />-:,;,,f�,,.�,; w h ere f n t h o t r u s t P ro P e T►Y o r s o me p a rt or p a rcel thereof is situeted a no8ce of default w�rteintrtg�IM B O��o n�r equ�¢d n o p roscribed b y
<br />��,,;�:•�r',.,;.;_ sh�ti alao mnii eoDl�����of detauit to the Bottower,to each peraon w h o i s a p a r l y 4
<br /> ,x�:;��;:�,�.,? eppitcable law. Na't less than ona moMh altmr the Truatee reeorda the noUce of defeutst or two mornl+s M the truot pr08erty is not in eny
<br />�i.�',�;S Kitu':'��'�f tncorpote t e d city o r�l l l a g e a n d l a u s a A tn fsr mi�op erattons cartted on by tha truetor.the mstee ahaU giva publio�otice ot.aate to the paTOOns _
<br /> ���:�F;3.� end tn tne martrer prescrf6ed bv�ePDPiiceble taw.Tnistee,without demand on Borrowerr,c ys h e l l�eo��P���N�aWrequi�bY eppl l�caDla el o w
<br />_�-����' bldder.if requtred by the Ferm Homestead Proteatlon Aat,Truatee ubtEo en�noun�eemM at�e Ums artd ptace of any proviouaty scheduled ea1e.
<br />= <.: Truetee may Rostpoc�e sale of eli vr any percel of the property by p
<br />- ,-w����. . LenQer ar i t a de�ignee m a y p u r c h a s e t h e p ro p e►H at en y eate. � ��=.
<br />."�.:� Upon reeetat of pavmer►t of the price bld,Uuatee shalt deUver to the pureAnser Ttuatee'a doed corneytnp the property.Tho recitiala conteined tn --
<br />�4 "�.� Truatee'o daed ehall be prime tacEe evidtemx ot the truth cf the��m'�mn0�^o�°eB�Q��O TNa�tee s�feap�eaeonablo Qedtetome�sea�n�
<br /> following arder: (8) t0 811 BX�BM1308 O} �8 �18. includi�.
<br />=��+i�zo� tefnatatement tees,(b)to eU Buma secured bY this dead of tntst,and(e)the baia�ce•if a�ti•to�s 0���legaily oMhfed to receNa k.
<br /> _�.,�.,�� �g,�un.At Lenders optton,this deed of trust may be toreclosed En the manner provide by appllaabte taw for foroclosure of mortgeaes
<br />�,�,FZ�,�'� on roal propertY•
<br /> _ __,,.,^��,.- �4,��etlon.Lende�r mey enter the property to�nsPeat n i��e�e�9��Q°rrower notieo botarehand.The nottoe mu38 atete the reasonable —
<br />--�.,,::�:� oause far Ler►dm's Inapeadon.
<br /> Y� ----- �g,�an.8ottower aeatg�ns to Lo�dsr 4t�e proeeeda of any eward or da[m tor daenages eonneeted with e eo�etnnation or otA�r eaD�tnB
<br />,�� o�r�8�y��m�he properiy. Sucb proceeds wYll be eADitad as provided(n Covanant 1.This aasfpnmerrt ia subjeat to tlre terms ot et�t Prlor _
<br />,_,_�,-:�;��
<br /> �'�'�"`�� t8.WaEwt.Bll axerc[sUg eny rema available to Lender,Lender does�ot give up ar�+Nghte m Iater use amI othor resr.ody.BY rrot exercrcieing �;.`=:
<br /> - -- amr remedy upon Borrower's Eetautt��der does not waive erry right to tater consider fhe eveM a dotauk if k happena aaain.
<br /> v��'--�_ 17.Jdrt�I Savpd Uabiitp% Cwi�err, Sueeossas md AssE�s Bamd. AII dutiea under this deed of vuat ero jotrrc at►d several. Any
<br /> Borrower who casiyns lhia desd of truat but dces not co-slg�the u^deriyi^�debt inswmeMls) does so onty to praM and comrey that
<br />=.�'R'�"x� Boyrtawer'a[ncareat tn the propertl►to the Tn�stea under tha te�rma�of this desn o trust Inn geded'rtion,saah a Bottower agrvns that the Lendet and
<br /> -- __=swi�ik�� debt wreltltou�t d�iawt�Bourtox�t's Co�rt�BEOt an�d withOaLyt eretea�s(ng tho2Bomowar trom th�e tem o�this d ee d of�i�t thie dnad ot uust or tha sacured
<br /> t���
<br /> .,,�, � The dudea and benofite ot this deed of uust aha��bind and berrereflt the suceeasore aad easiBns of Lender an rtov�er.
<br /> j�i1 18.Not)e�.t�mloas uiherwiso required by Iaw,a�nottoe to Borrower shaA be given by dotivodng ft or Ey meilin8 k by cerdflsd mait eddressed to _
<br />�'"at'c,��'„�"�`' Sorrower at 4P�o Dro rtlf addtess or anY other� dresa that Borcower ha�given to lend�sr.Borrower w1J sive amr nottae to tsndor by certiRed
<br />-:._(,, . :�.... : maD to lond�r'o ad�ress on page 1 ot this da of Vust,er to am►other addrosa whieh l.�endar has designated.My othar nottco to LenQer ehnli
<br />_ ,�: ,",�•... po saM to Lerder's addrass ns ateted on paee 1 of thSs deed of trust. _.
<br /> �,;y%:.::;.•� ' qny notEoe shait bo deomed to haw bosn gtven to Bonower or Lender when 8iven in tho manner stated a6ove. _
<br />��`"..__,-,:.�,: �;.
<br /> �,._ 1 9.T r�u f�r m f t h�P r o p�r t l►a���rt��BORO�•ff oU or any Ds�rt of the propo r t y or any tnt¢rcat In tt ia co�d cr trnnsfamsd �
<br /> r
<br /> =,�:;:;;.:.: • withput Ler�r's prtor w r i t t on eor�e M,L s a d w m a y d o m a n d i m m s d i rt e P a U m e M m f t h n e e a u a d d e b t. L e r u i e r ma V•atao demand fmmodiato
<br />���.~_ - demand ymeM�t�hwe ab�ovs sitsita�atlo�ana M it�proldb�lt d b f�ede�rat law a�s at thn�Qa�2e«roi t�Ais doeEd�,of�wstrtansfcrted. Hbwever.Lsc�der moy not
<br />� ......_......
<br />_;�{ • - y0.Rsconv�.Vyhen the obiigation secured by this deod of trust hes bsen paEd and Lender has no turthor obi{pation to mako advances _
<br />�`. _: �. under the instrumerne er agreemeirta secured bY tfits deed of trust.the Trustee ehal�uP�M°�uuset dae�d a�i�dbth onom o�ofhe�r�evEden�of tl�ie -
<br />=-'���+�i� - unarsW.The Lendar shall deuvar to the Borrower.or to Barrower's suxessor in irteres4, -
<br />�;:::;�,::- :� y.� obligadon oo sMtaflea.eormvrer aoan var e,ri:�•�••:a•:••••-'�=~
<br /> . � "-:�F 21. Succ�ssar Tncsw.Lender. at lender'e e�on. may �umove Trustee end_op�oint a succeasar trusteo by fcmt, matting e copy of tM
<br />- : substkution of trustee ea requMed by epplicabte aw,aral then,bY ttiing tho subsntutian ot trustoe tor reeord in tho o4Nae of the regEatar ot deeda
<br />°- � ' of each eoumy in whtch tho Vust PropeM.or some Dart ry�o'nam d I��n tdh�e doed of trsust ar�id of nrn u�c o�or vuatee.��8��•ahatt
<br />'� o s u c c e e d t o a i t t h e p o w e r.d W e s,a u t h o r i t y nnd title of th , ;
<br /> .".�
<br /> . Ipagi.R ol�l
<br /> • M[�KEH88YBTE119.IAIC..BT.CtOtJD.11rtI6810111-Q00.987•13tUf0AMOCP�UAT4�N80f18A1
<br />