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' � .... ... � , <br /> � , , , „ , . <br /> .,.yqrp .. , � �' �.. , a . ..:rt'_3k1•60y,• <br /> a ..�... ,..y,H.-.p�., , . ...,...p�Ryr <br /> , . , <br /> . . . . , . . <br /> . .-a_•��I�. .. .. .. _... .... - . " ....�.�..1�...��� <br /> •�.�. '^ a.__e ' • .. . . . . ..�.. <br /> � <br /> . r'-'+11'pe��"��a�aaa'i::�. ..__.. . ...._..____.. _'._._. . . ', <br /> . '_"�'.._.'........._"_.......�'_'"'_....n.a.. � .._ <br /> .. y"__..._. �S <br /> ,,,� 302S37 03/26/1999 R_ <br /> 'JOHYJ 8 S�L13BFt8 LAVONNt; K ALB8R8 b` <br /> � ' ' UMPORM COVBNAN7'S. Boreawer aR4 Len,�er covenmat t;nd agcee iss foUows: I, ` <br /> - 1. Fayme4►t of Peinctp�l arzd [r�4ceest. Bomower shull promptly pay when due che pducipal oad �terest - _ <br /> iadebiedQess evidenced by the Noie und late cdar8es as provided ie�the Note. �` <br /> Z.�ttds for'i'tutes anfl Ias�. Subject to appllcuble luw or n tivritten waiver by Lender. Harrowet shall pay tu ?. <br /> - -- i.�ndee oa i�a day�aaihlY F3Sr��of gruxig�!end'an�re��t ere g�Yeble�er the Noc�,uatil�he Note is pa[d in fuU.a •-' <br /> tauta(lt2teia°Fu$�s°�c9�^I�o o�-twClgth of tke yeSTly feRes tiud BSSessiuEriis(3IIC1ud1Ag wttdouliaium tutd pl8utied un3t <br /> ,, ' devela �ent assessmente,if any)whicU may aaetn priority over thls Deed of Tmst.und grouud rents on the Propeny. if � �.-_:: <br /> P <br /> � any.pins one-twelRh of yearly premium installruenta for harard insurau�e.Plus one-twelRh of yearly premium is�stallmeme u_.�_ <br /> � for mortgage insivance. if any,aU as z+easonAbly esdmated laidatly and fcom tiine to dme by Leader on the basis of � �_ - <br /> �....�--; nssessmewx and biUs aud reasonable estimazes thereof. Bomower shall aat be obligated to make suc�payments of Fauids _- <br /> :•�-�""` to I.ender w the eatent that Boamwer roa�ces such paymeats to the holder uf a prtor mortgage or dced of m�st if such holder �' <br /> :.� . . .. is aa insdtudo�al leader. .--- <br /> If Borcower pays Funds to 1�ender, the Funds si�all be held in an lnsdtudon the depostts or acoounts of whdch are <br /> �� insured or guatanteed by a Fedetal or sr�te aSe�Y(�1�8 Lender if Leader is such an insdtudon). Lender shaU agply — <br /> , the Fwids to pay said taxes.� Oremiums and ground rents.Leusler may mot ci�ar8e for�holding and�1 <br /> applylug the Fut�ls. enalY�B said account or verifyiag and compilin8 said essessments and bills, unless Lendet gay� _ <br />_ � `'' �orrower imerest on the Fwsds end applicable law permits Lender w make such a chai8e.Bomower aeid Lender may a8ree _ <br /> - ' � in wridng at the t�me of execudon of this Deed of Tcust that iaterest on the Funds shall be paid to Borrower. Borrower -- <br /> � such agreement is made or appllcabie law requlres such interest w be patd, Ixu�er sh�il not be required w paY -- <br /> n <br /> a�ty interest or eamings on th�Fuuds.1.ender sha11 Sive W Bosower.wlthout ah� annual accoundng of the Funds <br /> •- ',�' sho credits aud debits to the Fu�s and the purpose for which each debie to the Funds was made. '!he Funds are --_ <br /> - . Pledgecl as addidonal security for t�e suuaos secured by chis Deed of'Cn�st. le or ro <br /> � If the amoant of che Fwnds held isy L�der. to8ethec'w�th�e�II1O�y��°f Funds payab prt <br />:.� � the due dsttes of ta�ces. assessmenis.ia�urance Premiums and Smund rents. shsll exceed tice umnunt re9uired w PaY said <br /> � �.}; taxes, ass�sments. insurance Premiwns and ground rents as they faU due. such exce.cs sdall be. at Borrnwar's opdon, <br /> etther pmmptly cepaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on montlily ins�ms of Funds. If the umount of ti�e Fuuds <br />_''� held by Lender s6all uot be sut�cient to pay texes.assassments.tacur��ce P�miums and grouad re�s as they fall due, <br /> ;c� . '. Borrovrer shaU paY to 1[xnde�any amount necesstuY w make up the deflciency in one or mfl�+e payments es L+ender maY <br /> _-:�t_.•. � <br />��K��, . <br />-�°�•_�'� -" ��On payment in futl oi ati s�ms secund by ihis I3�d af T�t.Ix�er s..�p*�mntty refund to Borrower aay Funds <br /> �.; . - 17 hereof the Property is sold or the Propec¢y is otheiwlse acq�dred by Lender.Lenda <br /> ��•,.;,,k� held by I.e�er.If under paragcaFb or its acquidtion by Lender, any Funds held by <br /> '-� 'r ' r`�' S}J8Q apply. �tacer Wan immediatelY P�Ior w the sate of[he Propeny <br />-Yf '.• :�:�'.1 <br />..r4WK. ir i <br />='-�,�_,�',,,.�;,�;: Lender at ths time of agpli�on as a credit agatast the sum�secured by this Deed o �received by Lender uader the <br />�_:F°�.:-i=-..: 3.Ap�on of Payimeots. UNess a�Plicabte 1aw pmvides othenvlse.al1 PaYme <br />'�°'':'_�c-' Nmte sod pa�pLs 1 and 2 hereuf shall be applied by Le�er fust in payment of amounts payable to I.ender bl►Bomower <br />'`""`-��`�'�•� undei Pa�a�aph 2 hereof�then to imeresc PaYable on ti�e Note.and deen to the prl�3pa1 of the Note. <br /> �F�°•-.°'.,� rfoim aU of Borm�ver's abligadons <br /> ----�`-=d�!� 4. Pe�tor MortSsSics and Deeds of Trt�st: Ci�'Besi Ltens. Boirower shall pe <br /> ---�:� u�er eny mortga8e�dced of mtist or other sacuiit�► a8reement with a lien wl�ich has prtor�ty rner this Deed of Tnut, <br />"_���'a� includtng Borrower's covenants to make payanems when due.Eorrower si�all paY or cause to be paid all�nnents <br /> ��"`=r-.��'� and other chug�• �es and imposIdons asa�tbutable m the Property which may auain a p r iorlry over tl�is Deed of Tin�, _ <br />�..-F.�,�.�,,� and la�hold payments or Sraund�ts•if any. ����w��S�hen�fter erected on the Pcopei►Y <br />-__-=",�;� S. Haard I�urance. Borcower shsU keep the imP <br /> - iaSUiod a�tiact loss by�'ue. tuu�rds tucluded within the teim"e�ctended coveiage".and svch o�her barr�ds as I,ender�► <br />�-�-'•;:� �dre and ia sucii amwns and for s�periaLs as Lender may requiae. Ixnder: Pmvided. <br /> � 'fhe iasivaAOe canier pmv�din$the ia5urance stiall be chasen by Bc�rrower subject to apTuovallry <br /> �-==---- -- tbat such appmval shaU�t be unreasunably wit +hheld. All insurance Qolicies and nenearats thereof shall be in a fomi <br />__---- ---- uceptable to L�ader amd shaU inciude a staadatd mortgage clause in favor of aad in a fotm acxeptable to Leuder. Lender _ <br /> !�,���.��, aeed of u�st os other <br /> � -��� sfia11 have the cight to hold the policies and reaswals thereof,sub�ea to tiee term4 of any mortgaSe. <br /> �-"'.�j.� s e c u r i t y a g�e e m e n t with a tien which i�as prtorlty aver this Dced of Tmst. <br />��°'��•�:�• Ia the eve�of lass.Boicower small give p�onnpt�Sce to the iasu:anoe catrler aad Le n d e r. L,e n der may�a]c e p m of <br /> -=_-- of loss if�i made p�np8y by Hoaow�r. <br /> -=-=�-.�L'� If the PcopertY is abandoned bY Bormwer.or if Borrawer fails to respond to Lender within 30 days from the date <br />�. _�.,-�,� <br /> - _=- >�-.,•.� Qasice is mailod by Lender co Borrowec tbat die insura�e carrier ot�ers to settle a etaiai for insutanc�beneHts. Lender <br /> za�:��-_°�„°'� ant�orir,ed to rnlled aad apply tYie In�ainoe Pt+oceeds at Lender's optton either w resto�adon or repair of the PcoPertqoa <br />`"'�;��;�.:�'_ m the sums secwoed bY this Dood of Trust. <br />_�::1.z:•.�' of Prog�tyi I.easeholds� Con�niumsi ��� Unit De�veloP� <br /> w:� .:,,�_:�,r 6. Pmeservatiar� mnd MWm3caanoe or de�terloistton of the <br />_' �� ` �•r� Bo�rower sba111ceeP the PcmpertY in�oo��!�s6aU not w�nit waste or pecmit i� <br /> .-ti' r-''�i"�� ' piopscey�utd sh�wmply wtth the psovisioac of suy lease if this Deed of Tivst is on a leasehold.If this Beed of Tnut is <br />`'"�-'.��'-,r:,�:''.``" Bornnwer shall rm all of Bosrower's obligadons�der the <br /> ".-',,����;,.c- on a unit ica a co�loaQi�um or u planned unit development. P� <br /> . ,-,s`"''' or ov the condominium or planned uait develogment,the by-laws a�regWarions <br />-; . .. , dec]aration or covenanB cteadm8 8 �8 <br />�-� ; of the coadomiaium or ptaa�d u�t d�velopment.a�nd eonsntueni docume������ntainad in th�s <br /> �`�� .(.. -' �,� 7. P r o t e d ton o f I.R n d e�'s S e�r[t Y• I f B o r r a w e r f a i l s w p e r f o m n <br /> ,`-,iJ�- Deed af Tatist�os if aay eccion or pr000ediu8 is conn�nced wbich materiallY affeqs Lender's interese in the PropertY.t h e n <br /> —.._ _...L a..,.m.on.•nc Aistnust �tc]t st1II1S. 311Ch1�$ <br /> i- ---��k�``��:.�, Lender. at Lender's opHon, upon noace m Borcowcr. �i ,.,m., a,a... -n.-------. --- <br /> _ .�.",,� . • fees. and take such acdon as is nec�aiY to Pmtect I.ender's iarec�st. If Leader reqQired morc8age <br />- ' �'� � ' � reasonable auameys <br />- F� iusu�o�as a condidon of making the toan ses.w+ed bY this Deed of Tcust.Bormwer shall PaY the Pr�u��Q�to <br />- main�in such insurance ta effect tuuil such time as the mqutremeiu for such imuranoe te�minates in aa�ordance wlt6 <br />-'. ' " Boaower's aad I.ender's watttcn agreement or applicable law. <br />- Auy amounts disbursed by Lendec pursuant to chis p�Pb 7.wlth intecest t�e Note rate,stiall beoome <br /> = addidonaU imebtedness of Bomrnver secured by this D e e d of Tmst. UWess Bonnwer and LEnder aSrex tOthereof. 1�3othiQB <br /> � 1�Y�� suctt am�wats shaU be payable upon notIce from Le�er to Borrower requesdn8 p3Y� <br />_. ,. contetaed in t63s puagcaph 7 sLsill re4uire I.ender to incur aay expensc or take anY acdon hera►nder. <br /> -�� g. Hnspectton. LQnder may make or causc to be made reasonable entrtes upon and i�Cdons of the P�openy. <br /> - � provided that L�ender shatl give Bomower nobtce pnor to auy such iaspecdon specify�n8 re�onable cause therefor relaud to <br /> , . L,ender's iuterest in the Praperty. <br /> ;. <br /> -- �•. ��ctors <br /> ` Pteprnaxe?,�87�41/98 Origiaal(Reaorded) Copy(Ssaach) Copy(�Stossas') <br />