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<br /> �JOMN 19 AZ+S�Ft$ LAVdNN� K ��� 102517 03/a6/1J99 v.:_
<br /> - - . ... .. ._ .. - ---- �.... •.�...a.... r o..d.��a crcr.terntIna of t�e snms seCUied bv t1�8 DEed og C '
<br />-- • am.n��c�cr•r�cs��4� ��•n�... ..�.�:�•o ---_ _ _..- s be b I.CIIdCP t0 61tfOIC6 tII�S � _-
<br /> Tnr�s.dae to Bsfrtower s bnach.Bor[ower shall have the dIIht to have enY Pmce�in8 @� Y
<br /> De�l of Tre�st discon�aueA as any dme prtor to the earUer w oaur of(i) the Rfth day before the sale of the Property �,�..
<br /> ptusuan t t o�h e g o w c r o f s a l e c o n t�l i r n t W s I 7 e e d a f T,m s t or(ii)e n t ry of a jud g m ent enforcing titis Deed of Tzusc if:(a) �
<br /> Bormwer pays Le�iQr all au�u+hi�b �'°�d� �A due onder this Deed of Tnut aad the Note tm d no r�cce lem don � _
<br /> -. aeeu:c�d; N)Botcowcr cuies all breachea of auy uther coveaants or agre�u�nsa of Bon�nwu oont�ined la twia De�d of �_
<br /> . i nat�t: (c) HoreoweY p�ays ell e;�sonable expeasPs in�ured by Lender and Trustee in enfarciq� the cavenams �ud E'-',:
<br /> U[8
<br /> :,� � agroemeats of Borrodver contained in t h is D e e d o f T m s t a�i n e n f o r c i n g L e n d e r's a n d T:vstee's remediea es prnvlded in -
<br /> . � psragraph 17 hereof.iacludi�g. but aot limited to. �asonable auorneys' fces: nnd (d)Borcower�S��Acdon as r
<br /> +°"€� Lender may ceasonably rcquire to assur� thai the lien of this Deed of Tiust. Le�der's intecest in the PmP�Y � ":
<br /> -:�;�±r II n such paymeni end -
<br /> ;�---'� Soimu�er's obligadon to pay the sums sec�ued by this Deed of Tnist shall condaue unim�sired. Po (� -
<br /> - cure by Bosov��er. ttils Deed of TQUSt and the obligadons secured hereby shall remain in fuU force aud effect as if uo �
<br /> �——� acceleradon h�d aceneczd. �
<br />_ .. �. 19. �,me�t of Redsi APPa�ent af Reodveri I.ender In Pbsse�sion. As addidonal securitS+ hereunder. ..�;
<br /> �' Borrov�r�ere8y assi8ns to Lender the ceats of the Pmpecty. Provided th�t Bormwer s6a11. Prtor to acceletadon twder �
<br /> * ' par�gi�aph 17 hemof ar abandomnent of the PcopertY.have t�es ri9ht to collect sod retaia such cenrs�s t6ey become dtce and �
<br /> ,; . P�Y�Ie. a eat or by �
<br /> `:`:.��: '.,� Upon xoceleraiion under paragcaph 17 hereof or abarjdonmem of the Properti►. Lender.in Pecson► b9 B
<br /> unte�teceiver small be euiided to enter upon.take Po�ion of swd maam8e the Pcoperty and co callect the
<br /> .-_ � judldaUY appo lied 6rst W .
<br /> rents of tize�'�ertY iwcludin8 those p�st due. All eents wHcr�ted by Les�er or tt�rec�iver s3�all be apP C3
<br /> �-��ii:•�d PaYmeut of th�casts of manage�ent of the Pcoperty and coAecdon of rents.including.but aat limited w.ieceiver's fees.
<br /> � ptemiums on receiver's bonds and reasonable attorneys'fces.and then w the snms secured by this D�d of Tc�s�. L,ender
<br /> _����� and the reeeiver shall be liable to account only for those reius actuaily received. _
<br /> ?A. Rcconveysu�. Upon payment of aU sams s�►�2�d �Y � ��of T�. Lender shall request Trastee to
<br />-.=�?_,� �y�y,�e�,erty sud sbaU surceMer this Deed of Tcust and aU nates evidenc�q6 i�e�tedness s$cared by this Dezd of
<br /> :�:;;;� Tcust w'�niste�.Tiastee shall�ecanvey the Property wlthout vvarcantY and wlthout cl�arge to the ge�sson or persons legallY
<br /> •,•s��
<br />:��:�',�t endtied theteto.S�ch Pe�son or persons shall PaY all costs of recoNadon. �Y• int a successor
<br /> -- 21. Substt3ute'l'a+�tce-I��•at Lender's option,maY fcom time w time remnve Ttustee and aPPo
<br /> "-i t�sroe to v►Y T�a�e app°� hereunder by an iasaument recordal �a the cottnty in which thia Doed of Ttnst is
<br /> ,'��
<br /> - "�':� c�corded. 1iV�thout wmreyance of the Peoperty. the successor missee sbaU succeed to aU the dtle, Power aud duties
<br /> ��.->��� confe�u��Tcustee heretn and Dy Appiicabie law. °
<br />�,"'"„°""�'� Z2. Req�xst far Natloes. Bonowe� requests that copfes of the nodce of defaWt and notttce of sale be sent to
<br /> __ °— �r�r's�cldress which is the PcopertY�ddress• �� ��,ar rel�of any
<br /> ' �� ' Z3.Bas�trdoos Subeltnoes.Bomower shall twt cause or pem�it tLe presenoe,use+ .
<br />...:�� 'Ha�do�.s Subsmt�s on or in the Proper�►. Hoaower shall not do.nor allow anYom else to do.anYtl�oB a�IIB�e
<br /> _�--- parperty tbat is in vtoladoa of any 8mimnmendai Law. 1Le p�cedin8 two sentevices shalt aot a�ly to the Presence.use.
<br />_—_:_�:;�� oI s�ga on du Pm�ertY of s���es of Harrrdous Snbstanoes tbat are gener�llY reco�ized co b�ePPrap�3ate to
<br />.,��,`�-�u�;r� notmal[esid�catial uses auci Ym matmenance of the Pmpeccy
<br /> _,=�� Barrower sLall PromPUY Btve Lender wrItoen uodce of a�invesdgadon,claim,demand.lawsuit or�ather� or
<br /> -- �— any 8m+etnme°t� or cegW,awrY agen�Y or Private party imrolving the PropertY aad any Hazardo
<br /> Bmimnmental I.uw of whicli Bornower has actual kaowlcdge. Tf Bor[ower lear�.or is aotified bY�Y S�+e�ntal or .
<br /> -- �oIY y�D�ry• t�t a�qr cem°val or otlser nemediation of any Harardous Snbstanex aff�cdn8 � ��' � .
<br /> ---- - neoGSSUy BomovNer simU pmn�ttY u�all n�x.ssuy►remodisl acdons in accordance wIth Bmrimnmenml Law.
<br /> ---- -- � As used in tbis PatagiaPh 23. 'H�rdous Substanoes" an those snbstanoes defuiad as to�dc or hs�asrdous subs�aoes
<br /> Izw and the following s�bstanoes:gasoline.kemsene.other ttammable or waic petroleum�Yaducls.
<br /> i�y Bnvimna�enml ��os or formaldehyde.and radia�tive materials.
<br /> �tuxic pesdcldes and heibicides.voladle sblvpus.matedals wnminin8 .
<br /> - — -�= d�s ascd ia this pax�saDh�•'Bmriroarn�vt�l Law'meavs fed�cal lnws and laws of the jurtsdic¢u�n whene the Prnperty is.
<br /> - -- 4ocateA tl�at relate to�ealth.sa�etY or em+lzoimoemat prococdon.
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